
Ch 52. B- Rank mission

( Yuto Pov )

Walking downstairs, I was greeted by Yuriko.

Yuriko:" Good morning, Yuto, Hmm? did something happen yesterday?"

" Nope, why do you ask?"

Yuriko:" It's nothing it's just you seemed a little different."

" Maybe cause it's early in the morning?"

Yuriko:" Hmm, I guess you're right."

After that conversation, I helped Yuriko with the dishes and cooked breakfast.

After a while, Hiroshi arrived downstairs.

Hiroshi:" Yawn, oh good morning, Yuto."

" Hm, good morning,"

Hiroshi sat on the chair at the table, and he asked.

Hiroshi:" So what are you going to do today, Yuto?"

" Hmm, probably going to do a mission if not than training with might gai."

Yuriko:" Well, it seems that you enjoy training, but you should take a rest once in a while."

" I'll try."

It felt strange, being here again after a year. I realized I've enjoyed the time we've spent together as a family, I guess it's not a bad thing to love these two as family.

As we all ate enjoying our company together, I thought

After breakfast, I'm walking towards the hokage office to see if Kakashi would be there or not.

" It's good to see you again, Shiro." I poked Shiro as I held him in my arms.

Shiro:" Meow!"

Kakashi:" Yo!"

" Hmm, you're quite early. You aren't supposed to show up for another hour."

Kakashi just shrugged his shoulder.

Kakashi:" Don't know ow what you're talking about?"

" You one-eyed bastard, so what are we going to do today."

" Kakashi:" Don't know." He had his hands in his pocket as he went inside the Hokage office.

Following him, we stopped outside of the Hokage Office door. After knocking, we got permission to enter.

Kakashi:" Hello, Lord Hokage, we both are ready for another mission."

Hokage:" Yes, but this time after reading the reports of Yutos action battle, I've decided to give you a B-Rank Mission. "

Shikaku raised an eyebrow but decided to stay quiet. Kakashi turned to look at me.

Kakashi:" Do you want to take this mission, Yuto?"

" Eh, if the Hokage says I'm ready, then I'll trust his judgment." Getting a nod from them, the Hokage gave us a scroll.

Hokage:" Okay, now you're dismissed."

Walking out of the Hokage building and walking towards the gate, Kakashi started to explain the mission.

Kakashi:" Hmm, it seems someone is gathering the remaining bandits that were dispersed or hunted down. And it seems that they're being more aggressive, and we don't know their leader. Our job is to find the leader and kill him and, if possible, find information. "

" What of the other bandits."

Kakashi:" Don't hold back."

" Alright,*

After that, we head out to find the bandits that were last seen on the border.

As we tree jumped our way to the location, we found a burned down village.

" They would need a lot of firepower to cause this much damage."

Kakashi:" I agree. They also killed the shinobis that were guarding this place as well. "

" Shinobis from a different village?"

Kakashi:" We don't that yet, we should investigate first."

" Understood."

Investigating the burned down village, we didn't find anything except for a couple of footprints.

" There's six of them. If it was a regular bandit group, they would need to have more than just six. "

Kakashi:" We should check the surrounding villages if they know anything."

" Alright, should we split or go together?"

Kakashi:" We should split for now, and if we find anything, we should send our summons."

" Alright."

Splitting up with Kakashi, I went to the nearest town with Shiro.

Arriving at the nearest town, I walked around, finding rumors of a nearby town was destroyed. Needing concrete evidence, I went around to find any. Once I couldn't find a lead with the help of the cats, I looked in the second town nearby.

The same happened once again until the last town. A heavy atmosphere was hanging around the town, even as with the blue clear sky people seemed on edge.

As I was perched on top of a building, I was looking around for any clues. And a cat climbed up.

cat:" Meow!!!"

" I see, so that means they're here, anything else?"

cat:" Meow!"

" Alright, I got it from here. Here's your reward."

Giving a fish to the cat who happily took it and left.

" Shiro, I need you to go towards Kakashi and give him this note."

Shiro yawned but nodded, and after putting the note into his vest, he ran off.

' So the mayor was threatened, tried to suppress the news only for it to get leaked. And now everyone is in a panic. I should find the person who leaked the news. Their goal must be to cause chaos and panic.'

Looking into the person who leaked the news, it didn't take long to find an overweight man in a large mansion.

' Tsk, just a common corrupt higher up.'

Gathering information before Kakashi arrives, I need to find a way to get answers. If doing by the book doesn't work, then I'll just force him myself.

Two hours later, Kakashi arrived along with Shiro.

Kakashi:" So, did you find anything."

" Clues point to here. I've already gotten the evidence of bandits making a deal with Jim right here."

Holding a scroll that explained a detailed plan and another scroll that contained money in it.

" It's an inventory scroll. It must be a high-profile Shinobi who must've given it away. "

Kakashi:" mmh, good work, we could take this to the mayor. We could legally search his house for any more evidence."

" Ahould we in the morning, the people seem spooked as it is. It would worsen when a high profile manager gets his house searched all of a sudden."

Kakashi:" Good point, we could bring this to the mayor Tomorrow, we should sleep outside, it seemed that the hotels are closed."

" Alright."

And like that, Kakshi and I slept in the trees, and I was using Shiro as a pillow.

' After this, I should train in Sage mode.'

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