

John walked towards the prototype sword as the guards fired at the demon. It called to him. He made it to the podium as the demon noticed him and started the demon started to charge through the guards.

John picked up the prototype sword. It gave off a blue glow that everyone took note of. The sword transformed from a normal sword to a sword with two blades on the same side. The blue hilt became yellow. He felt empowered before the sword started to shake violently as he looked up at the charging demon.

Something whispered "Jump" and he followed, he was unaware if it was the sword or a person. He got launched 15 metres ups, the demon shot its face tendrils at John. John instinctively cut all the tendrils making the demon recoil in pain.

The demon roared as it grabbed John in mid-air, he tried to cut the demon's hand but it was hard-plated. It grabbed John as a grenade was suddenly thrown at the demon. It roared as it tried to swat another grenade but it exploded near its face.

It dropped John as it roared weakly.

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