
Chapter 18

After having lunch we all went to the deck. There was silence and none of us uttered a word. Finally breaking the atmosphere, I asked both of them, "Are you two okay with joining my crew? It's okay, if you don't want want to, I will not force you."

After, I said this they both looked towards each other, then at Robin and to me, then they said, "We will join you, as we can't join marines anymore and we also don't want to be a part of the corrupt organization. But, the moment you ask us to do something against our morals, we will leave this crew." "Wow, what a synchro, hm, are you twins?" I asked, and they replied with a nod.

"Well, Michael and Miya welcome to the crew, so Michael will be my first mate and Miya will be the sniper, so Rosalin when we will reach Laplace Island, we will have a huge party, for our new ship and crew members." I cheered, but I noticed weird gazes on me, so I turned around to see all of them seeing me with weird gazes. I tried to explain my reasoning but, none of them bat an eye at my pleas. Huh, how cruel they are, argh!

"Well, another thing, I want to ask about is your sword, is it a great grade or a supreme grade as it's black blade?" I asked him, and he said, "No my sword is the black supreme-grade sword 'Dark Repulser'."Its name and design are exactly the same as Kirito's sword from SAO. Well, I shall not think more about it. "Now what about Miya's Rifle." When I said this, Miya went inside and brought her Rifle, and said, "This Rifle is called Zafkiel." Yup, I give up, first SAO, then Date-a-Live, yup if I think more my brain cell will be damaged.

Well, I think that I should just appraise them.

**[Zafkiel: A special gun made by a civilization of the distant past, can use normal bullets of all sizes and also used devil fruit and haki energy as bullets.


Devil Fruit Bullets: Can use devil fruit powers to form bullets.

Haki Bullets: Can infuse haki into normal and devil fruit bullets.

All-Size Bullets: Any size of bullets made for any type of gun can be used.

Indestructible: Made from material and techniques which made it damage resistant.]**

A strong gun, hm let's see for the Dark Repulser,

**[Dark Repusler- A supreme-grade Long Sword made by a well-known craftsman from a distant past.


Haki Infusion: Allows haki to infuse easily.

Devil Fruit Energy: Easily allow coating and infusion of devil fruit energy.

Indestructible: As a supreme-grade sword, it is unbreakable and damage resistant.]

A very powerful sword, but luckily, these weapons are not as what they were in SAO and Date-A-Live. Hm, now let's check everyone's stats, starting with mine,

**[Name-Jacob Daniel

Race-Human Archon Hybrid

Power Level: Peak Grandline Pirate

Elemental Reserves(Caspian Sea level)

Skills: Geo Elementalist(Master)

Anemo Elementalist(Master)

Divine Marksmanship(Master)

Divine Spearsmanship(Master)

Close Quater Combat(Master)

Elemental Sight(Grand Master)

Fast Learner

Calm Mind


Enhanced Adaptation

Minor Regeneration





Now, for Robin,

**[Name-Nico Robin


Power Level: Novice Grandline Pirate


Hana Hana no Mi(Intermediate)


Hand-to-Hand Combat(Intermediate)





**[Name-Carton D. Michael


Power Level: Intermediate Grandline Pirate


Close Quater Combat(Advanced)






**[Name-Carton D. Miya


Power Level: Beginner Grandline Pirate



Close Quater Combat(Intermediate)

Eagle Eyes(Master)





Well, this is unexpected, except Robin all three of us have Conquerer's haki. Ok, so seeing these results, I have to make a training plan for them, so that we can survive in Grandline.

"Ok, so as we are crew members, I want you all to increase all of your skills so that you can use haki without any restraints." "What is haki?" Miya asked. "Well, Haki is a mysterious power, in which we use our willpower to do different things. There are three types of haki, Observation, which will help you to sense intent, strength, and other things easily, in advanced form, you can see the future for some seconds or see through objects. Also using this you can sense objects far away from you, currently Rosalin and Miya will focus more on it. Then there is Armament haki, in this, you will use your willpower to coat your body which will increase your strength and defense by a huge margin. Using this you can also coat your sword and bullets to make your attacks more powerful, then there are advanced forms, which are emission and internal destruction, about which I will tell you later. For armament Rosalin and Michael have to focus. Now last is Conquerer's, this can't be obtained through training as it's the rarest type of haki and you have to be born with it. This uses your intent and willpower and impose them on other. Using this haki will faint or paralyze your opponent. But note that stronger people with stronger willpower will resist it. Now, in advanced form, you can coat your hands or weapons with it and also stop observation haki usage on you called observation killing. Currently, in our crew, only Michael and I can use it, and I have an inkling that Miya can, so for now me and Michael will train in it. For now, we will not be training in haki. We will start out training after taking our ship from Laplace Island. Is there anything you want to ask?"

"No captain." Everyone answered. Now we just have to wait to take our ship and start our journey officially.

After three days we finally saw the Laplace Island, and from my estimation, it will take half an hour to reach there.

Next chapter