
Its just a Theory....A game Theory!

A waiter came over to the two bringing two glasses of water, the waiter placed the water on the table and then went about their business Elijah drank half of the water and then said to Florence.

"I want to know more about you because I'm curious…what I want to know is your past, that's if you're okay telling me about it" Elijah said with a faint smile. Florence nodded then picked up her cup downing the water, she glanced at Elijah and then said.

"I came to this city a long time ago, at the time I had just advanced to level 8 and I wanted to practice some more with my abilities so I trained. I even ended up joining that circus for a while.

"a few months ago I realized something strange had been going on….i went to dig in and I found out that once you enter this place you cant leave, that's what I thought until I saw someone leave" Elijah's mouth hung open, after he realized it was he coughed then said

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