

"Hotel 1 and 2 have our hands full at the moment. Didn't your fight finish so quickly? What are you worrying?" Tang Ziyi's frivolous voice produced creases on Jiang Yu's forehead.

"Hotel 3 really needs support." Jiang Yu complained bitterly.

"Trust yourself, girls. You also have 3 helos support. You can do it. Fighting!" 

"Fighting my foot." Jiang Yu cursed across the channel and ended the chat.

Of course, Tang Ziyi was naturally kidding around the rare serious Jiang Yu. She had arrived on the first floor and met with Xiao Yue who was taking care of the apprehended figures.

She also descended to the dungeon and met the so-called Boss Hu, who threatened Ling Qingyu. For now, the vital step was to set up a strong defense in case more attacks came. 

After discussing with Su Ruomei, they decided to allocate captured figures, both bad and good and freed the poor women from the first floor before arranging everyone in the dungeon. 


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