
The Trials

"I'm a bit surprised, child. You've managed to hold in that dragon inside of you for so long."

He pointed to my stomach. He must've meant my Velian.

"You know about this?"

"Yeah. That's why you were searching for me, right?"

"That's... true."

"Well. I've contained the strength of the dragon inside of you. It'll only last for a few months, though."

"A... few months!?"


"Couldn't you have held it there for longer?"

"I could've."

"So why didn't you?"

"You need to take the dragon with your own willpower."

"You're such a... hassle. How the hell could I do that?"

"If I put you up for my trials, I think it's possible."



"Well... I guess I'll go through them."

"I'll leave you alone here, then."

Sten walked out of the room, closing the door. This was all so confusing to me. This mysterious killer just took me in. Why did he spare me?

That isn't too much to focus on, though. These trials... will I really be able to pass them?


Julian took the crumpled piece of paper out of his pocket. It was the only form of information on the trial that Sten had given him.

This was ridiculous. To start, he was thrown into a forest without any preparation. It was dark, cold, and scary.

"Shit... what does this paper even say?"

Julian started to read it.

"I have to... stay in this forest for 3 days? Bullshit!" he threw the paper into the ground. He was mad, but it was either this or dying to that curse.

The first thing he did was scan his surroundings. Although his body was composed mainly of demon parts, his eyes were still human.

Vegetation filled the forest, as usual. Julian scooped up some mushrooms that he found. They were glowing. Must've been a good sign, right?

"These taste pretty strange. But it's... good?" said Julian, as he wiped his lips. His empty stomach was gone. It felt like he could go all 3 days without eating again.

A rustling noise could be heard.

Julian was about to ask "Who's there?" but, he realized that was quite a dumb thing to do. He shrugged it off, exploring the forest even further.

. . .

. .


"Evelyn, I've missed you!" Sten said with a bright smile on his face, lowering his level to hug her.

"I saw you a few minutes ago, though..."

"Not important. Ah, right! You said you wanted to go outside today, right?"

"Ah, yeah. There was something I wanted to see."

Sten walked over to his drawer, searching inside it. He was looking for a hat that could help cover her demi-human qualities.

"Found it. Here, put this on."

Evelyn grabbed the hat, placing it on her head. Not only could it hide her demi-human ears, but it also protected her from sunlight.

"Thanks, Sten."

"Don't you think I should get a little reward?" Sten asked, facing his cheek toward Evelyn.

She grabbed his ear. "A reward for getting my hat? No way."

"Ah! Okay, okay! I understand!" Sten whined, struggling to get out of her grip.

Sten pushed her wheelchair until they were finally outside. It was a nice view when you compared it to being underground so much.

"That Julian boy, you think he's still alive?" Sten asked, curious.

"If his resolve is good enough, probably."

. . .

. .


Julian nearly nodded asleep, until he heard more rustling. "Who... is it?"

He looked up, rubbing his eyes. Long, snow-white hair, with light green eyes almost similar to an emerald.

"E-Eudora!? What the hell are you doing here?" Julian jumped up, startled.

"I should be asking you that."

"I'm... on a trial. Now, answer my question-"

"Did you hear?"

"Hear what?"

"About Cera and Ian."

"What about them?"

"They got together. Like, as a couple."

"Ah, really?" he responded, blankly. As if it was a routinely question, like he had heard it a million times before.

"Yeah. I'm a bit surprised, though." Despite her saying she was surprised, her expression didn't change one bit.

"Doesn't look like it."

"Anyways. I have to go now."

"Wait, what are you doing here in- she's gone."

Julian sighed, resting against a tree.

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