
the use of feather falling skill (EDITED) (chapter 10)

Chapter 10

Suddenly, the rooftop door burst open, and Asher spun around, recognizing the familiar voice of Thomas. His men flooded in, including Jonathan, their presence immediately disrupting the calm atmosphere. "Oh, hey ladies, how was your salon?" Asher taunted, a hint of amusement lacing his words. "Finally found you, you filthy rat" thomas yelled, " for your information, rats are one of the cleanest animals in the world," he added, his tone laced with a hint of defiance.

However, before he could further provoke them, a gunshot rang out, sending a jolt of surprise through Asher. His gaze narrowed as he looked at them, realising the direness of the situation. "No more playing," Thomas declared, his gun aimed directly at Asher, who swiftly sprang into action. In a split second, he leaped off the rooftop, leaving the gang members dumbfounded.

As the gang members peered over the edge, astonishment etched across their faces, they witnessed Asher's graceful roll onto a lower building's rooftop. Looking up, Asher couldn't resist the opportunity to taunt them further. "See you suckers" he yelled, his voice carrying through the air, before he swiftly began to sprint away. Frustration rippled through Thomas, who exclaimed, "This motherfucker!" Determined, he fired shots at the receding figure of Asher, but the nimble escape artist disappeared from their sight.

Meanwhile, on Asher's side, beads of sweat formed on his brow as he contemplated his risky move. "Fuck, that was a gamble, but it payed off" he thought, the gravity of his actions sinking in. However, he knew his skills were meant for such daring manoeuvres. Utilising his Feather-Fall ability, he controlled his descent, slowing it down to execute stunts like the one he had just pulled off as he jump into another building.

On the rooftop, thomas watched as asher continued to run and jump from rooftop to another with a dumbfounded expression before he shook of the surprise before yelling "What are you waiting for, you idiots? Chase after him!" Thomas's voice echoed through the air, fueling their determination.

-scene change-

Asher, who was taking a deep breath, he sat in his hiding place and thought, "If that is how they want to play, then let them; let's see who has the last laugh." as his attention then shifted to a pair of black brass knuckles lying on a nearby table. Picking them up, Asher recalled the clumsy figure who had stumbled and fallen while trying to jump a fence. "It belonged to that fat idiot," he muttered, a grin forming on his face. 

An idea sparked in Asher's mind as he considered the potential of the brass knuckles and before panning his attention to the taser he just tossed. "Hmm, brass knuckles and tasers, what could I do with that?" he mused, his curiosity piqued. With a determined stride, he approached his cluttered workbench, carefully placing possibly usefulful materials down. The knuckle brass, taser, battery, wiring, connectors, insulation material, mounting brackets, and screws were all within reach.

His hands moved swiftly and with purpose. Asher meticulously followed the steps which he made up as he went along, disassembling the knuckle brass if necessary and preparing the taser module. As he progressed, he encountered several challenges and made mistakes along the way. He failed to align the mounting brackets correctly, resulting in an unstable attachment. Undeterred, he disassembled the components and started anew, learning from each misstep.

Sweat formed on Asher's brow as he persisted, continuously adjusting and fine-tuning the modifications. He wore protective gloves and eyewear, prioritising safety throughout the process, which he of course, mostly doesn't. His hands trembled with anticipation and frustration as he struggled with the intricate wiring and connections.

At times, Asher let out frustrated sighs and muttered curses as his efforts fell short. But with each setback, he analysed his mistakes and rectified them. He tightened loose connections, repositioned the mounting brackets for stability, and ensured proper insulation to prevent accidents.

Hours passed as Asher remained engrossed in his work, the surrounding environment growing dim as evening turned into night. He reached for a pair of headphones and his phone, playing a rhythmic tune(lofi of course) to help him focus and let the natural flow guide his movements.

Finally, the moment of truth arrived. The modified knuckle brass, now housing the integrated taser component, was ready for testing. Asher cautiously put on the modified weapon, his heart pounding with a mixture of anticipation and trepidation.

Taking a deep breath, Asher found a controlled area within the hideout which was just, anywhere in there. With deliberate care, he activated the modified knuckle brass, triggering the taser module. A surge of electricity crackled through the air, but to his disappointment, the taser failed to discharge.

"Damn it!" Asher exclaimed, frustration evident in his voice. He removed the knuckle brass, examining the connections and circuitry. Determined to rectify the issue, he retraced his steps, identifying where he had gone wrong.

With renewed determination, Asher made the necessary adjustments, correcting the faulty wiring and ensuring a secure connection. He reassembled the modified knuckle brass, double-checking every detail.

Taking a deep breath, Asher once again put on the modified weapon. He steeled himself and activated the taser, feeling a surge of satisfaction as the device hummed to life. A brief but intense discharge of electricity sparked from the brass knuckles, confirming his success.


A/N another chapter, tell me what do you guys think? or if there is any suggestions you might have.

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