

"Sorry, what?"

Just like everyone else in the room, Medrauta stood in a daze after hearing what Eirlys had just said. Somehow, she'd managed to recover first while everyone else just remained still and stared at Eirlys in disbelief and confusion.

"I understand that this is a very dangerous task for students, but all of our forces are concentrated at the northern border. I'm sure that rat Amelia planned this, but there's no time to lament our oversights. We were complacent, and now it's coming back to bite us in the ass."

Before Medrauta could press Eirlys with more questions or ask the senior knight to repeat the ludicrous information she'd just divulged, someone else spoke up.

"...I only have one request, Dame Eirlys."

Eirlys raised an eyebrow, turning to the red-haired knight who stood before her. "Yes, Dame Rosette?"

Much to Medrauta, Leticia, and their ladies' surprise, another pair had joined their meeting. While they recognized Rosette, a rather plain-looking noblewoman stood beside and slightly behind the red-haired knight. It was clear from her manner of dress that she hailed from lower nobility and while that normally wouldn't have been an issue, her nervous demeanor just made her seem out of place.

"I want you to reassign me and Lady Estelle." Rosette stated, her firm tone making it clear that she wasn't negotiating. She knew that her talents were needed by Eirlys and that the senior knight would have no choice but to acquiesce.


"West. I want to deal with the situation in the Rosenhall duchy instead."

Eirlys sighed. The accommodation itself wasn't difficult to make, but something told her that Rosette had ulterior motives for heading there. Even so, it wasn't as if she had any significant leverage compared to Rosette in this discussion. "Very well. Are you alright with that, Medrauta? Lady Viviane?"

Medrauta turned to Viviane. Personally, she didn't really mind the swap, but Rosette and Estelle had been assigned to deal with the situation that was happening eastward which would be a far more dangerous journey considering what was happening in the Rosenhall duchy.

"Of course, Dame Eirlys." Viviane replied. "Honestly, I'm glad Dame Rosette suggested we switch missions. I wanted to head east and confirm their safety and innocence myself."

Eirlys nodded, satisfied as she made a few changes on the document in front of her. "That settles it, then. In fact, this was the original sortie that I'd envisioned, but I figured it would've been safer to have Medrauta in the west since that's where our biggest problem was last sighted."

"Knowing him, he's probably still there." Medrauta replied. "I'd like to go and give him a good piece of my mind, but it looks like I'll just have to entrust that to you, Dame Rosette."

Rosette nodded. "You can count on it, Dame Medrauta. I'll beat his ass and drag him back here for more."

Eirlys cleared her throat. "Let's save the excitement for later, girls. Now that we've finalized our placements, I'll go over your assignments again. First, Medrauta and Lady Viviane."

Medrauta nodded, giving the senior knight her full attention. Viviane clung onto her knight's arm tightly, and though she normally would've been shaking at the prospect of having to undertake the task that she was about to be briefed on, her grip never loosened for even a second.

"Your task is to journey eastward to the Revelo duchy. Though the war rages on, House Revelo has refrained from providing any military aid in both soldiers and supplies, stating that they are needed in the territory as a result of Duke Revelo becoming bedridden due to poison.

"The official statement from his son, Bastiche, is that Lady Sakura and Sir Riku of Higashi have poisoned him as they made their way through the territory to return home. The two of you are to confirm these statements and make the proper judgements based on the situation that you encounter upon arrival."

"Understood," Medrauta said.

"However, we have also received word from a messenger this morning. The letter is of clandestine nature and was penned by Dame Marilyn who serves as Duke Revelo's knight and it paints a vastly different picture of what is happening in the Revelo duchy in contrast to the official statement I received at first. I've already gone over it briefly earlier, so I won't do so again. Make sure to read the letter while en route to get a better picture of the situation." Eirlys finished, taking the re-sealed letter from her desk and handing it to Medrauta who promptly received it.

The senior knight then turned her attention to Leticia and Rosaline who stood waiting.

"Next, Dame Leticia and Lady Rosaline. The two of you will be dispatched south to the Avimorne duchy where Lady Scarlet Avimorne has temporarily assumed the role of duchess following her father's betrayal of the throne. Your task is to aid Lady Scarlet in the duchy's civil war and help her cement her control over the region until further notice. I imagine your mission is the most straightforward of them all, but that is all the more reason to take caution."

Leticia nodded. "Understood, Dame Eirlys."

"...And Dame Leticia, please do not allow your emotions to sway you. While we've received word that Dame Kaitlyn has been sighted in the Avimorne duchy, we have not confirmed her allegiance. If anything, I'd be more inclined to—"

"Dame Eirlys." Leticia interrupted, the earnesty in her voice and conviction in her eyes enough to command even Eirlys' attention. "I've known Kate ever since we were children. We grew up side by side as pages, then squires, and now we're knights. Regardless of the situation, I choose to believe in Kate. She won't betray us."

Despite wanting to rebuke Leticia, Eirlys simply didn't have the heart to do so. She knew how important it was to have faith in these troubling times, and it wasn't as if Kaitlyn was a confirmed traitor.

Eirlys sighed. "...Very well, Dame Leticia, but please ensure that you exercise care and caution in the face of uncertainty."

Leticia nodded, and said nothing else. Eirlys figured that was going to be the only concession she would get out of Leticia, so it was time to move on.

"Lastly, Dame Rosette and Lady Estelle. Honestly, I'm not exactly confident about this pairing. Dame Rosette is another thing, but Lady Estelle... You don't exactly have a great match record, do you? In fact, you don't have much of a match record at all."

"I-I can do it, Dame Eirlys! I swear!" The plain-looking lady protested, her braided violet hair bouncing as she leapt forward with some measure of desperation in her step. "Please give me a chance!"

"...Why should I risk the integrity of this mission merely for your sake? You won't tell me why you wish to accompany Dame Rosette, and neither will Dame Rosette inform me of the reason. There are multiple lords and ladies I could name that would fit a knight of Dame Rosette's talents far better than you."

Though Eirlys' words were blunt and hurtful, they were not incorrect. While Estelle's Crest wasn't exactly weak or useless like Viviane's once was, it still paled in comparison to the various options that Eirlys was considering. More importantly, Estelle's nervousness and desperation didn't exactly inspire confidence in the senior knight.

"B-Because... Because I..."

"If you cannot even tell me such a simple thing, then there is no need for me to take such a large risk. The fate of the war and the very empire hinges on these missions succeeding, not to mention the fact that the individuals you will be dealing with in the west are highly dangerous. Are you truly prepared to stand with Dame Rosette against the likes of former prince Galahad and Isabella, whose Crest trumps yours in every way?"

Estelle flinched. She couldn't think of a single thing to say, because Eirlys was right. While Rosette might be able to stand a chance against Galahad, there was no way that her Crest could even be compared to Isabella's. The moment the two knights' duel turned into a match, Rosette would be forced to fight defensively.

"Then it's settled," Eirlys' gaze left Estelle's. "You're dismissed, Lady Estelle."

"N-No! Please wait! I'll tell you, s-so please..."

"No." The senior knight replied firmly. "You had your chance and you chose not to take it. Farewell."

"...Dame Eirlys, please wait." Viviane said, surprising everyone in the room. They had all thought that if anyone were to defend Estelle, it would be Rosette. Instead, Viviane rose to the occasion. "As someone who has struggled with confidence through most of my life, I know how difficult it is to gather the resolve needed to speak your mind and to reveal things that may be uncomfortable to speak about. As a knight, should you not respect one's resolve?"

"...Vivi." Medrauta murmured, squeezing her lady's hand. The sight of Viviane's confidence sent a rush of pride through the silver-haired knight, reminding her of how much her beloved lady had grown since they'd met.

"...What are you trying to say, Lady Viviane?" Eirlys said, barely managing to conceal her irritation.

"With great effort, Lady Estelle has finally managed to gather her resolve. Won't you respect that, Dame Eirlys?"

Eirlys clicked her tongue in annoyance. "Very well. Speak, Lady Estelle."

"...I want to avenge my knight."

The moment those words left Estelle's lips, everyone's eyes were suddenly on her. Though she shied away from the burst of attention, Estelle managed to regain a bit of confidence as Rosette placed a hand on her shoulder reassuringly.

"...My apologies, Lady Estelle. Did I hear you right?" Eirlys frowned.

"Yes. Lady Isabella... killed my knight."

Next chapter