
So Long As You Are With Me

As they were preparing to depart from the academy grounds, Samui materialized in front of them with her signature self-assured stance, her silver hair a stark contrast against her cloud-themed apparel. She offered Ryomaru a cheeky grin. "Not slipping away without saying hi, are you?"

"Samui-nee-san," Hanabi greeted back, her tone respectful but slightly more reserved in the presence of the older kunoichi.

Ryomaru approached her and wrapped his arms around her in a familial embrace. "Hey, Samui-nee. I'm off on an... adventure," he emphasized the word, glancing slyly at Hanabi, "with Hanabi. I'll head home afterward."

Samui's lips curved into a playful smirk, her eyes twinkling mischievously. "An adventure, huh? Sure sounds like a date to me."

Hanabi's cheeks blazed red. "It's not a date," she huffed indignantly. "It's just an adventure. Why does everyone keep getting it wrong?"

The exchange elicited a shared laugh between Ryomaru and Samui, further fueling Hanabi's exasperation. Samui then leaned forward, her voice low and teasing. "Just remember, I'll be around, so you two better have a lot of... fun." The suggestive undertone in her voice was not lost on Hanabi, who looked like she wished the ground would swallow her up.

"Well," Ryomaru began, chuckling at Hanabi's flustered state, "the first takoyaki stand won't visit itself. Let's go."

Hanabi, still trying to regain her composure, nodded. She gave Samui a resigned look. "See you later, Samui-nee-san."

Samui gave a casual salute, her teasing grin unwavering. "Take care and enjoy your 'adventure', you two."

Embarrassed but determined not to show it too much, Hanabi crossed her arms and turned her head slightly. "We will," she replied, trying to sound casual but her voice carrying a clear note of excitement.

The pair ventured deeper into the bustling streets of Konoha. Their path was lined with a myriad of stalls, each showcasing its own allure: the tantalizing aroma of grilled meat, the eye-catching display of a candy seller, and the distant echoes of laughter from children playing. But for Ryomaru and Hanabi, their destination was singular: the best takoyaki stand in the village.

"So," Ryomaru began, trying to ease the lingering tension, "extra octopus, lots of sauce, and it has to be piping hot. Anything else?"

Hanabi smirked, her earlier embarrassment slowly waning. "Well, if they have a bit of cheese, that might be good too."

Ryomaru raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Cheese? In takoyaki? You have a refined palate, Hanabi."

She snickered, her confidence returning. "Well, I've always believed in experiencing the best of what life has to offer."

"Wait a second!" Ryomaru stopped as he looked at Hanabi with a twinkle in his eye. "Is this an attempt to snatch me away for yourself?"

Hanabi rolled her eyes, but her lips twitched into a small smile. "Who would want to snatch you, you narcissistic fool."

"Nuh-uh," Ryomaru replied, puffing out his chest playfully. "I am not narcissistic at all. I am simply exceptional—top-tier, if you will."

Hanabi sighed dramatically, "Right, right. Is this the soothing lullaby your mum sings as she tucks you in, you mommy's boy?"

Ryomaru put on a scandalized expression, his hand dramatically placed over his heart. "How dare you!" he exclaimed, though his voice was more playful than angered. "My Mum sleeps with me; she doesn't just put me to bed."

At this, Hanabi burst into laughter, her eyes sparkling merrily. She had expected a more serious comeback from Ryomaru, and his cheeky response caught her pleasantly off-guard.

Continuing their banter, she wagged her finger at him. "Oh, so the mighty son of the Raikage needs his mum to ward off the night monsters, huh?"

Ryomaru grinned and shrugged nonchalantly. "Well, the night monsters are no match for her. Mum is the strongest, after all."

It was Hanabi's time to exclaim, "Aha! So this is an attempt to snatch me instead. You want a strong female figure in your life to defend you in the future, just like your mum does now." Hanabi looked at him with triumph in her eyes, clearly pleased with her witty retort.

Ryomaru grinned as he leaned closer, his ice-blue eyes gleaming with mischief. "Well, if that means you'll be by my side, even at bedtime, then I have absolutely no complaints."

Hanabi's face flushed red at his daring remark. "You!" she exclaimed, her voice rising in both surprise and embarrassment.

But Ryomaru was already dashing away, his laughter echoing through the bustling streets, full of life and utterly infectious.

"Oh, no you don't!" Hanabi shouted playfully, her prior embarrassment forgotten as she sprinted after him, her determined expression mirroring her resolve not to let him off that easily.

As she raced through the streets of Konoha, Hanabi's heart wasn't just racing from the sprint; it was fluttering from the excitement of this 'adventure' with Ryomaru. She could hear villagers chuckling and calling out words of encouragement as she passed, but her focus was solely on the boy ahead.

Ryomaru, for his part, glanced back to make sure Hanabi was following, his eyes softening as he saw the joy and fierce determination on her face. He didn't want to admit it out loud, but he found Hanabi's spirit absolutely enchanting.

"Get back here!" Hanabi called after him, her own laughter mingling with his as she sprinted to catch up. Her previous embarrassment was forgotten in the joy of the moment.

Ryomaru looked over his shoulder, his black hair dancing in the wind, and called out encouragingly, "You'll have to be faster than that, Princess!"

Hanabi picked up her pace, the vibrant streets of Konoha blurring past her as she focused on Ryomaru. "We'll see who the real princess is when I catch you," she shouted playfully, feeling her heart race for an entirely different reason now.

As they ran, the villagers couldn't help but smile at the spirited chase, some even cheering them on. The joy between Ryomaru and Hanabi was infectious.

Finally, after a spirited dash through the twisting streets, he finally slowed down and stopped near a lively part of the marketplace, allowing Hanabi to catch up. She arrived, slightly out of breath but with a radiant smile that didn't waver. Ryomaru slowed to a stop in front of a familiar, inviting stand. The savory aroma of takoyaki wafted through the air. He turned to face Hanabi, who was catching her breath but still wearing a radiant smile.

"Well played," Ryomaru admitted, clapping his hands in a mock bow. "You've caught me. Now, what will you do?"

Catching her breath, Hanabi folded her arms and pretended to consider this seriously. "Hmm," she pondered, "First things first. You owe me takoyaki. Extra octopus, lots of sauce, piping hot, and with a sprinkle of cheese. Remember?"

Ryomaru chuckled warmly, nodding. "Of course, Your Highness. Your wish is my command," he replied, emphasizing the playful royal title he had bestowed upon her.

"You're a troublemaker, you know that?" she huffed, trying to catch her breath but not breaking her stride to scold him playfully.

Ryomaru offered an innocent smile, the picture of charm. "Who, me? I'm the most well-behaved student from Cloud, a model of decorum and grace."

Hanabi laughed at this, her earlier embarrassment now a distant memory. "Well-behaved? You're the Raikage's son, and you act like the village prankster," she teased.

"You do have a point," Ryomaru conceded, his grin reflecting nothing but warmth. "But the village prankster does keep life interesting, doesn't he?"

He extended a hand toward Hanabi, his gesture open and inviting. "Now, shall we continue our adventure? I believe there is a takoyaki stand that has yet to meet the illustrious Hanabi Hyuga."

Hanabi, her cheeks still a soft pink but her eyes sparkling with delight, took his hand with a resolute nod. "Let's. I have high expectations, Ryomaru, and I'm trusting you to meet them," she replied, her tone both playful and sincere.


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