

"Damn. This is not good." she murmured to herself. Behind her was Langdon who was doing his best to keep begging her and hoping to change her mind in his softest voice. He was trying to negotiate while avoiding getting any attention from the animals nearby.

"Sir, please let me stay with you. I was known as a hard worker back in the district." He said while trying to keep up with her silent strides. She can't do anything about his steps though. They were loud even with him trying to be cautious.

Looking up at the sky, barely visible through the thick foliage, the dark clouds look heavier and angry. A little nervous, her eyes were now scanning for the familiar paths, terrains that would be useful in case this trip would go down south.

Rain, her wolfdog, was already on his way home. He would be safe back in her dwelling. Though, the situation differs with her traipsing through the thick jungle with the storm brewing. The nearest, lowest cave would be a 10-minute walk.

Though, if she wants to be safe and away from the destructive storm, she has to be at least a few meters above the ground, and inside a solid shelter. The cave must have to be in the high ground. There is one nearby and would take at least 20 minutes to reach by walking.

"Sir Hermit, please hear me out." The annoying voice behind her kept droning on as she weighed her options. She chose to ignore him. There are more pressing matters at hand.

Her heart skipped a bit when a loud rumbling suddenly filled the air. It was deafening and sounded so loud as if it was only a few inches above her head. The man behind her took it a notch higher and scream in surprise. The thunder ended his annoying request.

"What was that?" This time the prostitute forgot his prior sentiments and bridged the distance between them in one leap. He collided with her back. They almost topple over because she wasn't prepared for the sudden contact.

"That'll be our death. Keep up with me!" She shouted, and in a speed of light sprinted in the Western direction leading to a rocky terrain. The nearest high ground cave was in this direction, so she ran as fast as she could while dodging the low branches.

She can't afford to look back and check on him, or if he ever followed. If he knows what's good for him, he should be running. The rocky floor of the terrain is traitorous and needs one's full attention. Safety triumphed above all, so she was pumping her legs, taking one long strides after another.

What follows after those thundering sounds would be a deadly lightning. They are so deadly and true to their marks. After that, the wind would pick up, and could easily collect debris, trees. Even the living things are no exception. It is destructive and would usually go for days. They need to seek shelter right about now.

This is one of the reasons why living on the main island is death defying. Besides the terrifying animals, the extreme weather could easily take a toll on the humans who weren't accustomed to it. It is why the expeditions that the districts organized before failed without mercy. Nature is something you cannot mess with.

These kinds of storms weren't natural to the districts, and only occurred in the main island. This is how mysterious, and fascinating the ecosystem is. The distance between the islands was not astronomical, in fact, they were connected. It is a great enigma how the weather works with vast differences.

Around them, the noises made by the fauna were frantic and full of terror. These animals were forced to evolve with the weather. Some of them learned to seek a hiding place below the ground. Some of them developed physical mechanisms that would combat the ever-changing weather. Some of them would seek the safety of the caves.

With her eyes zeroing on the destination leading to their safety, still she noticed the running four-legged creatures in the same direction. It seems like they evolved to be much smarter. Their rational thoughts were a lot higher. The cave was also their safe haven. They know where to hide.

"Keep up!" she shouted at the prostitute over the loud rumbling thunder. Her heart rapidly beat in fear when she saw a flash of light and heard a crackling sound.

A deafening explosion follows. Breathing hard that she is almost wheezing. She pumped her legs faster and pumped some more when a creaking sound reverberated through the forest, and then a loud crash. A huge oak tree was hit by the lightning and was split in two.

During a storm, a plethora of sounds would overwhelm anyone's sense of hearing. Sounds merging into one with varying tone and pitches could easily drive someone crazy. In spite of that, she makes sure to listen for running sounds, steps that would indicate the sex-worker following her.

"We're almost there!" she yelled loud enough so the man could hear. They are going uphill.

"Wait up!" That fading voice managed to reach her ears. Her instincts worked faster than her head, a flaw she could never shake off. She looked back. It was the exact moment that the sex-worker tumbled over one rock, and almost face planted on the rocky floor.

"Shit!" she screamed and was forced to swivel around to help the man. They need to make it to the cave for safety, so close yet never sound so far. The lightning would only double from this moment, and she wouldn't like it at all. The two of them are vulnerable to it. She doesn't want to end up the same as the roasted bison she saw two years ago. The animal was hit by lightning twice.

"I think I sprained my ankles." The man said when she helped him to stand, almost dragging him while doing it.

"Well, you'll end up as a roasted meat, a gooey mess if you won't move. Stand up." She said panting.

Slowly, the man scrambles up while she resumes her swift pace. Another resounding sound and they heard an animal somewhere squeal, and then silence.

"Shit, shit!" expletives flowed out of her mouth as they got closer to the mouth of the cave. Sudden silence would mean that the wind is coming, and that the rain would be falling. It would cause the visibility to almost drop into zero. This also means that dozens of lightning would strike at once. The odds in their favor are dwindling into dust. This storm is hell personified.

If she is not mistaken, this storm did not affect her dwelling at the moment, and she could never envy her animal companion more than this moment.

With a heave, she pushed the man into the mouth of the cave as another series of lightning, now mixed with a deluge of rain, strikes down hitting anything that caught its fancy. Each strike was followed by crackling sounds and loud explosions.

She pulls Langdon deeper inside the massive cave. The deeper they go the safer she gets. It was dark inside, but then again, she knew this cave. She knew all the safest spots. A long time ago, she made a space for herself in this cave. Everywhere she goes, she makes sure to find shelter in case it'll come in handy. Now she can test its usefulness.

"Are we safe?"

"For now. Do you still want to stay in this place?" She asked in mockery.

The rain soaks through her bones now that she is shivering. The thought of fire sounds heavenly. A little more and they'll reach the little nook she made for herself. They are not alone in this cave. The animals also seek shelter in this place, and they are scattered inside this cave. One thing that you'll notice is that the animals were peaceful and did not attack anyone. It was an odd thing when she first witnessed it. It seems like they respected their will to survive and would settle their differences outside when the storm was done. This is one of the reasons why she thought that the animal's rationality went up a lot.

"Stay still." She said to the silent man beside her when they reached the little corner she made. The man fell into silence after her question. Shaking her head in knowing, she busied herself with the task she needed to accomplish at hand.

Fire. Right now, they need a raging fire.

Next chapter