

Langdon looked at the makeshift bed in the corner. There is ample light outside but it was not enough to light the dugout shelter. The lamp absolutely helped. He glanced at the old bed again and sighed. It is small and would not accommodate them. He wondered if the Hermit would be able to do it in a narrow bed like these. Shaking his head in worry, he began to clean the place as fast as he could. Disappointing the man who saved him is not something he wants to do. The Hermit already bought him so he must do everything to please him.

Dusting the bed with the help of the burlap bag that was used to cover his head, he made sure they're squeaky clean the best he can. He did not even notice that the Hermit took the bag with them. It is a useful container. He was cleaning but his thoughts keep going back to the man who saved him.


That is what describes him the most. He is popular in all districts. He was known as someone who lords the main island, and trades with the people living outside the massive island. He was mysterious in a way that you can only see him a few times in a year. Of course, he was always covered with that hideous covering on his head. He was also admired by many for being able to thrive and survive in the vast nothingness. People get lonely being alone, but he was different.

Looking back, the Hermit started appearing a decade ago when the district was exhausting their resources and manpower to venture inside the main island. It was the only island that was unexplored by the population. It was always equated with death. The terrains were treacherous, the animals had no mercy and the climate unbearable. It was a mission that was funded by all districts.

The islands that the districts were located on were not small. They are large islands that were enough to house a few generations without running out of resources. You can imagine the luxury the people were living in, but it wasn't enough.

Human greed was a scary thing.

Langdon's father was one of those who volunteered to explore the main island. It was said that treasures lie around the vicinity of the island, waiting to be discovered. It was a sufficient reason to lure anyone. Of course, they were also promised handsome rewards upon completing the mission.

The hierarchy of the district starts with the person who governs the whole area. It is the highest seat you can get and was possible to have by the will of the people. Each district has an Administrator that would oversee each sector, again, voted by the people. Under the administrators were the Head of security, and so on and so forth. It was a harmonious dynamic if greed wasn't into play.

Needless to say, who doesn't want a chance to breed a woman as the ultimate prize? Just the thought of it spawned a few thousands of volunteers.

"This should be enough." He decided after he had already cleaned the bed. The picture in front of him was inviting to his exhausted body.

Going back to the exploration, the last one that the districts organized years ago failed hilariously. The hilarity lies in the idea that everyone was so sure that they could conquer the main island with a measly number of 10,000 volunteers. It was a concerning number for a mission with a bleak outcome, but their greed won over.

Out of those 10,000 volunteers, less than a half return. He remembered the survivors marching back with defeated postures, varied injuries and the fear in their eyes. It seems like they witnessed hell firsthand. His father was among the casualties.

From then on, the district decided to put an end to the whole idea of exploring the main island. Their manpower was running out, literally. They could not sacrifice people with their number teetering on the brink of extinction. The population was still dwindling, and the reproduction of the remaining women couldn't keep up with the shrinking numbers.

The whole five districts decided that they would not venture into the main island. Mayhap, in the next decades if they somehow find a cure for the women who could only give birth to male babies.

The Hermit appeared right after the decision of all districts to stop any further undertaking involving the main island. It was also then that a long-standing agreement between the districts and the Hermit was made. He has to protect any intruders who would foolishly venture deep into the island, and the districts would respect him and leave him alone. Trading was also included.

"Hell, I'm famished." He uttered when the rumbling of his stomach filled the small space. He already checked for creepers, or any snake, spiders in the area, and found none. It was a comforting thought, and he is sure that he'll be able to sleep well tonight, well, if the Hermit permits.

He looked down at himself and cringed at the state of his dress. All muddy and there are tears and stains all over his once immaculate dress. It is one of his best tunics. It is unfortunate that he can't take a refreshing bath first and foremost.

With the door already closed and locked, he waited patiently for the Hermit to come back. He would rather wait than be a snack of that enormous wolf. He learned from all the gossip that the Hermit can command the animals inside the main island. It was a silly rumor but then again, when he saw how the Hermit instructed the wolf hours ago, and how the wolf understood the command, you can say that there is a little truth to the gossip.

"When is he going to come back?" He murmured to himself, holding his rumbling stomach like he could muffled the sound. It was shameful, thankfully, there was no one around.


A loud knock from outside the door woke him up from his thoughts. Pump with the thought of food, he was about to open the door when he remembered the warning that the Hermit told him a while ago.

Locked the door in case the large wolf would come back from guiding his kidnappers. That means he needed to make sure who was on the other side of the door. However, do wolves know how to knock?

"Open the door."

He breathed a deep sigh of relief when he heard a slightly low-pitched voice from the other side of the door. He was quick to open the door and gave way to the Hermit hugging the clay jar, and by the sound it made it was filled with water. How did he even manage to knock?

He had no idea.

The thought of water almost made him salivate. He was so hungry that water sounded like heaven at the moment. His kidnappers often forget to give him water and would only give him a slice of hard bread. It was torture. He might be a prostitute, but they were fed well, and paid handsomely.

Closing the door, he watched the man who saved him prepare the food. He spied the food he brought earlier. Inviting, yes, but he had to wait for him. It is not polite to eat first while the person who gathered the food was still out there looking for water.

Silently, he watched him start a bigger fire. The Hermit's movements were quick and precise, as if he had done it many times. A bundle of dry leaves was placed on a flat stone, and he almost drool when he saw a fish, two of them. He could not wait more for the food to cook.

Occasionally wiping the side of his mouth, checking if he indeed drools, he watched the Hermit progress. In no time, the small dugout shelter was filled with the most aromatic smell of heavenly treat while his mouth watered in one corner of the room.

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