

Both Kimison and Rayburn smiled that it was nothing as they looked at the other nine projects. The micro generator for the hologram projector along with a micro hologram projector. The triple output particle beam weapon, the triple layer shield emitter, the hypersensitive weapon detector (based on Derrick's brain box detector). Though they were still having problems with the micro IMT, the power required was still steep. Kimison's favorite was the living nullifier though it was more of a stun gun Kimison liked the name better.

The last two had stopped not long after they had started. They were the most dangerous, a cellular bond disruptor seemed too cruel for even Kimison, who though still pissed as hell, didn't think he could kill someone that painfully. The last Kimison liked a hell of a lot but decided that a total mind erasure wouldn't do without a way to input information. Being that alone Rayburn had agreed could kill as fast as any energy weapon.

Mary watched as both men went back to work as she and Tempro took the apparatus the men had completed and started a long series of tests. This had Mary excited that she could most definitely keep up with the emperor and protect him.

Greeson was flat on his back again, damn it he thought. I know my speed has increased. Why can't I stop it? Again he got up and faced off against the robotic sparring partner that Shelby had provided. Closing his eyes, Greeson decided to try something his instructor had once told him. Calming himself and finding a centre, Greeson opened his eyes and waited a lot calmer as the robot advanced. This time Greeson seemed able to watch everything as the robot made its move. Feigning to the outside and switching quickly to the other Greeson was a little shocked when he saw it and having waited was able to actually stop and flip the robot.

Amazed Greeson hadn't seen the others that had come into the room 'til they started to cheer. Shocked, Greeson wasn't watching as the robot righted itself and advanced. Flipping over the man the robot reached for Greeson who had heard the approach and had side stepped again flipping the machine to the mat.

Standing up straight, Greeson held out a hand, "hold."

"Simulation has been paused. Was that sufficient sergeant?" Shelby asked with the sweetest of smiles.

A little taken aback Greeson could only stare at the robot righting itself then pausing. "Yes, thank you Shelby. Is there any way to determine what I did different the last two times?" Greeson asked keeping an eye on his sparring partner.

"As far as I could tell all your life readings were twice as calm and slow. It appears that your cognitive reasoning also increased as did your reflexes. Would you like to go to level 6? It appears that you are finally to where you stated you wanted to be." Shelby asked a small amount of concern in her voice. She wanted to help them to guard Derrick better but it wouldn't do to have them get killed while training.

"I don't think so right now Shelby, I need to know that this wasn't a fluke that I can continue to go at this level." Greeson told her as she breathed a sigh of relief. She had to admit Greeson had advanced far faster than the rest of the Rangers there. Though most were to level 3, so far Greeson was the only that had made it this far.

Shelby nodded then waited as Greeson took a deep breath then stated, "Continue."

This time the robot did two flips one to each side then flipped toward Greeson its legs and arms extended outward in an attack. Again Greeson had calmed and found his centre awaiting the attack, a slight side step at the last second, a block of one arm and leg. Then Greeson was looking at the robot on its back. Greeson went on for another hour finally telling the robot, "Cease."

Greeson watched as the others were starting to train, they all congratulated him for the feat that he had accomplished. Greeson just shook his head. He was still a little in shock having either blocked, side stepped, or flat out flipped the robot. Here I thought the man had been full of shit Greeson thought glad now I remembered what the instructor said.

Hartwell and Derrick had both watched the progress of all the Rangers practising. They were taking a slower route to the first upper Noble instead of a few seconds they were taking seven days. Derrick wanted the Rangers to have time to get better. From what he saw they were some, though from the look of Greeson they weren't pushing nearly hard enough. They had just finished watching Greeson's latest training.

"Holy shit!" Hartwell remarked, "Damn I hardly saw him move!" Derrick was smiling; he'd personally picked out each of those that were on this mission. He knew that Greeson was a lot like he himself had been back in the war. Protect those that you are assigned to like family and especially protect your team. In a sense they were your family and were as dependent upon you as you were upon them.

Derrick was smiling even more when he saw Greeson calm and centre the first time after that the robot never really touched the man. "Level 5 in just 3 days I have to say that Greeson is a man of his word. Shelby query, at his present level as compared to those that attacked us at the repository how well do you estimate that he would fare?"

Derrick waited for only a moment, "Taking into consideration all that happened, I would say he is at or beyond over 75% of those that were there."

Derrick sighed so Greeson had been right; they all were merely targets to many of the sect. Though in Greeson's case he might, just might get as good as the sect given enough time. Derrick nodded' he had to give them all of them the time if this was going to work.

After three days Kimison and Rayburn had finally collapsed from fatigue and lack of sleep. Mary could only shake her head she had warned them, still they had refused. Looking over all that they were still working on, she was still at a loss as to what they were working on. The simple fact that they had accomplished what they had so far had given her pause to stop them. She was just hoping that they would soon feel secure enough to start back on the project, so much depended upon the completion of it.

Sighing she had to wait for at least a day before they were alert again, working at the break neck speed they had. Tempro had been going over all the information that both men had gathered. He had to admit he'd never gone in the direction that the two men had. Tempro wasn't about to say it was genius but to him it was about as close as you could get. Carefully Tempro started to test the numerous examples that they had left for him. Though almost all failed at the start it was at least a start a hell of a lot more than he'd had only a week ago.

Tempro was almost finished with the full amount of testing when Kimison groaned getting up. Eating a few bites of food he waited impatiently for Rayburn to awaken. Damn he thought, he knew that Rayburn had kept going an hour after him but Kimison thought the lazy ass would be up before now!

<You know asshole, I can still hear you even when I am asleep, as if I could with you bitching in your mind!> Came the thoughts of Rayburn causing Kimison to start smiling.

<Sorry I thought you were going to sleep the rest of the day. You are after all older so...> Kimison started.

<Oh shut the hell up! Older my ass! I'm the same age as you, so you can stuff that old crap!> Rayburn spit back at Kimison in his mind.

<Hell buddy, I'm just glad we've got as far as we did I'd like to see the ass get to us now with all we have!> Kimison thought.

<Yeah I agree, I doubt very seriously that he'd try again IF he lives that is. Like you told the commander let's make damn sure he not only dies but stays that way!> Rayburn thought, nodding his head in agreement.

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