
That Shit Was For The Birds

Da'kea waited until the door was closed before turning to the other conscious males in the room. "She does have a point. None of that was normal," he said softly. "I was ready to kill them just for being in the same room as her. I have never felt that level of rage before."

"Nice to know I wasn't the only one," grumbled Au'dtair. Pushing himself away from the wall, he went to go stand over Vraev'ox. "But I am not feeling it anymore."

"I have a theory," said Jun Li over the speakers. "I think it might have something to do with the fact that you had scent-marked her, and then you couldn't smell her."

"Explain, please," said Da'kea. He needed a logical answer to that rage and loss of control. It was the only way he could think of to not experience it again.

"You had essentially marked your territory, and as soon as you had, it disappeared," pointed out Jun Li blandly.

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