
Chapter 61

Two days later…

In the outskirts of London, Clark was standing in the same testing field that the SSR had used to test his heat vision but today they were testing what Howard was now calling his super breath. The engineers and scientists from the SSR were all decked out in some heavy coats but thankfully Clark had used bursts of his heat vision to heat up the area so it wasn't as bad as it normally would be. The engineers moved an old truck into the target zone for the test as Howard and the scientist jotted things down while Clark just waited, adorned in his Superman suit. Well, a spare that Howard had made.

As Kelex predicted, yesterday Clark was back to normal as his body finally healed and recovered from his cold. No more sneezing, sore throat, or stuffy head. His body would still need a little more time to get back to full strength and absorb enough yellow sun radiation with all the clouds in the sky but it was getting there. Clark was just grateful to not be sneezing anymore. He had informed Colonel Phillips that he was feeling better yesterday but the Colonel gave him the day to make sure so now he was back in active duty and the first thing to do was to test Howard's theory on his super breath.

"Ok, Kal…" Howard walked over wearing a thick coat and earmuffs to keep his ears warm. "…we're all set to test your super breath."

"Howard, not to be a downer and make all your hard work feel like a waste of time but I've been blowing air from my mouth and it's just like regular breath. I'm not sure what you're expecting." Clark told him.

"That's because you're treating this like regular breath. I mean you're able to breathe in and out without causing a tornado so it's not regular breathing that's going to make this work. If my theory holds true then I want you to take a really deep breath and blow it out as hard as you can like you're forcing it out. All right. You got this." Howard patted him on the shoulder before he walked behind Clark for safety. The other scientists and engineers did the same as Clark took a step forward and looked at the truck. Thankfully there were miles of forests in the distance so he didn't need to worry about collateral damage.

Remembering Howard's instructions, Clark took some deep breaths to prepare himself before he took one very deep breath. The air was sucked into his mouth and his lungs expanded, filling with a tremendous amount of air and when he felt like he had enough he blew it all out as hard as he could.

[Powerful gust of wind]

Like a sudden gust from a tornado sprang forth, an incredible amount of compressed air expelled from Clark's mouth. All the snow on the ground and surrounding trees were blown forward so none of it covered the area in front of Clark for at least a hundred meters and the truck that was the target was blasted forward like it was shot out of a cannon. Bits of it had come off from the sudden force but it crashed down into some trees about 150 meters away.

"Ha! I knew I was right!" Howard cheered while the scientists and engineers gave a round of applause. Clark was stunned in what just happened. Looks like he had a new ability to use though was a bit dismayed that Howard figured it out because now he was going to be insufferably smug about this for a while. Howard ran up to Clark and jostled him from behind. "Oh, boy do I love being right. Never doubt me, Kal. Never doubt me."

"Guess that's why you're a genius and I'm not." Clark admitted.

"And don't you forget it." Howard smirked in delight when his gaze was drawn to vapor that came out of Clark's mouth when he spoke and when he was breathing. Not just Clark but himself and the scientists and engineers. It was cold out so the warm, moist air from their breaths were turning into condensed water droplets and creating the visible clouds via condensation. It happened to everyone and was basic science 101 but it made Howard realize something else that could be possible about Clark's super breath. Howard rushed over to get some things and returned a few moments later with some metal sheets from the truck. He piled them together along with some chairs in the spot where the truck used to be. "Ok, Clark can you set this stuff on fire? Melt it or whatever."

"Uh sure but why?"

"Just do it." Howard told him so Clark relented and fired a quick burst of his heat vision at the pile of items. The sheets of metal melted into burning hot slag and the chairs caught fire. "Ok, now I want you do to the same thing as before but when you breathe the air out, purse you lips tightly."


"Purse your lips tightly so you force the air through the narrowest opening possible. Just humor me." Howard told him so Clark decided to go with it.

Clark took a deep breath and breathed out like before but did what Howard said and pursed his lips so the air was forced out through a narrow or pressurized opening. He breathed out a similarly powerful gust of air which was more focused but instead of sending the molten metal slag and burning chairs into the sky they began to freeze until they were covered in ice. Clark stopped mid-way through his exhale because he was in disbelief while Howard was all smug smile. The once burning and scorching hot pile was now frozen solid in a blanket of ice.

