

Mara was walking to the room that had been assigned to her when she passed another training area. There were two men moving at incredible speed on a thick mat. Funny she thought the older one looked vaguely familiar just like the one onboard the ship. Taking a seat she sat quietly and watched the two men as they went at each other.

It was perhaps several hours later when she felt a shake of her shoulder. "Miss," she heard from a long way off. "Miss," there it was again disturbing her dream about her father, one of the few memories she had of him.

Suddenly jerking awake she looked up into the face of the older man. "I am sorry if our exercises bored you."

"No, I am sorry for intruding. I thought I knew you, your face seems so familiar. Both you and the man Thomas on the ship seemed to be known to me but I can't put my finger on it." Mara said as Dempsy was also staring at her.

"I also seem to recognize you though I know I have never met one such as you. I am Lieutenant Dempsy." Dempsy said as the young woman jumped up and saluted. Groaning Dempsy stated, "Please stop that! I hate being an officer!"

Mara looked at the man as if he was crazy! Hated being an officer! What parallel world had she fallen into? An emperor who didn't like being bowed to, an Admiral who likes things as informal as possible. Then there was this man who hated being an officer! Mara fell with a thud into the chair shaking her head.

"I also have to apologise for waking you," Dempsy went on. "You seemed to be in the grip of a nightmare and we thought that you might wish to wake from it."

"We?" Mara asked then Dempsy moved and she saw another younger man behind the officer. "Again I am the one who is sorry I should not have intruded on your training."

"Ah! Also polite! I will have to thank the emperor for bringing someone as polite and respectful as you onboard!" Dempsy said with a smile on his face.

"Sir!" Mara said with a smile on her lips. "Are you trying to flatter your way into my heart?"

Dempsy again smiled and bowed low, "Ah no my dear. I am far too old for you. Perhaps twenty years ago perhaps but now? No." Then Dempsy smiled and pulled Greeson forward. "Though my young apprentice could use someone in his life."

Greeson tried to break loose of Dempsy's grip. "Master it isn't allowed! She is an officer I am just a sergeant they'd drum me out in a heartbeat!"

"Humph! You obviously don't know the emperor as well as you thought!" Dempsy smirked at Greeson. Looking at the still struggling Greeson, Dempsy let him go with a thud on the mat. "Too bad really, I could see the both of you having beautiful children! Remember to do ALL your katas!" With that Dempsy walked away with a strange smile on his face.

Mara smirked and looked at the man on the mat, "Is he always like that?" She asked though she felt she shouldn't really be talking to a sergeant like she was.

"No Ma'am, he is usually gruff, tough, a regular slave driver. I feel though he is trying to teach me all he can. Our opponent last time, was almost as fast as he is. Had it not been for him I don't think I would be here now." Greeson said his eyes following Dempsy as he left the room.

Greeson sighed and excused himself as he started to go through his Katas. Greeson could feel the young woman's eyes on him as he went through all of them, then forgetting went through them again.

The door opened to the emperor's work room as Dempsy walked in. "I take it you heard?" Dempsy asked when he bowed to a groaning Derrick.

"Yes, you know he's right of course. They cannot get together in any way. I'm sorry old friend but this is one thing I cannot let go." Derrick told Dempsy who was trying to think of a solution. "Besides, they may not even like each other."

Dempsy looked at Derrick with a you doubt me look. "There I think you might be wrong, Sire. Look at his concentration, when he first saw her his techniques were far better. No Sire, I think that with her there, he will finally get to where he should be."

"So what in the hell are you suggesting?" Derrick asked a now smirking Dempsy. Then suddenly Dempsy was smiling from ear to ear. "Oh no! You aren't about to suggest what I think you are?..... Are you?"

"Oh," Dempsy looked away as if he was unconcerned, "you could do the same sneaky, dirty, underhanded thing you did to me."

"Dirty? Sneaky? Underhanded? Not me!" Derrick smiled as he replied to Dempsy.

"Yes, you." Dempsy said. "Make him an officer like you did me!"

"You were an exception I..." Derrick stopped when he saw Dempsy's eyes open wide. "What's wrong?"

"My god!" Dempsy said, "I just realised where I know her from!" With that Dempsy ran from the room. Shaking his head Derrick watched as Dempsy returned to the training room.

Mara was just starting to leave when Dempsy burst back into the room. "I have a few questions for you young lady."

"Yes sir," she said as she tried to gauge what was on Dempsy's mind from his expression.

"Your name is Mara, Mara Callie am I correct?" Dempsy asked though he thought he knew the answer.

"Yes sir," Mara answered, not sure where this was going.

"That hasn't always been your name though has it?" Dempsy went on hoping he was right about this.

Hanging her head she shook it no. "My mother remarried and my name was changed to Callie. I left home as soon as I could to finish school and enlist. To honour my real father who was always a hero to me." This time the tears wouldn't hold back as she thought of the man.

"What was your name originally? " Dempsy said with a serious look on his face.

"It... it was Norman." This was whispered. "I have tried for years to find members of his squad, to no avail."

Dempsy smirked a little, "His name was Daniel Norman wasn't it?" A voice came from behind her.

Turning she saw the emperor was standing behind her his eyes wide. "Yes it was but how do you know?"

Derrick sighed; he'd tried to find the family members of the four that were lost. They had seemed to vanish as he and his men had. "He was a good man, he served with Thomas, Dempsy, Hartwell, and I. I was his commanding officer."

"Oh my god! You're that Derrick O'Toma! I remember you, I used to call you uncle Derry!" Both Derrick and Dempsy nodded as they both hugged Norman's daughter.

Suddenly Mara's eyes went wide, "Hello?" She asked in the air.

Derrick motioned to Dempsy who stepped back.

"Yes I can hear you! Yes thank you I'll let him know." Looking at Derrick Mara said, "never mind I think he knows!" As she saw Derrick's knowing smile.

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