

The permanent frown on Langdon's face was not leaving so soon. After what transpired last night, she planned to exhaust him to the bones, so she won't have any energy for his shenanigans at night. Hence, she had a detailed plan of things he needed to learn today, or at least things he can familiarize himself with.

"Why is your garden scattered all over the place?" he whined as they walked in the direction where her sweet potato garden is located. They already spend the whole morning tidying the area of her dwelling and preserving the rest of the fruits she gathered the other day. She also ran out glass bottles to use, and some other materials she could only see in the district. Scheduling her visit is in the forefront of her mind.

"They are not exactly my garden; it is the island's garden. I plant the seeds and I let the island nurture it." her short reply. It is true that her garden can nowhere be found near her dwelling, except a few spices that she purposely planted in her small front yard.

Her dwelling was surrounded with tall hickory trees and thick shrubs that conceal her dwelling with ease. The place was ideal for her to build her dwelling since it has a bubbling spring located in the base of a huge rock form. The odd thing about it is the water didn't overflow anywhere. It was bubbling gently out from the ground so when she deemed it safe, she barricaded the spring and built her home around it.

Also, the hickory trees were a good addition to the place as it provides her with edible nuts and is a useful hardwood which provides her with enough firewood for curing meat. She never found a much more ideal place anywhere.

"Isn't it inconvenient? You have to travel long hours just to harvest some of your crops." he made a valid point, but she has her own reason for not starting a huge garden near her dwelling.

"Gardening around my home is convenient but I don't want the animals to gather around the dwelling. A garden would garner attention from humans to the animals. I don't want that. Also, it is less work for me, I don't have to work hard maintaining them. Instead, I let the island grow the seeds I planted. If the island would give me a bountiful harvest, then good, if not then there's plenty of other resources in the area. I just don't want to change how the forest runs its ecosystem." She explained to the man who was eagerly listening to her.

This afternoon, she'll visit the sweet potato she planted the other day and will also check the traps she set up around the perimeter of it. Hopefully, she'll have some meat later. A stew would be perfect.

"Hmm…" the man hummed in understanding. They reached the area where she planted a new set of sweet potatoes.

"Where's the garden?" Langdon asked in confusion, and she could not help looking at him with amusement in her eyes. She pointed at the base of the nearest sycamore tree. The tree might need a lot of water and nutrients, but the tubers don't require much fertility and this area was particularly sunny and warm almost all year round. It is a clearing and the skies can be seen without the tree foliage obstructing the sun. If you inspect the area really well, you'll see some wild beets and parsnips here and there. The books she read helped her so much and though she disliked visiting the districts, she learned a lot of things when it comes to plants.

"See those stakes near the base of the trees? I planted a few tubers around those. You just have to remember that if you see those things around the island, it means something good. Dig up some of those parsnips. I'll check the traps."

"Which one?" Langdon asked while he tried to identify the plants around him. They are all the same green plants and vines crawling the forest floor. He didn't know which was which. The only indication he could find is the shape of the leaves.

"Those oblong-triangular leaves over there," she pointed to a cluster of plants to their right. "Please, dig them out."

When she saw that he successfully identified the plant, Tahlia proceeded to the space where she set up a few traps. She didn't need to walk that far when she spotted the first trap she set. With excited steps, she scored her first meat of the day. She wasn't lucky with the second trap she set and so was the third. Extracting the small shovel from her bag, she dug a cluster of turnips she spotted and added it to the meat she got from the trap. The island is always merciful to the needy.

The uneven forest floor made her walk carefully as she finished checking her traps. A few miles from here, a prairie would be an ideal home for the man she was currently fostering. Now that she thinks of it, she almost forgot that the man would need to leave after a few weeks.

"Shit." she mumbled under her breath, halting her movements. She somehow got used to the man's presence. Dread gradually takes place in her stomach. "What the hell am I doing?" she exclaimed loudly, looking stunned at the realization.

"Talon?" whipping her head around, she saw the man himself hugging his small basket weave filled with parsnips. He dug the edible roots quite quickly. Mouth still agape with the sudden realization, she stared at him with agitation.

"What's wrong?" Langdon asked in concern as he took steps closer, holding the basket with his left hand, propping it on his hip before he cupped her face. The concern in his eyes made something inside her melt. It was a long, long time ago when she received such a look from her mother. Now seeing it again from someone else was rather exhilarating to her.

"Talon?" This time, he placed the basket down and cupped her face with both his hands. A soft pair of hands that comforts her in such a way that makes her chest thud once again. It seems like every time her chest beats abnormally, it has something to do with him. He is definitely dangerous.

Langdon bridged the distance between them and stared at her face from up close. She could see the play of emotions in his electric blue eyes. Tender, sweet, too good to be true emotions. His long hair was tied neatly with a leather string she made but some of his hair strands decided to fall on the side of his face, caging it adorably. Those thick lashes make her heart flutter as they make his eyes stand out even further.

Her silence made him agitated while he caressed the side of her face with his thumbs. Tahlia was fighting the urge to lean her cheeks on his warm palm. It was making her feel better. Pursing her lips as she tried to collect her thoughts, she shook her head gently to dislodge his caring hands.

"I'm good.'' She looked away and instead checked the place for wild root crops.

"You are not. What is it?" he insisted, shadowing her movements.

"I said it was nothing. Pick up the basket, we'll head home." She sidesteps the man and retraces the trail she took earlier to check on the traps.

"Talon." he called out her name with worry. The man did not let her walk ahead of him when he grabbed her elbow, stopping her progress. She shut her eyes close, trying to swallow the lump on her throat without looking at him. It has been too long since someone showed her concern. It is making her feel soft. She was moved.

"Not now, we need to head home." She tried her best to stop her voice from quivering. It seems successful since he did let her elbow go and let her walk ahead.

Silently, the man followed her home, watching her back the entire time. They were back to the small clearing where she planted a new set of potatoes when a screeched rung overhead. A series of urgent squawks came from the familiar bird and Tahlia looked up to see Mice. The eagle seems like it experienced a rough flight with its feathers rumpled. With the way the bird looked and the intense screeching he made, she could only conclude that the animal saw something dangerous and probably suffered a confrontation.

"You already know your way home, do you?" She turned to Langdon alert and was already in scouting mode.

The man reluctantly nodded and looked at her with grim on his face. Looks like he also understands the eagle's concern.

"Go home and stay in the dwelling. I'll be back in a few days."

Swiftly transferring the squirrel meat on his basket, she left the man on the clearing as Mice soared up higher. This time again, she would follow the bird to the source of its concern. Whatever was awaiting her, it is a good distraction from her confusing emotions. She set all of it aside.

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