
Richest Fans in the World

The best fans in the world. 


Otherwise known as one of the fastest-growing fandoms in the entire planet! DAWN had even surpassed their follower count when they were still EVE in just a span of a few weeks. 

Their follower count had surpassed 17 million by the time their fan meeting was going to commence! 

Bora, who was still in her last year of college, called her best friend, Jia, to tell her about the fan meeting. 

"Yo," Bora greeted, munching on some shrimp chips. 

Jia, sounding stressed, answered. "What?" she snapped. 

Bora's eyebrows raised in surprise. "Oh, someone's having a good day," she sarcastically said. 

Jia sighed before speaking once more. "Seriously, what is it? These balding men and dry-ass women are asking me to buy their coffees. I don't have any time to spare! So, hurry." 

"Oh," Bora chuckled. "That means you won't be able to go to the fan meeting then." 

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