"How?" Clark asked as he and Howard walked over to the frozen pile.

"The Joule-Thomson effect of Thermodynamics. Gases change temperature when expanding usually caused by pressure of transference through a valve or orifice. The smaller or more pressurized opening for the gas to escape and expand then the more significant the drop in temperature because of how gas molecules expand to fill whatever volume is available. The more pressure and smaller opening for the gas to expand and the greater the temperature drop you get. It's the whole science for refrigeration. Our breath can do the same thing. Large open mouth breathing is hot but pursed lips is cool. With you everything is taken to super levels so the amount of pressure your lips put on all the air you breathed out was so great it caused such a drastic temperature drop that when the air comes out it's freezing." Howard cracked off a piece of now freezing molten slag and tossed it to Clark. "Looks like you've got freeze breath as well as super breath."

"This is incredible. I had no idea…" Clark was stunned while Howard was all giddy and smiling. "You could do without the smugness though?"

"Is it smugness if you're a genius and you're right all the time? Maybe you're right because I'm feeling very smug right now. Do I look smug because I feel smug?" Howard quipped and Clark rolled his eyes. He was half tempted to use his super breath and send Howard flying away. That's when he got an idea.

"Oh…ah…Ah…" Clark's nose scrunched up and his lips quivered. Howard saw he was sneezing and so he scrambled for cover. He ran to the side but Clark's head followed him so he pivoted and ran the other direction only for Clark to turn his again.

"HIT THE DECK!" Howard dropped down and covered his head like a bomb was going to go off which technically was kind of true. Howard curled his legs into his body and covered his head with his hands as he waited for a tornado to blow past him…only it never came. He peaked his head up from his hands and looked around to see nothing bad happened so he turned around and saw Clark actually snickering a bit and looking down at him with a smirk. All signs he was going to sneeze were gone as it was now clear it was never going to happen in the first place. He had just been tricked.

"Ok, very funny. Ha-ha. Very amusing." An unamused Howard exclaimed at seeing Clark's little stunt.

"I thought so. Never thought I'd see you run and cower like that but I thoroughly enjoyed it." Clark quipped while Howard just glared at him. "Do I look smug? I think so. I feel smug so I must look smug."

"Ha-ha." Howard got back to his feet all the while Clark was as smug as he was a few moments ago. Sweet Karma.

All jokes and smugness aside, this was a good moment as this new ability, like the others that Clark discovered, was going to be a big help. Already the first thing that came to mind was how it would be useful in putting out fires.

Menton, France February 1944

The border town of Menton on the French Riviera and the Italian mountains was the first city Clark liberated during Operation Dragoon. It was acting now as one of the main hubs for the Allies with Nice being their supply hub because of its larger ports for the Allied ships. Large trucks outfitted with snow plows routinely kept the roads clean but the weather near the coast was more mild compared to further inland so they didn't need to worry too much. In Menton, the Allies quickly established numerous camps and command posts for the US, UK, and French forces along with all the expeditionary groups from various countries partnered with the Allies before they moved on to the other cities liberated from German-occupation. Forward operating positions were set up inland to conduct operations against the German defensive lines.

Aiding the Allies in this was the work of the Maquis who were emboldened by the Allies invasion of France and quick liberation of the Riviera. They aided the Allies with intelligence on the patrols and location for the German army along with sabotage and the aid of their smuggling/transportation routes. Those same routes were what aided the Howling Commandos and Taskforce Vanguard when they were deep behind enemy lines in taking out the Hydra Facilities in France and then the safe passage into Belgium. They still didn't know who Soteria was but the network of connections and safe havens they had was helping the Allies so they were fine with the mystery.

After their success in taking down Castle Caldera, Taskforce Vanguard and the Howling Commandos made their way from Belgium back into France with help from the Maquis though they were concerned when Clark went MIA. Still, Steve kept them on mission and they made their way back to the Allied safe zone, performing sabotage and reconnaissance missions along the way. With the aid of the Maquis, they made it back into Allied territory and aided Allied Forces in performing sabotage, recon, and offensive actions against German-occupied territory. The soldiers rallied behind Captain America who led them valiantly into battle.

