
Ch. 38 Graduation, bell test

( Yuto Pov)

Today, I'm graduating and will be put into a team. I was called into a different room with other students who were a few years older. Each one of us was called and came back with their shinobi headb.and. After getting mine, we were called into teams. Although they didn't say anything about the Jonin instructor, they just came and got their genin squad. I was the last one with two other students.

Mobu:" Man!!! Where's our jonin instructor."

Mobu yelled as he had an impatient face, and the other, Meiko nodded as she glimpse at me. Apparently, these two were siblings. As they were getting more impatient, I looked out the window, glancing at a white-haired jonin.

' So he's going to be my instructor?'

I looked at Kakashi as he was in the tree reading his book. Seeing that I was looking at him, he waved with a closed eye smile and went back to his book. I'm putting Shiro in my spot, and using genjutsu, it would appear that I'm Shiro and Shiro is me, appearing in front of Kakashi, who was surprised.

Kakashi:" A cat?"

I'm turning my genjutsu off, but not from Shiro, I greeted. And sat down on the branch.

" So what's a pervert like you doing watching little kids?"

Kakashi:" No, I'm your jonin instructor." He said as he glanced at me from his book. We sat there for a while before Kakashi got up.

Kakashi:" Welp, time to meet my cute genin squad."

I just shrugged and went back to my previous spot with Flicker jutsu. As I sat down with Shito on my lap, Kakashi appeared.

Mobu:" Finally!!! Where were you!!!?"

Kakashi:" You have 5 minutes to meet at the rooftop." he spoke as he dismissed Mobu's question. Kakashi left first and before Mobu could talk again.

Mabu:" Arrggh!!, That damn instructor!!! You pretty boy...." Mobu tried to look for me, but I already left to the rooftop.

Meeting with Kakashi at the rooftop. He was waiting as he leaned on the rails.

Kakashi:" You're pretty fast."

" Thanks, I learned it from someone."

Kakashi didn't say anything more as we both waited for the other two who arrived in a few minutes.

Sitting down as Mobu had an annoyed face and Meikl, who had a cold face as they both looked at Kakashi, and I was just petting Shiro.

Kakashi:" Well, time to introduce yourself."

Since nobody asked Kakashi to introduce himself, he didn't fo it like in the Canon.

Mobu:" I'm going to be the Hokage, and be the strongest!!!" He yelled.

' Naruto, rip-off'

Meiko:" I like to help my brother in his dreams and to marry the man I fell in first sight." She said as she glanced at me, but I didn't bother as it was my turn.

" I like writing, reading, and training, as for my goals. it's to live my life how I want to. Peacefully and surrounded by loved ones.

Kakashi nodded as I finished.

Kakashi:" Welp, that's all for today. Tomorrow, you'll meet up tomorrow, oh and before you forget, I suggest that you don't eat breakfast." With that said, Kakashi left.

" I'll be going be as well. See you guys tomorrow. Oh, and make sure you eat breakfast, im sure we'll need it tomorrow."

Before Meiko and Mobu could say anything, I jumped off from the roof and parkoured back home.

" I'm back!" I announced as Hiroshi and Yuriko greeted me from the kitchen.

Yuriko:" Welcome back! how was graduation."

Hiroshi:" Yo, who's your jonin instructer."

" The graduation was okay, mostly just waiting around, and my instructor is Kakashi hatake."

Both of them were silent before looking at each other than to me. Apparently, they were in the same class as Kakashi and were there when he was being praised as a genius. They talked about their academic days while eating dinner. After dinner, I helped Yuriko with the dishes, and Hiroshi was sweeping the floor and cleaning the table. And like that, I got to bed to ready for the test that Kakashi would do tomorrow.

* Next Morning*

As I arrived at the training grounds, I saw that Meiko and Mobu were already there. Both of them looked tired and hungry as they both waited.

Mobu:" Where the hell were you!!!" He yelled as I just came back from eating Yurikos breakfast.

"Eating breakfast."

Mobu:" But we weren't supposed to!!"

" It was nothing but a suggestion, whether you chose to eat or not depend on you."

Before Mobu could yell once more, Kakashi finally arrived.

Kakashi:" Sorry, I got lost on the path of life."

' Bullshit.'

Kakashi:" Well, today I'll be testing you whether you could pass. You must capture these two bells." He said as he lifted two bells and strapped them to his waist.

