

Derrick was bored; the paperwork had always been a boring part of command. This thought had to be the ultimate in boring paperwork. Christ he thought, he'd actually dedicated a whole day to it and had still only caught up possibly 10 years! Well he thought, at least I am finally in THIS century. He'd rejected several requests by the fathers of a lot of the nobles. That part had helped speed it along.

He was about to start in another 10 years' worth when Mary appeared. "Sire, I am sorry to disturb you, especially since you have made such progress. I have more news from Kimison and Rayburn or rather they do."

Mary stepped aside when the holograms of both Kimison and Rayburn appeared. "Sorry to interrupt you, but I do believe we have completed it." Kimison stated.

"Completed it? What exactly?" Derrick asked.

"This," Kimison stated as he held up the thicker looking shield, "Mary if you could please?"

There was a shimmering and the device appeared beside Derrick. "Ok I seem to have forgotten what exactly this is."

Kimison smiled, "it's the micro-IMT, though it does have a few surprises. Oh and I think we have found a way to get the micro-generator to recharge."

This last made Derrick's head snap up as he looked at Kimison. "How long were you unconscious?" He asked Kimison.

The smile disappeared from Kimison's face as he looked at Rayburn, "How in the hell does he do that?" Then he turned back to Derrick. "Almost a whole day, I took an idea from studying how you extended how you take in information."

"Yeah, the idiot took all of Zan, and then he had gone over to Sherry when Mary shut it down. I had to do a manual retrieval of his consciousness. The moron used a memory suppressor! I still want to kick his ass!" Rayburn growled.

Derrick chuckled then turned the device over looking at it. "So please, explain about the capabilities of this."

"Well, we solved all the problems. I'd say the range is about 5 miles, 6 if the generator is at full. We managed to place a small self renewing generator into it. This will help to repower the main generator. All tests proved positive so we thought it was ready. As you can see the range can be set on the back." Kimison explained.

Derrick's mouth was hanging open; they had gone far and beyond what he thought they had done. "I do believe that this almost as much as the shield emitter will prove more than helpful."

Kimison was nodding then pulled a large cannon looking weapon out. "We also managed to finish this."

"Is that the triple power particle beam cannon?" Derrick asked, his voice full of awe.

"Yes sire, if it works as well as we think, then there isn't really anything out there that can stop it. Mary if you please?" Kimison said as the cannon appeared at the feet of Derrick. "As we have said it works better with the re-doubler. This may be the weapon you need to destroy the sect once and for all. I believe that if it doesn't destroy the planet, it can damn sure upset the stability of it."

Derrick was nodding as he was turning the weapon in different directions examining all aspects of it. "I see that you took my advice with the firing chamber by adding a regulator."

Kimison was nodding as he pointed to the regulator, "We were also able to add a modulator. It would seem that the regulator helps but it also needs to be controlled. We are just hoping that no one else can figure a way to counteract it, the destructive force is off the charts."

Derrick was nodding his acquiescence, they really had been worried about him. "So I take it you have also made a set of these for yourself?"

Kimison and Rayburn both nodded no, looking away Rayburn spoke first. "No sire, we have been working on these for you first. The power re-doubler is the only one that we have more than one of. That is in thanks to Mary who started production the moment we were finished."

"We are both sure that with a few of the machines on Tempro we can make a few more. Tempro don't you have a duplicating program?" Kimison stated.

Derrick heard Tempro respond a moment later, "Yes corporal I do, though I am afraid it will take me a day each on the shield emitters."

Turning back Kimison bowed, then his face held a sad look. "I am afraid that the holo-shield emitter we made for Mary was for her only. It had been my intention to make one for each ship to add a component that could assist them in repairs. I am afraid that Mary's unique programming and control are the only ones that we can at present make a solid hologram for." Looking back at something behind them Kimison said. "I apologise to all of the ship A.I. I thought we might be able to incorporate it for all of you but no. I have thought about continuing to work on the problem and hope to find a solution one day."