The Commandos and Taskforce Vanguard were now enjoying some well-deserved R at one of the best hotels in Menton which was acting as a barracks for the officers and now them. Rest, recovery, and restocking of supplies along with some showers, warmth, and good food. Logan was sitting in the restaurant of the hotel at a small table, reading a newspaper with his cigar perched in his mouth and a small glass of whiskey next to the ashtray. He had just had breakfast and was now enjoying some peace and quiet while the rest of the team were sleeping in or doing whatever. Logan was someone whose past, much like Clark's, was definitely interesting and so rarely did he get to enjoy moments of peace like this. Just sitting around and enjoying a cigar while he read the newspaper was a godsend especially with everything the Taskforce has gotten involved with. He read over some articles about how things were going back in the states. Random celebrity news, movies, sports and such which were inconsequential considering the war.

He turned the page and read through an article that peaked his interest. Senator Jack Jennings of Kansas had been making waves in DC with his full support of President Roosevelt's introduction of African-America divisions into the European theater of war and calling for their equal rights and fair treatment citing the changing landscape of the world with the war. He went on to say how the US is fighting for freedom and a better tomorrow in Europe against Hitler and the Germans so they should be doing the same thing back home for everyone. His outspoken views have earned him plenty of criticism from other senators and politicians, mainly those with heavy influences in former slavery and current Jim Crow segregation. Senator Jennings was from Kansas which has been fairly progressive since it entered the Union as a freed state in 1861 and thankfully Senator Jennings wasn't alone as he did attract other like-minded Senators who shared similar views along with President Roosevelt with the greatest help being Superman. A few photos from the Legion of Merit commendation dinner had circulated of Superman and Senator Jack Jennings together helped since the friendship with the Allies driving force against the Nazi's helped public perception. Of course, the photos were circulated on purpose as Superman took them with Senator Jennings to help since he was ok getting involved in politics for the right reasons with the right people. Superman's speech during the medal ceremony and Taskforce Vanguard itself were proof of him standing by his morals so it did a lot in getting Senator Jennings both public and political support for equal rights. That and the Superman comics he was responsible for helped to subtly influence the next generation. Granted it was still way too soon to tell how much of an effect this would have as dealing with politics wasn't easy and they did have a war to worry about but perhaps starting now would make things easier in the future.

"Not bad, Kal, not bad." Logan muttered. He could care less about politics but it was nice to see that Kal was using his influence for something good. He put his cigar down in the ashtray and grabbed his whiskey glass when he noticed two people by the bar. It was Steve Rogers and Anna Drake, both of whom were wearing civilian clothes and having breakfast together. No one had recognized Steve as without the recognizable suit and shield then people didn't really know what he looked like which was a blessing so he wasn't bothered. Logan didn't need his usual keen eyes to tell that there was more going on between the two then just a casual breakfast between friends.

For one thing, the two were much too chummy for it to be casual. The flirtatious eyes Anna was given Steve which in turn made him blush or stammer a bit. The second thing was that Logan and the others had heard the late-night activities Steve and Anna had gotten up to last night. With Clark being on his own for a while first with staying behind after Tehran, heading to Africa and then going MIA after Belgium, Taskforce Vanguard worked alongside the Howling Commandos in the interim. Both teams got along with each other so there wasn't an issue and both were accustomed to irregular warfare for their missions. The increase in skilled operators/soldiers made their efforts twice as effective and there was good camaraderie between the groups. To everyone's surprise, Steve Rogers and Anna Drake got familiar. No one expected it but if this war taught them anything it's to expect the unexpected. Guess the time together allowed them to get to know one another. Steve was relatively charming and a good guy while Anna was fierce, determined, and resilient considering everything she went through with the loss of her husband when the Nazi's rose to power. It wasn't easy and a wall had been built up but Steve's good-hearted nature managed to get through that in the end. No one knew the specifics because Steve and Anna kept things to themselves and everyone respected that because no one wanted Anna's climbing axe in their leg.

"Not bad, boy scout." Logan finished up his whiskey and grabbed his cigar before heading out. He was going to take a walk around, see where everyone was while they were still on leave for the new few days.