' It's still the same, I could capture them by myself, but it would be useless if Kakashi expelled me for not working as a team, so I should do it with the help of Mobu and Meiko.'

Kakashi:" Now when I say start...."

Meiko:" Excuse me, but there's only two bells."

Kakashi:" Hmm? oh right well I guess only the two of you could pass. And the last person that doesn't get the bells would starve while the other eats. now start."

As soon as he said that, I used a smoke bomb to cover his vision of us, grabbing Meiko and Mobu, I flickered us to the trees. Hiding behind a group of bushes to start making a plan. but before I could, Mobu started to act rash, and Meiko was stunned.

Mobu:" Hey!! what gi..."

" Shut up. We need to make a plan. "

Mobu:" And why shouldn't there's three of us and two of him?"

" He's a jonin. It would be way to take us genins out. Now we need a plan that would take the bells, not defeat him."

And as I explained the plan to them, Kakashi was reading his book.

' He's fast. i should keep an eye on him.' Thought Kakashi as he was reading his book. He was still on guard as he waited for them to come out. But he didn't wait long enough cause I threw smoke bombs to cover the area. Using Shadow clones to attack from all sides.

' Using numbers to tire me out.' Kakashi thought before he could block an attack, the shadow clone turned into Mist. Covering his vision more intensely. It wasn't until his instincts kicked in to dodge an attack from behind.

' What? I didn't feel it before it was about to land.' As kakashi was in his thoughts, the surrounding shadow clones used [ Mist of the breath] with deadly speed and precision.

' Shit must be a new technique he developed.' Pulling his headband to reveal his sharigan, and when he was able to see through the Mist, he saw that everything was nothing but a genjutsu. Mobu and Meiko were closing into his bells. But before he could react. I came from behind with a steel wire that captured him. Before the two could get his bells, Kakashi was replaced with a wooden log.

Using bullet time to react where he was switched at. I immediately floowed with the Flicker jutsu. and hit him with the katana, Kakashi. Once more, I switched with a log.

As kakashi retreated, he noticed a paper bomb that was attached to him. But this paper bomb, instead of gunpowder, it had color powder with some paralyzing powderas well, which would help in tracking down the person it was put on and had a lower time limit than a paperbomb.

Red smoke went off in a nearby area. And meiko and Mobu used this chance to close in to Kakashi, who thought it was a paper bomb that went off. He was getting his bearings, but I quickly appeared with the other two,

Kakashi tried to move but felt his body become sluggish.

'Shit, when? The powder!' he instantly figured out how he was paralyzed, and I used this chance to wrap him in steel wires. And Meiko and Mobu took the bells from him.

Mobu:" Ha! take that!!"

Meiko and Mobu had victory smiles as they watched Kakashi, who had his headband cover his eye again, I knew this was a shadow clone, but the bells were real. I didn't pick them up myself because I wanted to test these guys to see if they'll be reliable teammates.

Kakashi:" Well, you managed to get the bells you two but you, Yuto have failed."

I knew this was where the real test began. I looked at the other two, and mobu had a smug smile, and Meiko had a guilty face but looked away.

Now I was hanging upside down with the two eating in front of me. A few minutes later, after they finished eating, Kakashi came out once more.

Kakashi:" Well, It seems that all of you have failed."

Mobu and Meiko had shocked faces,

Mobu:" What!!!, but we got the bells. "

Kakashi:" Yes, you did, but with the help of a teammate that gave you that opportunity. And now you'll be going back to the academy. This test wasn't about getting the bells. It was about teamwork."

As they realized this, they seemed distraught, and they went back home after Kakashi dismissed them. And I was still tied upside down. Kakashi turned his head towards me.

Kakashi:" Well, it seems that you're still here."

I just stared at him with a blank stare.

Kakashi:" Well, since you're still here, you'll be Ina team with me. "

" Didn't I fail?"

Kakashi:" You did, but you didn't have any problems with working with others, and you've also created many openings for them as well. Not to speak of your fighting prowess as well."

" So that means I'm in your team?"

Kakashi didn't speak as he just walked away before speaking once more.

Kakashi:" Also, meet me as the Hokage office in the morning." After saying that, he left as I was still upside down.

" Sigh, He didn't put me down."

Using the hidden blade I cut the ropes and gell to my feet. I walked home as Shiro finished his nap. Arriving home we celebrated that I was able to graduate and getting my Shinobi band.

Next chapter