
From Eve to Dawn

It seemed like everyone, along with their mothers, grandmothers, aunts, and landladies, were waiting for DAWN's new teasers. 

After Casper's not-so-subtle spoiler, the company announced that DAWN was going to make its debut soon.

And now, nearly everyone in the country was waiting for their concept photos to come out. 

Even Lena, despite being the CEO of Phoenix Entertainment, was spared from spoiling herself and waited along with the rest of the world for the reveal of DAWN's debut.

People tuned in early, and most of Navel was already spamming the feed. Their team name, DAWN, had been trending ever since they notified the public of the change. Even now, the topic is able to hold the number one spot in South Korea. Aside from that, their new account, which had only been up for a day, garnered six million followers—making them the most quickly followed K-pop group of all time. 

- When is it going to come out? 

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