
chapter 5 : the holder of Light

You'll be ushered into a door that leads you down a long, winding corridor, then tells you to open your eyes. Open the door. The passage on the other side will be very dark but narrow enough for you to feel the walls with an outstretched arm, and guide you forward.

If at any time while you are walking down the hall a light suddenly appears, close your eyes and quickly find your way back to the door you entered. If your eyes stay open for more than a second, what you see will instinctively force you to gouge your eyes out.

If, under any other circumstances, the light stays out long enough for you to wade through the hall you'll reach another door.

Pay attention: if you can see a light through the gap under the door, run immediately, what you're looking for isn't here. If there is no light coming from the room, then slowly turn the hinge on the door and enter.

The room would be completely dark except for the light of a single, dim candle in the middle of the room. The faint light that radiated would reveal a robed figure, motionless crouched there. There was only one question he responded "What can protect us from them?". Say anything else, and that man will gouge out your eyes, and force you to substitute under the robe for the rest of your life.

If you ask the right question, deafening screams will ring from the candles and beams of light will illuminate the room, revealing images of the most sinister thoughts, fantasies, memories experienced by conscious minds throughout history. Most people couldn't handle this, either went insane or perished in the blink of an eye horribly.

If you can survive this torment, the robed man will rise slowly and place his hand on your head, making your eyes meet his youthful face.

Look straight into his gaping empty eye sockets, if you turn away from that sinister sight you will be stranded in this room, forever, forgotten by time.

Don't move your gaze as he opens your right hand and places a small, round object in your palm. The moment that object touches your hand, you will find yourself able to ignore even the most horrific torment—unless you are in the process of acquiring another object, for the pain you feel then is far removed from worldly suffering.

Know that even those new powers will never help you overcome the horrific images you witness in that room. They will burn in your memory forever.

The eye you hold is object 5 of 2000. The awakening has begun.

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