
Not That Much Different

When the lift opened at the absolute lowest level of the ship, I was expecting to see the same standard corridors that I had seen on the others: dark grey walls with almost black floors. However, that was not what greeted me.

Instead, the hallway looked like something out of the swamps of Region F in my old country. Moss and vines hung down from the ceiling and walls on either side, and the floor was covered with a thick layer of fog. It was creepy as hell, especially knowing that there was some evil Easter bunny living here.

The little one in my arms stirred, his nose and whiskers twitching as if scenting something. Opening his bright orange eyes, he stared at me. "I think I am going to call you Pumpkin," I said, once again booping it on the nose. Was it the best name I could come up with? Not really. But at the same time, it fit, so I was going with it.

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