He stepped out of the hotel and zipped up his jacket while he puffed his cigar when his nose picked up a scent. He sniffed the air a few more times and recognized it, quickly adopting a smirk so he followed his nose through the city to the US Army Division base. The MPs and soldiers there didn't give Logan any issue as they recognized him as a member of Taskforce Vanguard. He headed to the main command tent where the officers were gathered going over intelligence/reports and consolidating them for the next moves of the various divisions and battalions. The MPs at the command tent gave Logan a salute and he saluted them back before walking in to see the US, UK, and French officers around a table with the main map of the area. Standing with them was Clark dressed in his suit and he was explaining some recent recon he did for them on German patrol routes, movements and positions.

"…they were moving artillery and fortifying the surrounding towns around Gap here. It's set up at a strategic crossroads for the area and the Durance river is 5 km south so they were setting up here to the southwest at Tallard, along Montclar further south and to the east at Crots. They're using the river to ferry supplies from Gap to the surrounding defensive fortifications and set up solid barriers along the main roads and key bridges. The best bet would be to hit Tallard and Montclar first. Crots has hills and mountains in the surrounding terrain so if you take the other two first then it'll cut Crots off from reinforcements here in Gap. Heavy artillery were set up…" Clark took a pencil and made marks on the map at the two towns. "…here, here, here, here and along the northern shoreline of the Durance river about 3 kms south of Chorges."

"Thank you, Captain." The Major in charge said to him before he looked to his officers. "Get those coordinates to the nearest artillery positions and began prepping 5th battalion for the attack on Tallard. The British 7th will take Montclar with the French."

The officers all gave him a salute and got to work with the Major excusing himself to handle some letters he had to send as an office aid walked over with some papers for Clark to review. "How's the team, Logan?"

"Resting up. A few bumps and bruises but we're fine." Logan told him. "How'd you know it was me and not Kingsley."

"My nose is as good as yours and you're the only one who smells like cigars." Clark pointed out. Logan shrugged as he joined Clark at the table. "Glad you're all ok."

"Feels like I should be saying that to you. That stuff Hydra was cooking up in that missile must have been some seriously bad if it laid you out for two weeks." Logan remarked and Clark nodded. The story told to the Commandos and Clark's team was that the missile knocked him unconscious which is why he was MIA for two weeks. The only one who knew the truth about the situation being the alien planet was Peggy. "You sure you're doing ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Got a clean bill of health and had my own R . Ready to get back into the fight and we got new orders straight from General Eisenhower." Clark handed Logan a folder. He skimmed through it to see the detailed aerial reconnaissance photos taken by Army airplanes and intel collaborated by SOE agents imbedded with partisan groups.

"We're heading into Austria." Logan said in shock.

"General Eisenhower got word of my efforts in helping secure the Riviera so he wants a two-pronged attack for the rest of the war. Field Marshal's Montgomery's 21st Army Group and the American 12th Army Group are going to stay here and make the push to Paris and then hopefully Belgium and the Netherlands. They'll be supplemented with the 101st Airborne Division who are getting mobilized as we speak and of course General DeGaulle's Free French Forces will help them. We're taking General Jacob Devers' 6th Army Group and making the push into Central and Eastern Europe. We take Austria and then push east into Czechoslovakia and Poland." Clark explained and Logan understand why they might want to get to Poland before the Soviets could.

"Take out Projekt Endstation and keep the Soviets from getting any Kryptonite there. Makes sense. Anna is going to be happy we're heading north to Austria. An even bigger pep in her step." Logan joked only for Clark to look at him in confusion. "She and the boy scout got up to some late-night action."

"Oh…Oh!" Clark faltered a bit before it sunk in what Logan meant. "Huh…good for Steve…but how?"

"I don't know and I'm not planning on asking." Logan answered and Clark agreed. Best to not complicate things or make them awkward by asking questions and such. "I'll go tell the others to get suited up."

"You can belay that, Logan. The advance force for the 6th Army Group is still getting ready. All the heavy winter gear for the tanks and trucks was delayed a few days. Let the team enjoy the rest of their R . Plus, you have some celebrating to do." Clark reached into a bag he had on the floor and removed a small box which he gave to Logan. It was opened to reveal new chevrons for the Sergeant First Class ranking. "Congratulations Sergeant First Class James Logan Howlett."

