

John looked up to see his saviour to see Castor looking at the SS-ranked girl, Castor signalled for John to run as he sprinted off in the same direction as Castor. As Castor ran around the corner the Insane blue and pink hair girl opened her eye to see Castor running around a corner.

She looked insane, she looked like she was about to start foaming at the mouth from pure rage. The thrusters on her engines started to whir as she flew round a corner at Castor and John.

She zoomed behind Castor and shot him in the side of her face. Castor would buckle and fall from being shot in the face. She would laugh as Castor fell, John looked back to see her foot on Castor's chest.

Castor yelled out albeit weak, "Run Johnny." The girl looked at Castor, not seeming to care about John but John kept running. "Rebekka, please." She cut him off, "Shut up." She put her foot down even stronger on his chest as she started to cough up blood.

John made it round the corner as he pulled out his phone and started at call to Nikistratos, "NIKISTRATOS, CASTOR, GOT SHOT IN THE FACE BY A GIRL WITH PINK AND BLUE HAIR!" Nikistratos took a second to respond, "Rebekka? I am not allowed to act, she'll kill me."

Nikistratos cut the call.

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