
Night Hag's Lair      

Xin had to carefully manage his remaining resources. 


The limited supply of [Necrotite Crystal] made creating a Necro Golem unwise. And given that most of their enemies' here have affinity for necrotic and dark elements, it wasn't the best Golem to aid him in battle. 


With 49 golems already created within the daily limit of 50, he held off on the last one for emergencies.


The chateau's numerous rooms had depleted his golem reserves significantly. Relentless enemies chipped away at his creations, leaving him with just twenty out of the original fifty. 


With the help of Pudding who was working overtime, Xin swiftly crafted 5 Basic Golems, 10 Elemental Golems, an Ember Golem that specialize in fire spells, a Tempest Golem that unleash powerful storm magic, and two Titanium Golems that have the most DEF in all of his Golems, making the most of his remaining resources.


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