Since it was the Emperor who summoned them, the officials dared not delay. Upon their arrival in Capital City, the two professionals were taken to a posthouse to bathe and change clothes, then were immediately taken to the imperial palace for an audience with the Emperor.
They had never even been to Capital City before, to say nothing of the imperial palace.
Walking on the polished white marble floor, they dared not breathe too loudly.
For humble craftsmen like themselves, the chance to meet the current Emperor in person was an unthinkable honor, almost like a dream!
The old blacksmith, nervous and excited, was trembling so much his legs threatened to give way: "Even if I died here, after seeing His Majesty, it would be worth it!"
The one who received them was Eunuch Wei, who served at His Majesty's side.
Eunuch Wei chuckled and said, "In the Jinluan Hall, speaking of that word is considered taboo."
The old blacksmith promptly covered his mouth.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: