
Chapter 141

He'd have to somehow find a way to cure the entire house-elf population in one strike and without the knowledge of their masters, who would almost definitely not want their elves to be cured, either out of greed or some twisted sense of tradition.

Not having anything else to add to that train of thought, Harry quickly covered himself securely with his cloak and muttered "ID Escape."

He then promptly replaced the book where it was before, dissolved a few other book's wards as a distraction in case someone noticed the dissolved ward on the book he had used, and made his way out and back into the staircase he had come from.

He stuffed his cloak into his inventory and made his way back to the surface, where he was guided by a helpful brown haired gentleman towards a button that called an old red telephone box that came down from the roof. Getting into it, Harry pressed 6884455533 at the instruction of the man, realizing that it spelled out 'MUGGLE' on the phone's keys.

And then he rose to the surface, much like an elevator. A really, really slow elevator.

After checking and seeing that he had an hour or so left before sundown when he had to get back to the apartment, Harry dropped into an ID, changed into Muggle clothes and headed towards the local Park to get some fresh air. After walking around a bit, he found an empty bench that looked over the small playground in the park.

As Harry watched the six and seven-year-old children happily play with each other, he felt an oddly nostalgic longing for the childhood he'd never had. His eyes followed some of the smaller girls as they moved about the sandbox making a sand castle, and his mind traveled back in time, to a point when he used to think that working harder and being better would make his relatives love him.

Of course he had no idea then that the reason they hated him was that he was magic.

He idly wondered how his life would have been had he been a squib. Born without magic.

Would Petunia have cared for him? Would Dudley have been his brother? Would his real blood family have actually not hated his very existence? These and many more oddly melancholic thoughts drifted through Harry's head until he noticed that the kids on the sandbox were dispersing to go home as the sun went down the horizon.

Harry frowned as he noticed a little girl with brown hair visibly flinch as the man who he assumed was her father placed his hand on her shoulder.

He looked around. No one else seemed to have noticed anything. Frowning, he cast an observe on the girl.

Chadwick Harper










Chadwick 'Chad' Harper is the textbook definition of a bad man. He murdered his wife when he found out she was a witch because he believed her to be a devil worshipper. Now he likes to spend his time ranting about his job as a plumber to anyone he ever meets and abusing his daughter.

He is feeling angry at her daughter for visibly flinching.

He doesn't know Harry.

His eyes widening, Harry promptly observed the little girl.

Anny Harper











Anny Harper is a girl who watched her father murder her mother in front of her. She has suppressed those memories and tries to act normally. She has constant abuse heaped on top of her due to her accidental magic. She likes cotton candy and playing with her friends in the park

She is scared.

She doesn't know Harry.

The girl was a witch! And she was living with a murderer who was abusing her! He had to do something!


Quest Alert!

Save Anny from her abusive father.


8,000 Exp

New Title


Anny continues to face abuse

She dies before she can get to Hogwarts


"How in the world do I keep ending up in situations like these?" Harry muttered, and pressing yes and quickly standing up, he set out to follow the girl and his father at a safe distance.

Fortunately, the roads they traveled were quite bare of heavy traffic, and thus he had no trouble keeping his targets in sight as he followed them. They walked nonstop for over twenty minutes around many corners, after which they entered the London suburbs, where the man and the girl entered a house.

He looked around it for any signs of danger. The house was decently large but not well kept. It looked like it had been nice and well maintained not long ago but had been neglected over the past few years. He noticed a few beer bottles that littered the porch of the house.

Harry stood there awkwardly for a minute. He had absolutely no idea what he was going to do after he reached their house. Dusk had fallen, and Perenelle would get worried if he didn't get to the flat soon.

It was a few seconds before a plan formed in his head. Harry used Gamer's Mind to memorize the layout of the house.

He'd be back later tonight.

Harry quickly apparated to a hidden spot near his building and went up to the apartment, where he spent the next few hours trying to act casual and normal while he ate dinner and talked to his guardians. He was getting impatient and worried inside, but he had to make sure that the Flamels didn't notice anything he did that involved his Gamer powers.

After he wished the two of them a good night and closed his own room's door, he quickly tucked Hedwig in. She was still in her baby form, but she was feeling all happy and bubbly now and would be back to her usual self in a few days.

Finally, he was ready to leave.

He pulled out his wolf jacket from his inventory and put it on with the hood on. He would need to disguise his form and voice to do what he needed to do.

Then, he dropped into an ID, ran outside the building, and apparated all the way to the house whose location he'd memorized.

Due to constant usage skill has evolved!

Silent Apparition Lv-4 (42%)

Destination, Determination and Deliberation. Apparition is a magical method of transportation and is basically the magical action of travelling by having the user focus on the desired location in their mind. It is by far the fastest way to get to one's desired destination, but is tricky to pull off correctly and disastrous if botched up.

Cost-50 MP per use

'This is one skill I need to grind more. It is way too useful to be only at level four' Harry thought as he dropped back out of the ID and took stock of his surroundings.






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