Derrick looked at Kimison in shock, this was the first time that he'd heard the man speak like this. It was at that moment that Derrick saw each ship bow to Kimison and Rayburn with huge tears in their eyes. Shelby stepped forward and also bowed. "Though it would be of great help, we appreciate all that you have already done. Though in the future if you can solve the problem, I will be the first that you can try it on."

Derrick nodded it was like Shelby she didn't want any of her children to suffer if it didn't work. Though he couldn't say anything Derrick's love for Shelby grew even more at that moment.

"Thank you Shelby, I will do all I can. For all of you." Kimison expressed a new determination in his eyes.

"As will I," Rayburn spoke up. "I might have a few ideas but I need to do more research first."

Kimison looked at Rayburn then his eyes flew wide. Derrick nodded and said, "Hmmm I see, when did you both discover the link?"

Rayburn's mouth also dropped open as he repeated the same words that Kimison had earlier. "How in the hell does he do that?" Eliciting a short chuckle from Derrick.

"I mean come on you two, I've been around you both for most of your adult lives. I guess I notice the little things that most people just let go as everyday things. The look you gave Rayburn was reminiscent of what I have noticed about Shelby's link with me. I have also noticed it between Thomas and Conner. So you see it wasn't that hard. Now then is it constant or is it just flashes?" Derrick asked them both.

"I noticed it after I used the device and immediately went into Kimison's mind to try and help him. I am assuming that delving in so soon after use is what caused it?" Rayburn asked.

"Yes, for all intents and purposes having just opened the mind like you both had, made you extra perceptive. I'm sorry I can't say if it is permanent or not, nor can I say if it will grow stronger. You are the first I have read of it happening in well over 1000 years. He'll enjoy it, it should prove advantageous." Derrick told both of them with a chuckle.

"I'm glad you find it so damn funny, sire! I for one can't really stand to have this..." Rayburn moved his hand up and down indicating all of Kimison. "Invading my mind!"

"As if your kinky perverted thoughts are any damn better!" Kimison snapped out at Rayburn.

"Kinky! The pursuit of pure science is in no way kinky, thank you very much!" Rayburn snapped back at Kimison.

Both men began to glare then advance upon each other. Derrick sighed and nodded to Mary who extended several electrodes inside Tempro and zapped both men.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!" Both men yelled as they folded up and went down.

"Whab de fub wab dat forb?" Kimison tried to talk, spewing gibberish.

"Just taking a note from Mary's book. I'm not there to kick both of your asses so this is the next best thing. The only reason I don't zap you both unconscious is that I still need both of you. Now then straighten up or you can expect more of the same. Do I make myself clear?!" Derrick yelled.

Both men shook their heads with what little muscle control they left. "I told you I was only doing what the emperor had ordered." Mary told both the men.

Both men tried to look up at her, each a fierce look of abhorrence etched on their faces. "Don't blame her, you should blame yourselves. After all she was only following orders, much as I do the both of you." Derrick told both men trying to defuse their anger. "Now unless either of you have anything else I actually have work to do!" With that Derrick clicked off. Shaking his head they had come a long way. Derrick just hoped that they didn't kill each other before they reached a plateau of understanding.

Rayburn and Kimison both managed to pull themselves to a sitting position while they continued to glare at each other. Just as suddenly they both began to smile, then chuckle 'til they were both laughing uproariously. "You think we have him fooled?" Kimison asked.

"For now, yes, I am afraid he might catch on soon if we have to keep this up. That and the fact that I think we are both going to have burn marks on our asses if we keep going like this too long!" Rayburn replied which brought about another round of laughter.

"I think we have protected him a hell of a lot better than he was. I think it's about time we started on the other project don't you think? Besides, I want to try and implement the new ideas I got the other day about the correlation between data transfer and memory transfer." Kimison told him.

Rayburn sat there for a few minutes as Kimison outlined several ideas that he had. At first Rayburn was shaking his head as he took in all that Kimison was saying. Everything made a lot of sense at least 'til Kimison moved far beyond the scope of Rayburn's knowledge. Stopping a moment later Kimison could see that Rayburn had only got about half of what he'd said. That plus the feeling of angry confusion in their link also gave him reason to pause.

