
Kicking Ass and Taking Names

Feeling the hot breath of the Istar creature on my neck, I sent up a quick prayer and slapped the left side of my neck and my choker. I didn't think that my nanos had enough energy to deal with both the toxin and my demand for armor, but the way I figured it, I was going to die either way.

It was better to die from being poisoned than it was to have your throat ripped out. I could handle pain; it didn't mean that I liked it.

I turned my head, determined to stare at my executioner in the eyes. I wish I had a knife or something that I could use to stab this thing in the side. I knew that the acid would probably eat through my flesh, but I really wanted to take a part of the monster with me.

There was a shimmer of something white before my eyes just as my armor kicked in.

I felt the weight of the alien being ripped off of me, her hold on my clothing absolutely nothing to the force of her being ripped off of me.

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