
The Stamiv Raid (Part 2)

Three days have elapsed since Nylanna's disappearance, during which Zaban has been extending his assistance to the local populace as a gesture of goodwill. As a result, he has garnered a reputation for himself in Haverstale and has been granted complimentary lodgings at the motel for an extended period. Currently, Zaban is engaged in aiding Gof, the street vendor, while simultaneously eating a pear.

"Gof. I should go ahead and tell you this but... I'm going to leave this village tonight," Zaban said, crisscrossed on the ground. "Oh really? Let me guess, why too quiet for you here huh," Gof snickered, giving food to small youngsters passing by.

Zaban shrugged and lays himself down on the ground. "Yeah, plus I think I helped the town enough for everyone to be satisfied. I think I should continue on my adventure, you know?"

Gof chortled at Zaban's comment, "Do you have any idea where you're exactly going on this said journey?"


Gof merrily sighs and says, "You're so simple yet so hard to read sometimes, Zaban."

Zaban lifts his eyebrow at Gof, asking, "What is that supposed to mean?" Gof just shook his head, "Nothing Zaban. It's nothing," he said. "Anywho, three days prior, what do you think that Nylanna took off to?"

"No idea but she said she will have my head. I thought giving her a pear could have her join in my adventure and mentor me on how I can use Psy-Ki but guess she's bitter about knocking herself out in our brawl," Zaban says, yawning. Gof ponders a bit, concerned and confused but keeps it to himself. "She seems rather nice," he sarcastically answers back. "No, she wasn't. She bit my thumb and called me mean words, half of them I don't even know the definition of," Zaban replies.

"Zaban. It was sarcasm."

"Sarcasm? What the hell is that?"

Gof pauses and chuckles, "Zaban. I'll miss you. Please visit back some time," he giggled out as Zaban scratches the top of his head but decides to laugh along with him before spotting a horse carriage with multiple huge men surrounding the carriage approaching to the city.

"Huh? What's the sudden stop," Gof says as he turns where Zaban is looking. "[Oh no...]" Gof said in his head, looking back at Zaban.


Zaban approaches the group straight on, stopping them on their path as Zaban stands firmly in position, immediately ready for a fight.

"Exactly like you said, Mol. He does look intimidating and that tattoo he has is shaped like a dragon, almost as if he was born to be terrorizing," he says before stepping out of the carriage with Mol following.

"Mol Stamiv, huh?" Zaban says, surprising Mol. "Wait, you remembered my name?"

"Yeah? You told me your name, why would I forget it?"

"I don't know... Usually, the deviant forgets the name they humiliated for comedic purposes."

"What are you talking about? I'm not going to forget your name. Names are important, be very disrespectful if I did."

Mol gives Zaban a dazed gaze at Zaban. Fandous snickers, "I see. You're not half as bad as what they say you are... Though, may I ask, where is our assassin?"

"Figured it was you that sent her."


"I knew it was Mol or someone he knows that sent her. Wouldn't make sense for someone to randomly try to kill me unless they were sent from Riversia and I don't recall having elves in training," Zaban speaks out, impressing Fandous.

"You're not as dumb as you look. So, did you kill her?"

"No. She just walked off with a hurting abdomen. Now, do we have a problem?"

Fandous lets out a huge sigh of relief hearing she is alive yet immediately switches to shock when Zaban said she got injured. "[She met her match... So this guy is no joke... I didn't believe it but Mol was right the entire time...]" Fandous says, glancing at Mol shaking then back at Zaban having a lets-get-this-over-with type of look.

"Look, I know none of you are capable of dealing with me if Nylanna was your best one. She's strong, stronger than me but if she was the only one who can give me trouble then I suggest turning back now and leaving me alone. I don't enjoy fighting those beneath my skill level," Zaban says, putting his hands in his pocket and yawning.

Fandous, irritated by Zaban's nonchalant attitude and his straightforward warning but sighs. "Ok. You win," he says.

"What... What?!" Mol says, "We traveled all the way here to only be intimidated into agreement?!"

"Look at reality, Mol. He managed to injure Nylanna. No one here is going to be able to do anything to this man."

"But uncle! He disrespects me, your business, your life, your henchmen, and everything!"

"Nephew. If you want to see a fight so bad then why not you go face him instead," Fandous responded, getting Mol to freeze and stare at Zaban while Zaban gives him a wave.

"Y-y-y-yo-you k-k-k-n-know wha-wh-what! I'll do it!" Mol says, shivering his timbers and approaching Zaban, getting in the worst fighting stance known to man.

"Look, you don't need to–"

"Q-quiet! I want my pear! I'm getting it one way or the other!"

The blonde henchman fixes his drink and passes it to the others nearby him as walks up to grip Mol's shoulder. "Allow me, Mol. I can deal with him," he says, staring at Zaban.

"You don't have to tell me twice!" Mol replies, standing back behind Fandous and hiding.

