
Ch. 74 Kingship

( Yuto Pov )


" Sigh. Finally!!"

Asking out the weapon I created it was a three section staff.

I wanted a weapon that doesn't involve just killing, I thought a staff would do it, but a three section staff would be cooler.

It was white with a blue hue, I used Mythril and white ore from the mountain ore when I had time in Naruto.

As I held the staff, I swung it around, but since it was not experienced in it, I hit my face.

* Bam! *

" Ah!!"

Artoria;" Pft."

holding my forehead, I turned to Artoria, who was by the door.

Arotria:" Dinners ready." She smiled.

Artoria walked up to me and removed my hand.

Artoria:" Sigh, I sometimes forget how fast you heal." She spoke as she saw the spot I hit myself already healed. She gently took her hand and rubbed that area.

" I'm alright, see it's already gone."

Artoria:" I know it's just...." Before she could finish, she was surprised that I took her hand and gently held it into mind.

" I'm fine, Artoria, it's all that matters."

Artoria:" You're right."

" Sigh just one more day till we arrive at Camelot."

Artoria:" Mh." Artoria moved her hand to my cheek as I was still holding on to it.

Looking into each other's eyes, I let myself get out in them, her eyes that shine when she's with me when she's not putting a stoic face on.

Since I was to focus on her eyes, I didn't notice Artoria closing the distance between us.

Just as I noticed how close our face was, we were interrupted by Merlin.

Merlin:" Oh? what do we have here?"

Me and Artoria snapped towards Merlins voice, and Artoria stepped back, and I let go of her hand. And artoria went back to her stoic face.

Merlin:" Oh my oh my, is this what I think this is?"

Artoria:" Not another word, Merlin."

Merlin:" Don't worry, your secrets are safe with me."

" I doubt that."

Merlin just smiled and left.

Turning towards Artoria, I grabbed her hand.

" Come on, let eat."

Artoria:" Hm." She nodded with a stoic face.

I let go of her hand as we approached the dinner table.

Kay:" Finally! I thought you two left somewhere. Come on, let's eat."

Kay spoke as he started to stuff his face.

Merlin arrived, and when he saw me and Artoria sitting together, he smiled.

Ignoring him, we both ate, in the middle of dinner I held Artoria's hand underneath the table, surprising her. And I just smiled at her when she looked in my direction.

* Next day, *

Merlin:" And we have arrived at capital. Come, we must meet with the new kings steward. "

" Place looks like shit."

' Right if I remember correctly, Arthur had built Camelot with the help of the fairies. They built it at the ruins of the fortress city of Londinium. '

' And camelot was supposed to be built in ten years after Artoria drew caliburn and slew Vortigern.'

Merlin:" That's because vortigern had pushed us this far. But with Arthur here, I'm sure we'll be able to usurp Vortigern."

As we approached the royal court, we met the steward, who I recognized to be Bedivere.

Bedivere:" It's an honor to meet you, King Arthur, and his companions, I'm your steward, I'll serve you with all my power." He spoke as kneeled on one knee. Bedivere had a silver arm over his heart as he spoke.

Arthur:" I understand, Sir Bedivere." Not speaking anymore, Artoria left. We and, along with Bedivere, walked behind Artoria.

Entering the royal courtroom that was filled with nobles, Merlin stepped forward.

Merlin:" As you know about the prophesy of the one who pulls the sword from the stone is destined to be king. We here have Arthur Pendragon, son of Uther Pendragon. Greet your new king of Britian!!"

The nobles looked at each other, and they all kneeled on one knee.

" We greet your majesty, King Aurthur!" They shouted

' Vortigern must be scaring the shit out these nobles. What they need is a leader in this time. Since Vortigern is acting more aggressive.'

* Knight tournament *

After the ceremony of Artorias kingship. Artoria decided to gather forces and build her power. Which was by holding a competition.

There is only one knight that stood out. Gawain.

" He reminds me of the sun."

Kay:" Mhm, he does."

*In the courtroom, *

Seeing Gawain kneeling on the ground, taking an oath to serve under King Arthur with undying loyalty.

From here on out, the Arthurian legend started to take its course. And all I could do is support them and watch, just like Merlin, who looked at the scene like he's watching a movie.

' Can't wait to see you in that shitty tower, Merlin.'

Many years passed as Artoria led an army against Vortigern, taking back the lands of Britain once more under her rule. Many people had heard of King Arthur, who was saving them from the rule of the tyrant Vortigern. And many knights wished to serve under her.

Along the way, Artoria recruited the original knights from the round table. And I watched on supporting her when we're alone or on the battlefield.

The strings of fate were moving, and Merlin was still playing with it.

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