




Oscar bolted awake. He felt a lot of things. He felt wet. He felt cold. He felt tired. 

Isalda slapped at his cheek.

"I'm awake, I'm awake!" Oscar yelled. Again, Isalda slapped the back of his head.

"Hey. Who do you think you're yelling at."

"Sorry, ma'am."

"You should give your thanks to that Sarmaer kid."

"Sar... Sarmaer?"

The little boy that Oscar had spoken to when he was recovering.

"I was looking for you, and this kid was crying in the forest, talking about how his village was attacked. I managed to find you, in a very poor state."

"You couldn't dry me, or anything?"

"Shut up, Oscar. Be thankful."

"Right. It took us... a lot of work finding you!" Jisvo chimed in. He was indulged in some kind of newspaper. 

"But, why were you guys looking for me, anyways?"

"Are you stupid? The coronation is in like.. a day!"

. . .

. .


Oscar wasn't as cold. He wasn't as wet as before. But there were a few new emotions he was feeling. Tiredness, fear, and nervousness.

Currently, he is in front of thousands. The coronation was beginning!

. . .

. .


"You alright, Julian? You seem a little unfocused."

Faustus snapped his fingers in front of Julian's' face, getting him out of his daze. This worked.

"Sorry, sorry. I was just thinking about something."

"Come on, just complete this riddle book. You've already completed nine. One more and I can get a prize!"

"You... money-hungry fraud."

Julian sighed. But, it was nothing he couldn't handle. From the start, Julian was surprisingly intelligent. It was something not a lot of people noticed. That was only because he never showed his intelligence.

Faustus started scanning Julian, up and down. "You haven't been working for that long, but you look a little bigger, Julian."

"Really?" Julian grumbled, not paying attention to what he was saying. Faustus was right, though. The labor was starting to change his body. He was getting stronger.

The pair were sitting together in a diner, crowded with people. Faustus was in his old man appearance, to not get spotted by anyone. After all, he was starting to get famous.

"Julian, you've been working hard. How about a break?"

"A break? Is this gonna mess with our deal?" Julian asked, suspicious. He burrowed his brows.

"I'm not scamming you, this time. Kids like you are meant to be free. Plus, if you're working too much and someone catches you, I might get arrested. The policing organization is really... good these days."

Faustus got up, leaving Julian there to pay for the meal.

"Have a good day, boy!" he chuckled, walking off. Julian clicked his tongue.

. . .

. .



I feel as if work has been getting to my head. Every day, all I do is solve riddles, then work, and eat. This is repetitive and boring. How am I supposed to have fun?

"Yo, Julian!" a voice called out to me, from behind. A familiar one. She wrapped her arm around my shoulder, tightly.

That familiar scent of lavender and lies wrapped around my nose, infiltrating my senses. Jeez. The girl doesn't even use perfume like that, but she is very easily smelt.

"Marie? How'd you find me... so easily?" I asked.

"Well, it's been a while, and even though you have such a dull appearance, those red eyes of yours can be spotted from miles away. Did you... get taller?" I could see a little bit of surprise in her eyes. 

"You too? Faustus said that I got bigger. Nobody else, though. You two are the only people I know in this town."

"Only us two? That's no good, Julian. I'll let you meet my friends, alright?" 

"Marie... who's this guy?"

"Ah, Marie! We were looking for- who's this?"

"This is the Julian guy I was talking about!"

There were two people in front of us. One, a boy, one a girl. The girl was nothing short of a delinquent. Even in the fantasy world, people like that existed?

She was like Marie. Her hair was split black and blonde, and her makeup was soft. She had light blue eyes and held a lollipop in her mouth.

The boy, was on the skinnier side, with long hair, pitch black, like mine. His eyes were green, and he didn't appear too happy to see me.

"He doesn't look scrawny, though. I mean, he doesn't look really strong, but he doesn't look too weak, either. Right, Enzo?"

"I don't care, Juliana. Get this guy out of here, before I get angry."

"Come on, Enzo. He's not used to social interaction, so can't he just hang with us for now?" Marie pouted. 

"I-I guess he can... but he better not cause any problems."

What the hell was that? Is this how I appeared when I would be fawning over girls? Jeez. I need to mind my behavior.

"Why are you behaving like this for this... behemoth?" I asked, curious.

"Don't call her that!" Enzo lashed out.

"Enzo, stop it! You guys stop fighting over me!" Marie whined. 

Maybe working is better than this.


(Author's Note)

hey reader, it's me again. i'm back again! i apologize if these recent chapters are turning out bad. as you can probably tell, i'm trying to stretch it out to the hundred chapter mark while adding relevant info. but it's hard! 

but i'll try, anyways. 

Next chapter