

Greeson was trying to keep up with the woman, throwing several punches at him. One mistake and he couldn't breathe, doubling over. He felt the finishing blow even before she landed it. Crumpling he felt the breath leave his body. Jerking awake, Greeson screamed as the pain racked his body. What the hell? He was still alive? He had been sure that he was dead when she landed that last hit.

Dempsy felt Greeson as he started to claw his way to the surface, good the young man was still fighting even in his sleep. Suddenly Greeson bolted upright letting out a hair curling scream. Smiling Dempsy twisted spots on the man's back and neck. The pain suddenly went away, Greeson blinked and then saw Dempsy.

Bowing his head Greeson stated, "I am sorry sir." Greeson tried to sit up further but found that his strength wasn't nearly what he thought it was. "I thought I had her but she got through after the fiftieth blow." Hanging his head lower, Greeson expected Dempsy to dismiss him.

"The simple fact that you are still alive is testament that you did listen to my instructions. The one you faced was a former student of mine. She is an embarrassment to the art form; with your help we will end her. This means that your REAL training starts today, out of bed maggot! There is much to do; next time you meet her she will not be surprised." Dempsy leaned closer, almost snarling, "Nor will she be as gentle."

Greeson nodded getting out of the bed falling flat on his face! Dempsy signed, grabbing Greeson smacking his hand beside Greeson's spine and lower back. This of course elicited another scream from the man, before he sprang away from Dempsy. "Damn it! You really are trying to fucking kill me aren't you!" Dempsy just smiled. Greeson still hadn't realised that he was across the room.


Kimison and Rayburn were still working on the micro - IMT, finally they had stabilised the power. The sensor they had added was working to an extent, as of yet the range was only a few hundred metres. Sighing they both couldn't figure what was wrong; they had solved the power problem, they had directionality, the matter stream was stable when it converted to and from energy, why in the hell was the distance so limited?

Rayburn had thought he had solved it but had only extended it a hundred metres more. Sighing he'd just started looking over everything again when a thought struck him. "Kimison, when we adjusted for outside interference, did we adjust for ALL outside interference?"

"All outside interference? What in the hell are you on about?" Kimison said with a look of confusion on his face. "As far as I know we only adjusted for mechanical..., holy shit! You really think it's possible that the device is that sensitive?"

"We won't know 'til we look, remember we had to use an ultra sensitive sensor. Had we not then accurate directionality wouldn't have been possible. I'm thinking that the sensor is picking up ALL EM energy living and mechanical. I think that is what is limiting the distance. Hell, there is more than enough power for a long transfer. It should work." Rayburn replied.

Kimison sat thinking, could it actually be that easy? Shaking his head he started testing to make sure. Within thirty minutes he could only nod agreement to Rayburn. "It appears that what you proposed is in fact a reality. Damn it! Why in the hell hadn't I seen it? This was my idea to start with!"


Derrick knew that the other Nobles were going to be scrambling to make things better before he got there. Growling he damn sure hoped so, the problem was how in the hell was he going to make sure things stayed that way? Sitting there thinking for a few minutes a thought hit Derrick as he grabbed a piece of paper and started to furiously draw. Looking up, Derrick suddenly spoke, "Mary?"

Mary 1 as Derrick affectionately called her appeared a moment later, "Yes Sire," came her response.

"I had an idea a few moments ago, you think it would be possible to incorporate these ideas into several sentinel guards?" Derrick asked, showing Mary the proposed enhancements to the sentinels.

Mary was quiet for a few moments as she studied the plans, crude though they might be. "Yes Sire, I think it would be possible though in order to protect this part," Mary pointed to several points on the paper. "I am afraid that it would have to be internal. As you know the internal temperatures can rise greatly in the sentinels."

Derrick took what Mary said thinking a moment, then moved to a console. Again his hands moving at a furious speed Mary digested each part as Derrick entered it, her smile growing. "That should provide more than adequate protection don't you think?"

Mary's smile had grown even larger as she went over each piece of the data that Derrick had entered. "It should Sire as of yet I foresee no problems with this. I am afraid that the control centre is a bit out of the range of my abilities. Shelby I believe that this is more your field of expertise."

Derrick's eyes went wide as he stared at the hologram of Mary. It seemed that Derrick had just caught her in a lie. "I know, for a fact, that your last statement is a falsehood."

Heaving a sigh Mary nodded with tears coming from her eyes, "Years ago yes that would be true but now." Derrick watched a little in shock as more tears fell from Mary's eyes. "The part of me that is infected, the part so near my heart if you will; that is one of the commands I cannot follow without activating the virus. I am unable to create other children, I am afraid that even after I am healed I may still not possess the ability."

Derrick lowered his head feeling ashamed, he'd caused Mary one of his most trusted living beings pain. Shaking his head yes, he thought she was far more alive than actual biological beings. He made a promise to himself to not harm any of them like this again. "I apologise Mary, though I am glad that I was able to restore at least two of your children."

Mary's face showed surprise, the emperor was apologising to her? Her mouth hung agape though not much as the tears were still falling. The tears now though were more of joy than sadness. "Sire! You are the emperor sir, I am but a tool for you to use. I am nothing compared..."

"I NEVER want to hear those words from you again!" Derrick suddenly shouted. "You, every one of you," Derrick said, indicating each and every one of the ships. "Are just as important as I am, just because you are mechanical doesn't mean your value is any less important! Now do I make myself clear?!"

All the holograms were shocked though they nodded agreement, each with tears in their eyes. Shelby had a look of supreme pride and love on her face.

"Now then Shelby how..." Derrick started.

"I am estimating another 4 days 'til their emergence. The additions you made to the energy matrix have boosted their growth. As with Johnathon and Lars their growth is far faster than we anticipated. 0200 and 0778 have shown no signs of stress from the rapid growth. Their signals are holding steady and strong, I will of course notify you when it is time." A happier Shelby told Derrick.

"Good Shelby, we need to talk about you using your personality creation program." Derrick held up his hand when she started to deny it. "I've known far longer than you think Shelby. I think it would make all the difference with what I am planning in the very near future."

Shelby could only nod her mouth still hanging open, Derrick had known all this time but had never said a word! Shelby looked at Derrick with an even greater feeling of love, she just wished that she could be with him. Existing like they were was almost torture to her, though her love for him and her duty kept her stalwart at all costs to herself.

Derrick hoped he was doing the right thing by Shelby. If even one of the new personalities were destroyed, Derrick was afraid that they might eventually lose Shelby. Sighing he didn't want to risk that but with Mary out of the picture right now she was all they had.

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