
I will take you

Alone …The feel of an empty house is suffocating. Dina steps towards the couch and sits on it leaving her head resting on the back of the comfortable material.

'I am alone ….' Her hand covers her eyes. As she departs her hand she sees the scar on her wrist.

In her mind the time she sits on the ground having her parents lie dead near her, is bringing the feelings she hates the most.

'I should have died too...is not like I am more special …. why? WHY? why was it me ..the one to survive …' She frowns as a tear comes down her cheek. Her anger is combined with the sadness that comes above her.

Dian punches the couch …her sob is silent.

What's left to do …? She can only keep moving further while holding onto her regrets.

'At least now I know why …I am still alive …. I am living to live a hell they hid from me ….' As she wipes her tears, she falls with her face in her palms.

Pressure is felt by the girl. She looks around.

For some reason, she feels the presence of another person in the house. Dina knows that …her instincts on this are always correct. Faris trained her well while disciplining her. She developed an awareness of being watched.

'Damn …if only I would know where is this coming from …' She moves towards the kitchen. The pressure is felt on her back. She turns around …no one is there.

Her footsteps are heard as she reaches the kitchen.

No one is here either.

Dina's chest clenches as a hand is felt on her shoulder. She freezes …. she doesn't want to turn.

'Is this the way I will die? …No …I can't allow that …I have to do my duty ….' Her thoughts are moving around as she can't move.

"You are pretty calm …" The voice is heard near her ear. The hand is moving up her neck.

The breath of the creature behind her is felt on her neck skin …shivers are sent down her spine.

'I have to …. want to survive …' After coming to a decision, Dina looks back. Her cold eyes meet a warm smile.

"August ….." Her voice is cut by the shock she just had.

The boy smiles and steps back. He looks at the girl whose cold facade crumbled….in the realization of what she will confirm.

"Are you a vampire…?" Her frown is showing her concern.

"Hmmm…. let me think .." August moves around her.

"Tell me!" Dina grabs the collar of the jacket and he stops from scrolling around. He frowns.

"If I were to say that I am … what would you think?" August's face closes the distance and he stares into her eyes.

"Just fucking tell me!" Her growl makes him giggle.

After all, they went through together, if he were to be a vampire, she would have felt the most betrayed. Her anger rises the more the boy drags this question around. Why is he so changed?

"Maybe I am not …But you don't need to know this…." He takes her hand off his jacket.

"Is this how you were all this time behind my back? Is this how you really felt? Tell me this then!" Her voice lowers as she glares at him.

Dina feels like her mind will lose it … too many things happening …

"Hmmm…. maybe I did." August gives a small smile and he looks absent at her.

Dina is dumbfounded …" Hahahaha…. can't believe how dumb I was …." Her voice trembles and the sadness in her eyes gives away how she feels even though she wants to hide.

The boy frowns. That's not what reaction he wanted.

"So, you won't cry?"

When she hears that the pitiful feeling she feels gathers in a ball of anger.

"Do you deserve my tears? Have you thought of this?" She tilts her head and stares at him absently.

"I deserve at least that. You don't even know how much I wanted to see that …" August frowns and a hint of sadness is felt.

"…I am …. I just don't know what to think anymore." Dina loses her reason and she sits on the chair near her. She feels her body giving up from the repeated shocks.

"You shouldn't have sat down. We are going to leave anyways." August comes in front of her and she looks up at him.

"At least tell me what is really going on …. I deserve to know at least that." Dina holds eye contact with the boy. She is getting pale and August frowns. Small sweat drops are on her neck …

"I will take you to the wedding we will have in …." He looks at the clock he has on his left hand, "two weeks , starting with this minute ." He ends and looks at her smirking.

'Wedding …. what ….'

"Who are you actually? "She looks wandering at him while trying to make a connection between the info he will give her and the things Faris and Ralph told her.

"Me …I am August de Fino, the only son of the Sebastian de Fino. Do you know my father? Guess no. "August moves around while explaining more since he feels pride about this.

"He is the strongest vampire alive. And I am the second. "He smirks.

"So, you are a vampire …" Dina mumbles while looking down. The boy stops in front of her and lifts her chin.

"Do you know about your origins?" His wicked smile makes Dina wonder if he was really the boy she knew. The cute boy who took care of her for years …

"Don't worry. I will tell you." He frowns …as he smells the base of her neck." Why are you smelling like that bastard?" He glares at her while his hand is choking her neck.

'Where is the sweet scent of hers that I have been craving …. that bastard bit her ….no …no way …'

Dina closes her eyes and tries to breathe. Her hand is grabbing the hand of the boy.

"I don't…know …what …do ..you mean?" Her voice is interrupted by the lack of oxygen.

August looks at her and realizes that she doesn't know a thing. He arrives at the conclusion that maybe Angelo fed her his blood in secret. He lets her go.

She brushes her hand on the mark left by the boy.

'He is …dangerous …like hell, he will know the truth …I will find a way to escape him …' She couches.

"Shall I tell you what your so-called savior did to you?" He smiles satisfied when Dina frowns.

"Angelo gave you his blood. Now you are a half vampire. "He drops the bomb that she already knew.

Dina makes a colder expression and she glares at him." What do you mean?" The girl is acting as she can, but the boy knows her too well.

"You knew …ha …. you try to fool me? Do you think I don't know your habits? When you are shocked you are never angry. Now you are pretty mad for a reason you were supposed to not know. Bitch .." Angelo slaps her and she grits her teeth.

Dian looks at the floor and she knows faking won't help her at all. She looks at him with hate.

"So, you are after me? Marrying me to be the leader of the vampires? You are pathetic to need a girl to become something. Don't you feel the same?" Everything she kept inside is splashing the boy who is surprised to see her being like this.

I mean he knew she was short to snap but after a slap maybe she felt like crying …he hoped.

"Ha! I will see how feisty you will be in your cell. "A vampire appears from behind her and she is hit with a bat.

Dina feels the hit and the ground under her.

'I will be fine ….' Her last thoughts are put down as she loses consciousness.

"So, she was a vampire." The other vampire is lifting her from the ground on his shoulder.

"Good thing I brought you with me. I had a feeling that she might be. My power of fainting will not have worked on a half vampire."

August sighs and cuts his vein. The blood engulfs them.

"To my father." His voice is heard in the dark.

//Yes, master. //

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