"How'd you pull that off?" Logan wondered, looking at the chevrons in curiosity.

"The missions this team has handled have earned these promotions and Colonel Phillips gave me full discretion. Battlefield Commission is coming your way soon enough." Clark assured him.

Logan wasn't exactly someone who cared about his rank in the army but the fact Clark was doing this was a noble gesture and reflective of their hard work. Not to mention that the promotions earned them better pay when this was all over. "Thanks, Kal." Logan patted him on the back.

"You're welcome." Clark gave him a nod before he grabbed his bag. "Let's make it official to the others."

"Follow me." Logan led Clark out of the tent and through the camp back to the hotel where the team was staying. The soldiers gave the two of them a wide berth and saluted Clark as he walked by. When they left the camp and began walking through the streets of Menton, Clark drew attention because the French civilians recognized his suit and the S on his chest, giving him the same wide berth as the soldiers did. Clark was courteous with a smile and waved at them and they waved back.

They arrived at the hotel and Clark headed to the restaurant while Logan went to round up the team. He walked in and saw a few people sitting around having breakfast, just officers staying at the hotel but he did see Steve and Anna at the bar and they were being very chummy. Guess Logan was right about them.

Clark lingered there in the entrance to the doorway for a bit before walking in which is when Steve noticed his arrival. "Kal…" Steve got up from his seat and Anna turned around, standing up and straightened herself out when Clark motioned her to stop.

"Easy, Anna. Relax. You're off-duty so don't worry. I just arrived. I'm not here to interrupt anything." Clark assured her.

"Glad to see you walking about, Kal. We were worried for a while." Steve said as they shook hands.

"Yeah but I'm back and better. Thanks for looking out for my team." Clark replied and Steve nodded.

"Don't mention it." Steve told him. "You have another mission?"

"We've got our orders but we're still waiting on a few things. I'll go over everything when the others show up so I can explain it to everyone." Clark answered before looking at the two and seeing how they were doing their best to make it not awkward that they were just on a date. "And don't worry you two. My lips are sealed."

The two gave Clark an appreciative nod before they returned to finish their breakfast while he got a table nearby and just had some coffee. About thirty minutes later, Clark and Anna had moved to small conference room in the hotel where the rest of Taskforce Vanguard joined them. Steve had finished his breakfast with Anna and left to regroup with his team and give Taskforce Vanguard some privacy. Some of Taskforce Vanguard were walking a bit slower then others, mainly Lucas who drank too much last night so he and others walked in with mugs of coffee in their hands when they saw Clark and perked up.

"Boss? You're back…or am I'm too hungover and my head is messing with me?" Lucas wondered so Padma gave him a smack on the head. "Oh, not the head."

"This is real." Arthur quipped before he looked at Clark. "Glad to have you back, Kal."

"Glad to be back and to see everyone's all right. I know things have been…weird the past two months to say the least but I'm proud of how this team has handled it. The work you've done with Captain Rogers and the Commandos in my absence is nothing short of exemplary and Colonel Phillips and I can't thank you enough. I can't make it a promise but so long as I can help it, I'll avoid any more long hiatus from the team." Clark told them.

"Considering how after your hiatus you end up returning with a new ability that helps us then I think we're ok with it." Logan quipped and he did have a point. "I don't suppose you have another new one."

"You'll just have to wait and find out." Clark replied and everyone chuckled. "Wait being the key word for here. I'm back now but you've still got some days of leave left before our next assignment. Logan already knows this and I've informed command here but our orders come directly from Colonel Phillips who got them directly for General Eisenhower. He wants a two-pronged offensive going forward. Field Marshal's Montgomery's 21st Army Group and the American 12th Army Group are going to stay here and make the push to Paris and then hopefully Belgium and the Netherlands. They'll be supplemented with the 101st Airborne Division who are getting mobilized as we speak and of course General DeGaulle's Free French Forces will help them. We're taking General Jacob Devers' 6th Army Group and making the push into Austria. We're liberating Central and Eastern Europe."

Clark's declaration caught everyone off guard and there was a moment of silence for them to soak it all in before they all looked at Anna. Their new objective meant more to her than it did the others since it meant they would be liberating her home from Nazi/German occupation. Everything she and her people have suffered would finally be avenged and she was the most determined.