Zaban raises an eyebrow at the henchman, tilting and asking, "What makes you think you're exceptional?" The henchman just chuckled, taking off his shirt to reveal an aesthetic, lean body as he puts his hands behind his back, lowering his head down to showcase his red eyes. "Why don't you approach me and find out? You won't get anything in talking to me," he tells Zaban, licking his lips as Zaban gets in his fighting stance.

"I have encountered numerous defensive strikers in my time, although their approach is not particularly innovative as they typically rely on shields and do not engage in bare-knuckle combat. However, I find it intriguing that you are willing to stand in wait for my attack. With that being said, it is only right of me to take the first initiative," the henchman shouts in excitement before he crouches down and sprints towards Zaban, cracking the ground with each step. He attempts to throw a punch, but Zaban blocks it and counters with a strong elbow strike. The henchman ducks and goes for a powerful uppercut, but Zaban manages to block it yet the henchman uses the momentum for a fast back-kick but Zaban yet again blocked the attack off but not without being forced to get knocked back. In return, Zaban skedaddled towards the henchman with a smile on his face, starting a high-speed fight that is difficult for spectators to comprehend.

As the henchman continues to apply pressure the more the fight adds on while Zaban waits and lands a perfectly timed haymaker fist straight at his jaw, sliding the henchman back. The henchman stares at Zaban in shock while rubbing his jawline. "Although you are indisputably inferior in terms of speed, power, and endurance, it is impressive that you are still able to match me. Your exceptional technique and timing demonstrate a true proficiency in close-quarters combat," stated the henchman, applauding Zaban meanwhile Zaban keeps his guard up, showing bruises on his arm while his tattoo is glowing immensely.

"Ayo, I'm going to break your balls," Zaban told the henchman, catching the henchman off guard and looking baffled, saying "I beg your pardon–" The henchman then gets roundhouse kicked straight in the face before Zaban follows it up with a fast backhand to the chin, rolling the henchman onto the floor as the spectators watch in awe.

"No way you're still conscious after that," Zaban said before the henchman simply kicks up and pops his neck. "Thank you. I did need to loosen my bones," he says, shocking Zaban and the spectators.

"I didn't know someone could be given a tougher fight than Nylanna but here we are three days later," Zaban says with a large smile on his face before he gets tornado kicked in his chest, blasting back through a house, scaring the person inside who is currently clipping his toenails. The henchman dusts himself off after kicking him and puts his hands behind his back. As Zaban gets up and apologizes, he notices the henchman was already in front of him with a helping hand out, unable to pinpoint how he traveled so fast, "Your fighting skills are truly impressive. Your power is remarkable, and it's even more amazing to see that you haven't even activated your Psychi yet! Would it be possible to know your name before we finish our battle?" the henchman asked, extending his hand out to help him up as Zaban accepts and stands, immediately stepping back and getting on guard.

"Zaban Sodsa," he answers. The henchman closes his eyes and moans, "Zaban Sodsa... Zaban Sodsa... Zaban Sodsa," he repeats to himself, weirding out Zaban. "It's wonderful to meet a warrior like you and your name is quite pleasant. Although you do not know how to activate your Psychi, I can tell you've awakened it and that's truly admirable enough. With this huge boost, you've earned my utmost respect," he says, giving a warm smile to Zaban, saying, "My name is Abrik."

"This guy is weird," whispered the bystander, gradually clipping his toenails as he watched. Abrik jetted in to gouge the toenail clipper's eyes but Zaban grabs his arm, though unable to move him back or at all be did make him stop as the guy clipping his toenails faints.

"Why did you attack him, Abrik?"

"He was in the way."

"He was behind me."

"He spoke out of turn. I have no room for anyone who ruins fights."

Both Zaban and Abrik gave each other the same nonchalant type glare before Zaban pulled him in for a knee to the face but Abrik grabbed it in time before picking Zaban off the ground and then slamming him down into the ground. Zaban coughs in pain before standing on his feet while Abrik causally stretches his shoulders.

"I think I've dragged this long enough, wouldn't you agree, Sir Sodsa?" Abrik teased, Zaban growing in anger for attacking a bystander yet excited for how strong this man is. "What do you mean you've dragged this out for too long? We've been equal throughout the entire fight," Zaban responded, not finding out that Abrik was already in front of him, leaping off the group and landing a high knee straight at the center of his face, knocking him back, stunned before running in for a punch but Abrik catches it effortlessly.

"Nice technique. Rest well soldier," he nods, grabbing his jaw and then smashing it through the wall to knock Zaban unconscious yet Zaban still stands, refusing to fall to the ground resulting in Abrik looking in astonishment, nodding before turning his attention to Fandous. "It's done. I've done my job," Abrik smiled at Fandous, who is completely flabbergasted with everyone else completely baffled with Mol putting hands behind his head and making a poggers face.

Correction: Zaban got his ass beat.

Yung_Sagecreators' thoughts
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