Steward Zhou said, "I pondered all night and felt that the request I made from Xiao was indeed a bit excessive. As the saying goes, the master can lead you to the door, but it's up to you to master the art. Whether my young master can pass the Imperial examination depends mainly on his own fortune. But our intention to learn from Xiao is sincere! Our lord said that as long as Master Xiao is willing to go to the Provincial City, everything else can be negotiated!"
Gu Jiao glanced at him, "So, if he fails, we won't be blamed, right?"
Steward Zhou hastily replied, "No blame, no blame!"
Gu Jiao: "The silver?"
Steward Zhou: "It will be paid as promised! We will give it when we get to the Provincial City! We won't break our word!"
Gu Jiao said, "You can go and talk to my husband directly."
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: