
Boss Battle Beckons       


"Hey look, boss. A player."


Finally, the group had noticed Lord Scrooge standing beside the saving crystal.


"Is he alone?"


"Is he even a player?"


"Lord Scrooge? What kind of name is that?"


"It makes me think of a grumpy old cat."


Xin chose not to comment.


"Should we rob him? He's alone."


Hearing their conversation, Xin exhaled inwardly. 


"Hey, you. Are you a player?" Tristan asked as he approached Lord Scrooge.


Xin didn't feel like confronting them at the moment. If it were Tristan and Tiffany, maybe he might, but facing eight opponents alone seemed disadvantageous. A strategic retreat appeared to be the most advantageous option.


Moreover, he wasn't concerned about not fulfilling his promise to Tristan of making his life hell whenever he saw him. He already had a plan in mind.


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