
CHAPTER 17: Don't tell me what to do

The Northern Coast was already surrounded by the IIF troops.

"Reporters are highly prohibited." one of the Officers named Hazel gave an order to his comrades.

Click! Click!!! Sounds of the camera were heard as each Officer was busy capturing and looking for a trail that will lead them to the victim.

"We've done everything in our power to see if we can find her. Even before the IIF came." That was the community chief telling the officer about the community contribution to see Mellisa's safe return.

He wasn't lying, because the day Mellisa was declared missing, the community chief gathered his people, especially the vigilantes, and set out searching for Mellisa.

They searched and turned the whole community searching for her, yet they couldn't get a clue of her way about.

Her foot trails were wiped away with the heavy rain pour the same night the health workers left their community.

"There is more to her disappearance than just meeting the eyes." The chief said.

The villagers were already called into question and all gave different statements. According to them, Mellisa left with the bus. Others disagreed.

Some said he left on her own, others she left before the bus arrived.

All this explanation confused Hazel the more that he can't pinpoint who exactly is saying the truth.

"You saw Mellisa left, right?

Hazel asked a young boy who was standing and watching the entire scene, displaying in his front. He looks a bit confused, coupled with his disheveled hair and tattered clothes.

He nodded at his question and pointed at the road. "She disappeared into that wood." He mumbled something that Hazel didn't understand.

"Wood? He turned and looked at the track road and looked at the boy, his brows pulled up confused.

"Where is the wood?

"There." He pointed and Hazel looked back but couldn't see anything.

What in the name of madness is this child talking about?

"Kid, are you sure of what you are saying? He nodded.

"Can you come to my car and tell me what you saw?

The boy agreed, and he gently leads him towards his, and just when he was about to take the boy away, a woman screamed and started running towards him.

"Savan." She called out.

Hazel withdraws back, holding the boy away to his back and waiting for the woman to speak.

"Savan…. You didn't take your medicine since yesterday."

Hazel bit his tongue and clenched his fist. Just when he thought he was closer to getting to the end of this whole situation. Now what is this?

"Aigoo…Savan l." The woman began, cupping his cheeks and making a pouting face to the boy.

"You know this boy?" Hazel question.

"Yes, I'm the one in charge of the needy here." The woman replied.

"You heard of the missing nurse, right."

'Yes; Mellisa the kind nurse." She heaved a sigh.

"Can I have your permission to bring this little boy to my boss for questioning?"

"Savan knows nothing and his talks are sometimes out of point, don't bother him." The woman replied.

But after many talks and pestering from Hazel, she gave in and Hazel quietly led the boy away.

"Thanks for your cooperation."He said while leading the boy.

Thirty-five minutes later, a black sedan pulled over at the far end of the track, and a man dressed in black clothes with black glasses was seen with other another female sitting by the owner's seat. It was McCall and inside the car were Ria and Jasper.

He wanted to drop them at Savannah Road Garden but changed his mind on a second thought. Since the Ria of a girl wants to be tagged along, he better allow her to quench her persistent spirit and see reasons why she shouldn't get herself involved at first.

He already had enough of her constant whinging. Staying in the car with her is torture. She never stops talking and wailing about her friend's disappearance.

"I can't believe someone can kidnap Mellisa... I mean, she is the best thing that can happen to someone. She is good, outstanding, caring and her nurturing attributes are incomparable." He had to listen to all this that his ear hurt.

He throws her some glare to just shush it, but it seems the Ria of a girl is another species. The emotions she exhibited. Her thoughts could be messy, or is this actually who she is?

He can't tell exactly the type of girl she is, few days ago she was busy making empty threats; the next minute she's being calm and good choice of words before you will say, Jack, and she is back to using expletive words.

"Stay in the car" He ordered

"I'm not here for some princess treatment, Mr." She said with a scowl.

"That's is a command, not a treat.

"And you think you will command me around… Jeez…Never told you I was once a military lady." She draws a long hiss, removing her seatbelt and coming out without minding McCall's words.

Her flippant tone irked him.

"Get back to the car now, while I'm being nice; Do you really think we are here to look at you? Bringing you here is wrong on its own, and allowing you to tour around searching for what you know nothing about is craziness."

He paused, running his hands across his hair. He looks impatient.

Why is he bent on explaining to this girl? Why?

