
Other Fights

They couldn't really ponder much as a sharp wind blade headed towards them, making them step farther from the lord's fight. They frowned, glaring at the damned Alterrans getting in their way. 

Although their loyalties—as with everybody's—were not unbreakable, they still lived a good life in Guia Village, and they were getting a lot of perks. They preferred to keep the status quo, thank you very much! 

Furthermore, who knew what'd happen to the territory with the lord gone? What would happen to their jobs? 

There was also the possibility they could lose, and then they'd be slaves!

This reminder added fuel to their attacks, and everyone ran towards the Soldiers blocking the way. 

Eloi lunged forward with his sword, only to be blocked by a shieldsman—Jake. Eloi gritted his teeth, continuously hitting the shield. 

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