

Crashing waves slowly meet her ears. Exhilaration was coursing through her soul as the sound of the waves got stronger. Finally, she was almost done babysitting the man she bought for freedom. A little more distance to cover and they would reach the path that would lead him to the nearest district.

This path was a little different to the land bridge that the others usually take. This one is a sandbar, long enough to connect the main island and the island that the district 3 occupied. From district 3, you can easily travel to district 2 in no time. Also, the district made it a point to erect guard posts in any path that would lead to the main island. She could just leave the prostitute in their hands.

It was already five days ago when the storm took place, she was ready to kiss this mission goodbye and go back home to the comfort of her very own dwelling. She also had to check if Rain made it unscathed.

A small path appeared in her view, and a sandy floor welcomed her feet. It is the opposite of the destruction that ravaged the northeastern part of the island. The strewn trees and debris covered the ground which slowed down their progress, but they made it after five days. They are finally on the mouth of the beach.

"Alright, this is the farthest I can go." She turned around expecting to see him trailing behind her closely. It was surprising to see him almost a few yards away.

"What is it now?" She hissed in annoyance. They already had a proper conversation a few times. Everything was clarified and cleared. She thought he already understood the dangers of staying on the main island and how she did not want a companion, or a slave.

"Take me with you." He said it like it was an order that needs to be followed no matter what. Her eyebrows meet in a frown. Just how many times? How many times does she have to endure the same conversation again, and again? The pleadings, his points, and the negotiation he offered almost drove her crazy. This is why solitude is golden.

"Get your stubborn ass moving and walk on that beach," she said blankly, pointing in the direction of the beach. She also made a point to step aside so he can walk past her smoothly. However, the man just stared at her like there's no tomorrow. His usual expressive eyes were lacking with any emotion.

"Take me with you." He repeated, his voice hardened.

"Shit." She uttered, annoyance dripping in her voice. She is done. She fucking done with him and his insistent blabbers.

Without missing a beat, she walked in his direction reaching him in a jiffy. She stopped in front of him, meeting his eyes in a cold gaze. Looking up at him, craning her neck was uncomfortable. Silence ensued. It was a sizzling silence. Each one trying to intimidate the other.

"You are going to cross that sandbar. I am not going to take you with me. That's final." She said, enunciating each word.

Langdon did not even blink, so she walked around him. She decided that she would just leave him if he decided to keep being stubborn. Her life won't be on standstill just for him. So, she did just that.

A little nervous, she walked past him and took steps faster than the last. She was almost running. Her chest slowly thudded in anxiety. The man remained in his position.

"If you're not going to take me then I'm not going back." he shouted, uncaring.

It was an ultimatum. She just knows it. Her chest thudded even faster than her steps. What the hell is he going to do? Risking a glance in his direction, she saw the seriousness in his face. It was written in big, bold letters. Bigger than the waves crashing on the shore behind him,

Nonetheless, she chose to ignore him like she always did in the prior days. Each step she took never sounded more like guillotine falling down on her neck. She could not understand why she felt like something she was not aware of ended in that moment. It was a nerve-wracking position.

Even with the limbo feeling, she kept striding away from the man she unwillingly rescued. He is not her responsibility, not anymore. Whatever he does with his newfound freedom is none of her concern whatsoever.

So Tahlia keeps walking back to her unassuming life.


Langdon was shaking in an unexplainable anger, and fear. The Hermit really turned his back on him. The distance gradually filling their gap was annoying him to some extent. He pleaded multiple times. Offered him the premium services that the pleasure house offered back in the district but it was for nothing. The Hermit was even disgusted when he heard the offer.

It appalled him. The man was a hermit; therefore, he would have biological needs to meet. However, he was easily rejected when he offered to pleasure him. Maybe he was not his preferred size or person, but he was insulted, nonetheless.

Now that hurt was mixed with anger as he continued to watch the Hermit disappear among the thick foliage. The sound of the ocean waves sounded louder as minutes ticked by. He tightened his hand on the burlap bag filled with his provisions.

His savior made sure to fill the bag with food more than he can consume. The hermit even gave away his own water container. Hundreds of thoughts were running in his head. The main island might be dangerous, but he is sure that if he stayed with the hermit, he'll be safe. He just needs to convince the man, show him that he is useful, and could be a companion, better than those wild animals.

He had the advantage of knowing that he was a hermit. Alone in the massive island with no one to turn to. He is a man in his prime who has needs. He knew these things since he is one himself. He just needs to play his cards close to his chest. It is the only that he is good at, hence, he would devise plans to capture the hermit's attention. They already talked about the reasons why he could not stay on this island, but he doesn't care. There is something about the man that lures him in some way. The hermit might be against it and even reject it, but he got himself a new person whether he likes it or not.

Resolved strengthened. He looked back at the ocean once more before tracing the path where the Hermit disappeared to. While trailing behind the man who saved him, he made sure to leave markers in secret. And now, he could see those markers right where he left them. Growing confident, he traces the steps carefully while making sure to eye the markers and keep his steps light to avoid catching the hermit's attention.

Hopefully, he will catch up with the hermit later on, and he won't have any option but to take him in. It is a sound plan and quite good to his ears.

He would seduce the hermit until he agreed. Seducing him is not a problem to him. It is his expertise.

If he succeeds in doing so, he can enjoy a leisurely life without worrying about his sanity. He did not admit it but working in the pleasure pubs is taking away his identity. His purpose. But now, he got one and he is determined to achieve it more than anything.

Beaming in satisfaction with his plan, he walked with exhilarated steps, believing the grand idea in his head.

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