
Chapter 107: Mnet Awards 2.

Mr. Seho came to them

Mr. Seho: Jennie, are u sure u can perform?

Jennie: Of Course I can, Mr. Seho

Mr. Seho: If it hurts too much then get out from the stage as soon as possible

Jennie: Okay, Mr. Seho

It was soon their turn to perform and the girls were backstage but it was shown on the big screen whatever the girls were doing. FIRST SONG IS Don't Start Now

The girls sang the song and later they came on the stage and there were lots of screams for them

The Girls: Don't Start now

The song continued, they also sang Girls Power and it was very short then they sang Fireworks and it began with the raps then they sang the chorus

Jennie could actually feel pains now and was almost teary, Nancy saw this. Their last song they were to sing was their newest song BROKENHEARTS GIRLS

The Girls: Brokenhearts girls, Brokenhearts girls

Chaeyoung: You wanna know what's wrong with me, Hearts hearts. Don't wanna know cos all of this is Hearts hearts

Jennie: Look at him now see what he did to me, You left for a real bitch See what I'll do

Crystal: Take it easy is what everyone tells but I'm not going to do it all that everyone else tells me to do

Jennie: We're the source of life and we're the Dreamy cos we know what it is

Nancy: Because we girls are the

Sana: Brokenhearts Girls, you'll never see me in your life. We're the Brokenhearts Girls cos we'll be together

Mina: For we were born to be alone yeah we were born to be alone cos we're the Brokenhearts Girls


Crystal: No, love letters that's my X's and O's No one's drank here so don't we girls are like that cos we aren't

Jennie: Brokenhearts Girls like this we gonna break off all the chains and unlock a new chapter cos happiness is pain when u don't wanna smile on it

Chaeyoung: We won't stop, won't stop. Let them know that all we wanna do now is just be us and we got this so we don't need help for this cos our hearts are not yet broken all because of u


Mina: Beautiful girl like shouldn't be this heartbroken

Nancy: So what, so what. Let's see what would happen to me now cos this is not me yet Shimmy shimmy Love girl I really like it

Crystal: We're the source of life and we're the Dreamy cos we know what it is

Nancy: Because we girls are the

Sana: Brokenhearts girls, you'll never see me in your life. We're the Brokenhearts Girls cos we'll be together

Mina: For we were born to be alone yh we were born to be alone cos we're the Brokenhearts Girls

Jennie: Up and down, your darling's falling

Chaeyoung: Watch and see what they'll do

Sana: You make me feel the energy now, Babe

Nancy: Yeah, Dreamypinky is the revolution

Jennie: 1 2

The Girls: Broken hearts girls

Chaeyoung: See what I did

The Girls: Brokenhearts girls

Jennie: Get the work done

The Girls: Brokenhearts Girls

Jennie: Why we still looking for help

The song ended and the girls posed, the rest left the stage leaving only Crystal. Backup dancers came and joined her and she began singing her Solo Song and male dancer came and danced with her, she did so well performing and they posed

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