
Chapter 117: Knowing Brothers 2.

Sang Min: So, we're going to be doing something fun by asking questions maybe 6 questions

The Girls: Okay

Kyung Hoon: So, who keeps long in the bathroom?

Sana: It's Nancy, she keeps so long in the bathroom. We also have only one bathroom

Nancy laughed

Crystal: She would be standing in the mirror looking at herself 5 minutes and doing her hair like this

Crystal stood up and did the same thing making everyone to laugh

Nancy: Crystal, that is too much

Mina: That's what u actually do

Crystal sat down

Nancy: Okay, I'll just take your word for it I guess

Jin Ho: So, if like someone wants to like do something there then the person would be knocking on the door

Heechul: Nancy would say give me 5 more minutes

The girls laughed especially Nancy

Sang Min: Who's the messiest?

Chaeyoung: It's Sana and we all agree on that

Sana laughed

Sana: Anything that she cooks, there would be mess everywhere and she won't clean it too. Crystal always cleans her mess for her

Soo Geun: Oh, Sana Why are u like this?

Sana laughed

Kyung Hoon: Who's most likely to argue most?

Crystal: It's actually me cos these girls always let's me talk a lot so I'm even tired

Mina: We're not actually stubborn

Crystal: You all are stubborn especially Jennie who fed my kitten with chicken when he doesn't even like chickens

They all laughed

Kyung Hoon: Who cries most at award shows?

Nancy: Jennie cries most at award shows because she's so passionate

Sang Min: Who's most likely to date first?

Chaeyoung: In my choice, I would say it's Jennie

Mina: Yeah, me too. I was about to say Crystal but she's already dating so she's actually out so it's Jennie

Sang Min: Last question is Who's most likely to tease people?

Sana: They're actually two cos it's Mina and Chaeyoung, Jennie used to be part too but now she's not part again

Jennie: I'll be back again

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