He should just allow her to do her things and get hurt. Who cares if she gets lost? She never listens and she is always stubborn.

Jasper looks at McCall and notices his mood has changed to something he can't explain. He knows Ria's stubbornness might mess up everything, and he decided to handle it his way.

"Fine! Fine!! Fineee!!! He hurriedly chipped in. Opening the car and dragging Ria's hands along." Sorry to get on your bad side." He said to McCall while trying to pull Ria back to the car, but Ria twisted her hands and broke free.

Picking up her bag, she runs away from them to meet the earlier troops, who were busy capturing and taking down some important things for their investigation.

McCall shook his head scornfully. I think he has had enough, and now she shouldn't blame him for whatever happens.

Places like this are dangerous. A crime scene that everyone should avoid at all costs since no trace of the victim or the gang keeping her ransom should that be the case has been seen.

This is a very delicate case of kidnapping without a clue and if them, the investigators are threading with care, he wondered why that girl was trying to act smart with her stupid and clumsy plans. 'Wonder the plans you got that will save your friend.' He hissed.

Jasper stood and watched McCall ponder with his thoughts, and immediately he gives out that scornful hiss, Jasper knows he is very annoyed.

"Can I also come along? Jasper flinched back immediately.

McCall glared at him for a second, nodded, then responded, "Make sure you can guide yourself and your crazy friend." He said, then walked out, leaving Jasper alone to do his wishes.

As he walked, he watched as each officer was busy with their crime tally taking.

At the same time, he heard something beep, and he realized it was his phone; It was Hazel asking him to come over.

"I got a witness here for Mellisa's disappearance,"  Hazel speaks over the phone.

"Coming" he hung up the phone and speeded up to meet Hazel where he was.

Ria was busy taking pictures and making some vital jotting down in her small notebook when Jasper joined her.

"How is this you are doing, helping in finding Mellisa.? Jasper asked.

" The question should be, why did you think I'm being stupid by taking all these pictures..? Look; she pointed at the IIF doing their work. "They are all taking pictures and jointing some words down like I'm doing…..So, who is really helping? Her face was irradiated.

"Ria, don't you think you're being rude to Inspector McCall?

"Oh jeez.....spare me those sermons about that irrational punk." She spats.

"In as much as you don't like him, staying by his side presently is safer than you think," Jasper said in a low tone and Ria frowned.

"Hey. What are you doing here? No reporters are allowed. Hands up and turn around; This is a vital case and no intruder is needed."

One of the officers raised his gun and pointed in their direction. They flinched back immediately, raising their hands in obedience to the officer's command.

Riana looked at Jasper and shook her head; Twenty-four hours is not over yet, but she's already been held at gunpoint twice a day.

Jasper knows better than to panic, Inspector McCall will handle it" He thought, but how sure was he; seeing how Ria already got on his bad side today?

He already dropped the obstructionism charges. Bringing them here against his wishes and Ria's rude behavior towards him.

"Get your hands higher and turn around." The officer scowled with a strong accent.

Ria grunted as she turned back. What a day to remember. She groans.

"On whose authority are you two working?

Ria held her breath for a second, preparing herself to speak, but before she could, someone beat her to it first.

"On the authority of Inspector McCall," Jasper responded quickly.

Ria heaved a sigh as she heard Jasper speak.

As a young girl, she always liked dealing with things her way. She doesn't care about herself, but Jasper's reputation is at stake. Now she is regretting of pulling him along in her mess.

If Inspector McCall refused to acknowledge them as his accompany, that means Jasper's reputation is doomed.

She shouldn't have brought Jasper along when she knows she was about to take part in an operation where lives might be at stake.

"Can we turn now? Seeing that we came with a notable inspector should tell you we aren't what you are thinking."

"Did I hear you say the word NOTABLE? Jasper peered at her, his voice calm.

"And I'm regretting it." She spats.

"Now you're lying. You are just trying to co...

"Can we just focus on our current state and leave the irregular word alone?" She frowned.

Jasper went silent when he heard that.

Ria let out a deep breath. She knows his silence doesn't seem fake. But something still feels wrong.

{Thanks to my elites readers who find interest in this piece of work. Please can we bless MYSTIQUE DAMON with some likes, comments, and votes to keep her fighting spirit going? MYSTIQUE DAMON is saying thank you to all who fueled her energy. I LOVE YOU 💖💖❤️}

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