"When do we leave?" Anna asked him with clear interest and determination in her eyes.

"In a few days. We're still waiting on elements from the 6th Army Group to arrive but once they do then we make the push." Clark took out a map from his pocket and put it on a table for them to see. "We're heading back into Italy and then into the Trentino-South Tyrol area. It's the northern most part of the country and borders Austria and Switzerland. It's mountainous by nature but offers us the straightest path into Austria and then straight through over the border into the Rhine of Germany."

"I'll say. Munich just shy of the southern border there." Lucas pointed out.

"140 kms from Innsbruck, the 5th largest city in the country and at a prime crossroads to Switzerland to the west and the rest of Austria to the east. I used to go there all the time to ski." Anna said with fondness as old memories came flooding back but quickly refocused. "It's surrounded by mountains and no doubt will be heavily guarded but nothing you can't handle, Kal."

"No, it's not and while the mountains will be a pain in the butt to get through it's precisely why we're going that way. The Germans won't think we'd take that route especially in the winter but that's precisely why we will. It'll catch them off guard." Clark told everyone.

"And it also helps that you're basically a walking wrecking ball that'll be able to melt the snow if it becomes a problem." Solange remarked.

"Exactly. We push into Austria and secure Innsbruck. We liberate that city and it's the perfect place for the 6th army group to operate. We'll control all the main access roads in that part of the country and the army can begin poking holes in the German defensive line. They'll keep them occupied while we then move east through the rest of the country and then into Czechoslovakia." Clark explained and the team listened.

"What's our ultimate goal?" Arthur asked.

"A pincer move. We surround Germany from the east all the while the rest of the army does it from the west. Germany will be surrounded on two sides and we can box them in but we're also heading to Poland as soon as possible. The weapons project there needs to be stopped before those Maschinensoldaten end up in the wrong hands or they're able to make more. We take them out then all Hitler has left is his conventional army which is already losing ground as it is. This would be the culmination of everything we've done. All the combat, the recon, the grueling hours and days we've spent together have had a real impact and this isn't just me trying to make all of you feel better. Colonel Phillips and Allied Command know this as well. We take out the last special weapons project in Germany while Steve and the Commandos finish off the last of the Hydra factories then this war could be over before the year is out." Clark stated and everyone was ok with that. In fact, that statement seemed less fanciful and more probable. With everything they've been through and the miracles Kal has been able to do, they could help bring this war to a quicker end.

"Sounds good to me." Daniel Take-Yatsu replied.

"The Nazi used their own Blitzkrieg to take over Europe. It'll be nice to do the same to them." Halima added.

"If it means I can get back home a lot sooner then I'm all for it." Lucas quipped, standing up straight and feeling better like his hangover had abated, at least temporarily. Good news tended to have that effect.

"And to add on to the good news, I've got some gifts aside from the extra gear the SSR sent us." Clark took out some boxes from his pocket. "Six of you serving were former army prior to joining me and the SSR like myself and while technically we're all classified as agents, those in the military are able to keep their ranks. You've all put in hard work and it's only fair that it's properly recognized. Lucas, John, congratulations…both of you have been promoted to Sergeant."

Clark handed them their new chevrons and there was a round of applause for them. Lucas was still hampered by his hangover but he had a smile on his face as did Diggle who couldn't believe this was happening. The two saluted Clark who saluted them back.

"Next up, Richard Webb, James Howlett, Daniel Take-Yatsu, congratulations you three, you all have been promoted to Sergeant First Class." Clark told them and there was more applause, saluting, and exchanging of pleasantries. "Last but not least, Arthur Kingsley…congratulations on your battlefield commission to Second Lieutenant."

Everyone applauded Arthur as he and Clark shook hands. He had really stepped up in Clark's absence as the team leader so it was only right that his rank be reflected in that. He was now an officer and the promotion meant more authority and also greater pay once the war was over. Greater pay for everyone in Taskforce Vanguard as agents of the SSR even those that didn't have ranks like Halima, Solange, Padma, and Anna. Once this war was over, it was only right that their hard work be rewarded but first?

It was time to put in more work.


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