
Of Course We Would

"Why don't you talk to me like I am someone completely new to the universe and have no idea what you are trying to say," I said with a roll of my eyes. I knew that I was going to have to study all the different alien species out in the universe, but that was lower down on my list of priorities than I might like to admit.

"Remember how I said that I had experienced a blast that spun me around in a circle?" started Jun Li.

I took in a deep breath and prayed for patience.

"Yes," I said, just now realizing how strong that blast would have had to have been in order to move a giant thing like Jun Li.

"That blast came from planet W59271, also known as Thuzirus. It has been classified as an outlaw planet due to the fact that the government does not enforce, or even have, any laws or legal system. Everything and everyone are up for grabs. Not even the Alliance is willing to send people there to enforce a new system of governance."

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