

(POV Cyrus)


^So Lyra I'm curious why did this Nergigante not have those big bull horns on its head?^ I asked her with curiosity as I landed for a short rest.

<Its simple really it all comes down to genetics.> She replied instantly.

(Genetics huh does that mean this form defective? I mean looking at my form it does seem a lot more slimmed down then the one's in the games…) I questioned the strength of my new form before coming to a realization.


^Hmm hey Lyra can I shoot beams of ice from my mouth in this form?^ I said with excitement as I tried shooting out ice from my mouth only for me to burp.

<Not quite yet, once you get a high enough mastery in your Ice magic and water will be able to use them as Nergigante.> She explained as I turned back into a human.

"Man, oh how I missed being me!" I exclaimed as I stretched my sore body and looked around.


"Beautiful…" I muttered as I laid on the soft yet hard ground and took off my hood and mask.

"How's Dwayne and Noir? Is their condition any better?" I asked Lyra with concern.

<Their fine just asleep if you want I can take them out.> 

"Yeah you do that I think I'm-*Yawn* going to take a nap…" I said as I rested my back on a coral structure and dozed off.

<*Sigh* >



An unspecified amount of time later…




"AHH! I'm up! I'm up!" I screamed as I groggily looked around.

^BOSS LOOK WHAT WE FOUND!^ he said as he put something up to my face.

"What do you want Dwayne-…. Is that an egg…" I stared at the object in Dwayne's wondering if it was a dream.

^EH ITS AN EGG! I thought it was a hot rock!^ Dwayne screamed as he stared at the egg in shock.

^See I told you it was an egg!^ I looked to my side and saw Noir slowly bounce towards us.

"Lyra what the fuck happened while I was out…" I muttered before I slapped myself making sure it's not a dream. 

<I… I have no clue…I'm just as confused you are…> She admitted as a panel scanned the egg.

"Where did you two find…this…" I took off my gauntlets and gently took the egg off his hands.

(This feels nice…) I thought as I felt the warmth of the egg.

<WHERE THE FUCK DID YOU TWO FIND THIS BEAST OF A RATHALOS EGG!> She shouted as my eyes widened in shock.

^Oh we just found it in a hole!^ Noir Cheerfully said as he pointed off to the distance.

<(Hole?) > Lyra and I thought together.

"Take us to this 'hole' and Lyra show me the eggs panel…" I said in a tired tone as I slowly got up with the egg at hand.

{The egg is about 20 cm tall and 15cm wide and ovoid in shape}

< < p>

Egg- Rathalos

Variant- Unknown

Unique attributes- Rulers aura, High affinity for fire

Abnormalities- Unusually Hot, Extreme genetic adaptability, Extremely unstable genes, Extremely high levels of Bioenergy needed for hatching process

Hatch time- Unknown

Parents- Azure Rathalos-M, Pink Rathian-F 

"Damn this thing is amazing…" I muttered in shock as I followed Dwayne and Noir.

<Cyrus this…this…thing has the potential to rival elder dragons you have keep it!> She tried to persuade me.

"Don't worry I plan to hatch and raise it, I'm just following them to tie some loose ends with the parents…" I ominously said as the duo came to a halt.

"Why'd you stop-…oh…" I looked around and saw the hole the duo was talking about along with the environment around it.





(POV Unknown)

In front of our hero's was a clearing with burns and blood stains everywhere and in the center of it all was a large nest embedded in the ground packed full of foliage and shed scales.

^Here it is dad! This is where we found it!^ Noir said cheerfully sharing his ignorance with Dwayne of the fatal battle.

Cyrus looked at the egg with pity after he noticed the severed rotting leg of a pink Rathian at the corner of his eye hidden in foliage and the very prominent dust inside the nest.

"…So your all alone like how I was back then…" Our hero murmured solemnly as he reminisced how he was alone in his early days in the orphanage.

"At least they died with the murderer…" He stared at the charred corpse of a Rajang off to the side.

"…Why don't you two go to the subspace from a bit alright?" Cyrus asked the cheerful duo with a forced smile and pleading eyes.

^OKAY BOSS!^ Dwayne shouted with enthusiasm.

^Okay…^ Noir said in a low tone as he noticed expression on Cyrus's face before they were warped away.

"…." Cyrus stayed silent as embraced the egg and looked at the egg with pity and familiarity as he made his way to the nest.

<…Cyrus they got to learn about death soon en-> 

"No their far too young…" He interrupted her as memories of war flashed in his eyes.

"Don't worry you two… I shall take care of the little one in your stead…." He said to no one as he sat down in the nest and hugged the egg tighter.


^Thank you…^ 


^Take care our little king…^ 

Unaware to Cyrus two ghostly silhouettes of dragons huddled in the nest staring at their egg one last time before a gentle breeze engulfed the nest and swept them away to the after life.

^Goodbye child…^





To be continued next time….

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