
Meeting Cerman

I snacked on some bread and cheese and dozed off, only for Opal to rouse me just in time for our seventh-hour appointment.

Handling the teleportation on my own, I found myself at the designated spot. The location was a short distance from a throng of people gathered near the imposing cliff, its peak hidden in the clouds. It was much grander than I had imagined. Observing it nearly gave me a crick in the neck. As more individuals kept teleporting in, Opal suddenly gasped and hid inside my cloak.

"What's going on?"

"Didn't you spot them?"

"No, I was observing—"

"Massive Vorgan, just like near NecroGate Falls."

"But we're far from there."

"They beg to differ."

Glancing up, I spotted a few forms occasionally emerging from the clouds, gliding, and then disappearing.

"They move so elegantly, Opal. Admire them."

"I'd rather not. And you can take a long walk off a short pier, Boss."

"Hello there, Viktor." I heard a voice.

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