Walking to a console Kimison pulled the plans for the memory enhancer. Then suddenly, not unlike the emperor had, Kimison started to enter data at a blinding speed. The hologram of Tempro appeared a moment later, his mouth hanging open. "Yes sir, I see now what went wrong. It will be finished in a few minutes."

Kimison turned and sat next to Rayburn, "alright I have repaired all that was wrong with the enhancer. I added another set of safeguards to prevent what happened to me and another backup. I have re-tuned the suppressor so it is by far safer than when I used it. I need you and your odd way of seeing my ideas to their completion."

"WHAT!? You expect me to take as much as you did? I know the suppressor worked well, it was almost brilliant, but I was there to help you ease into it. Are you sure you can process the data like I do?" Sighing, Rayburn looked over what Kimison had added. Nodding he had to admit even the emperor might want to use this now with everything they had added.

Sitting in a nearby chair, Rayburn's eyes burned a hole in Kimison. "If this doesn't work I am going to kick your ass all over this ship damn it!"

"It'll work, I can see it." Kimison said drawing a strange look from Rayburn, damn if he hadn't heard the emperor say the same damn thing!

Flipping a switch, Rayburn was suddenly in an empty room with a 5' 7'' young man with short brown hair, not overly muscled, no facial hair, wearing what appeared to be...? Overalls? "Not to sound condescending but really? Overalls?"

"Actually I tried several types of clothing and apparel over the short time I was aware of. I found that after the emperor opened more of my emotions, that I actually loved this that I am wearing more than any other. If it offends you I can change it though I have to say I won't like it much." Zan told Rayburn.

"I am sorry I didn't mean to offend you. I was wondering about it. So when do we start?" Rayburn asked, wondering when the pain would start.

"Sir? You started as soon as you appeared, I estimate that you have almost half of my library now." Zan replied.

"WHAT!!?? There is no sensation, nothing what did you do Kimison?" Rayburn was shouting.

<I added a second suppressor to allow the information to expand slower after entering the mind. I take it you like it?> Kimison's thoughts said.

<Like it? Hell I think we have it as safe as we can get it.> "Zan, where am I?" Rayburn asked.

"I have you at 75%, another 5 % then you will be at shut down capacity." Zan reported.

Rayburn nodded as he finally started to feel the information that was entering his mind.

Zan looked up and nodded, Commencing shut down, I have to say this is the best I have seen a corporeal mind take the libraries. Good luck sir, I also wanted to thank you for the many inventions you and your partner have created." Bowing low Zan vanished then Rayburn opened his eyes.

"We have to give the commander a chance to use this! I felt nothing at all! Wait! You not only used a second suppressor but an extra bank of voltage regulators! Nice! Now then on to the problem you were talking about. I see where you were going though, I think a few of the items you used in the enhancer will prove useful in the project also."

Kimison nodded as they both started to move at a much faster pace than they had before. It was perhaps a day later when a huge vat-like door opened in front of Kimison. A table with a female form on it rolled out of the chamber.

"Tempro? How are her vital signs?" Rayburn asked as he made his way to the table.

"They are holding steady, I am not reading any adverse effects of the transfer. I have to say sirs, this is the furthest I have ever seen the project go." Tempro replied.

"We'll see Tempro, as soon as she wakes up." Kimison said as he was scanning the woman on the table with several apparatus.

There was a sudden sigh then, the beautiful, blonde, green eyed, slender woman sat up and looked at the two men. "Hello, I'm a little confused. I can see that you both are techs of the empire but I can't seem to place you." The soft but strong voice of the woman said.

"We are friends and helpers of the emperor, you are probably the most important person next to the emperor. We will be assisting you over the next few weeks, perhaps less. Now please rest, your majesty all will be revealed soon." A hugely smiling Kimison said to which an even wider smiling Rayburn nodded agreement.

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