
Breach. Breach. Breach!

Taking a deep breath, the woman didn't slow down as she advanced, ignoring the sneers of the three men blocking her path.

The first man lunged at her as if to throw her down with his weight and capture her easily. Hah, he thought too simply.

The woman sidestepped, grabbed, and dragged the man's forearm with one hand, while lifting another with the other hand. The man had no idea what had happened.

All he knew was that he flew, rotated 180 degrees in the air, and fell flat. It hurt too. Before he could think more, he was knocked unconscious.

A foot hung in the air behind the man's head before he dropped to the ground. The woman exploited the man's momentum to throw him and finished with a strong kick to the head.

The second man followed up with an attack. Even though his mind no longer dared to underestimate the woman, he couldn't react because he had already committed to a superman punch.


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