

"With all due respect, I don't think you understand what you're asking."

Riku shook his head. "Dame Medrauta, please! You are the only one we can turn to right now."

Medrauta, Riku, and Sakura were standing on a balcony. Below them were the academy gardens, rife with a plethora of exotic flowers that were lit by the moonlight and behind them was a set of intricately carved wooden doors that doubled as frames for the inset windows that allowed the warm light of the ballroom to leak through.

The discussion had only elapsed for a little under a minute, but it was already going badly for the foreigners.

"Did you maybe miss the part where I told you about how the Round Table tried to expel me last month? Believe me, I'm the last person you wanna ask for this," Medrauta sighed. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll be heading back to my lady."

"Dame Medrauta, I beseech you to reconsider!"

"There is nothing to 'reconsider' because there is nothing I can do in the first place. Besides, if meeting with the Round Table is what you want, why don't you ask Amelia? As the top ranking knight in the academy, she's got free access to the Chamber of Court."

"We cannot find Dame Amelia, nor can we ask her. She—"

Sakura interrupted her knight, shushing him with a gesture. "Enough, Riku. I told you she wasn't a fool. Dame Medrauta, the truth is, it is not the Round Table that we desire an audience with. Rather, we wish to meet with Lady Merlynne herself."

Medrauta raised an eyebrow, adopting an unconcerned expression. "So? I don't see how that changes things. In fact, it'd be even harder for me to secure a meeting with her since she's the head of the Round Table itself. If it's Lady Merlynne you wish to speak with, your best bet is the princess."

"You're right. At least, you would be," Sakura replied with a shake of her head. She stepped closer to Medrauta, lowering her voice. "You aren't fooling anyone with that feigned impassivity of yours."

"What are you trying to say?" Medrauta narrowed her eyes.

"It'd be foolish to ask a knight for an audience with Lady Merlynne. Even the so-called 'strongest knight.' But you're not just any knight, are you, Medrauta? You're Lady Merlynne's adopted daughter."

It was as if time had stopped.

The moment those words fell from Sakura's lips, an enormous killing intent burst forth from Medrauta, freezing everyone in place. Her hand shot out in an instant, grabbing Sakura by the neck and pinning her where she stood.

With supreme effort, Riku managed to break free from the oppressive pressure that emanated from Medrauta. He charged toward the silver-haired knight in a bid to protect his lady, but Medrauta didn't even spare him a glance. In a blur of movement, he was swatted away and sent crashing against the balustrades.

"Who told you that?" Medrauta glared at Sakura. It wasn't a question. It was a demand.

Sakura remained silent.

In response, Medrauta tightened her grip. "Well?"

Sakura winced in pain, but her lips still remained firmly shut.

For a second, the two stood at an impasse, but Medrauta's gaze soon wandered to the side as she experienced a moment of realization. "It looks like I'm asking the wrong person. Sir Riku, Lady Sakura's life is in your hands now. You have five seconds to answer my question before I crush her neck."

Riku winced as he stood up. Medrauta had driven her fingers expertly into his sternum during their brief scuffle earlier, and his entire chest throbbed with pain. "...You wouldn't dare... You'd start a war..."

"The lady tripped and fell off the balcony, her knight suffering a similar fate as he dived after her in an attempt to protect her. How unfortunate," Medrauta replied coldly.

The dangerous glint in Medrauta's eyes told Riku that this was definitely not the same woman who he'd seen in the ballroom. The Medrauta who was head-over-heels for Viviane was gone, replaced by a ruthless knight who had no qualms about taking a life.

Is this the monster Merlynne created? Is this why she was so damn strong...? Riku grimaced. He had no choice. He would have to speak the truth to protect his lady's life, even if it meant compromising one of the greatest secrets of his country.

He opened his mouth to speak. Lady Sakura shook her head in protest, but he soldiered on. A knight must protect their liege above all else.

"...The oracle."


"In Higashi, there is a power greater than even that of the triumvirate. The one who holds that position is the oracle. They are no witch, but they are capable of various magical abilities even without the use of a Crest. One of those abilities allows them to see a person's future... and their past."

Medrauta stared into Riku's eyes for several seconds, carefully scrutinizing the man's words as well as his expression. There was no guile in the man's eyes. Only desperation. After a long while, her grip on Sakura's throat relaxed.

The moment she was released, Sakura staggered backwards, coughing. "R-Riku! Are you aware of what you just did...!?"

"My lady, I will do anything to protect you, even if it means betraying the country. I thought I had made that clear in my oath."

"I know, Riku... I know, but..."

"Alright," Medrauta interrupted. "The two of you can have your sentimental moment later. I think I've gotten the gist of it now. You need to see Lady Merlynne, but you can't ask anyone important 'cause the meeting's gotta be low profile. Yeah?"

The two foreigners nodded.

"Right. Well, huge problem with that. I haven't spoken with Lady Merlynne in years. I barely even remember what she looks like anymore, honestly. And hell, she even tried to kick me outta this academy last month!"

Riku shook his head. "Not an issue. She will see you this time."

Medrauta raised an eyebrow. "Oh yeah? How do you know?"

"Oracle," Riku and Sakura answered in unison.

"...Damn, that's convenient, huh? Fine, I'm willing to give it a shot. But first, why don't you tell me what this is all about? And I mean what it's really about. I highly doubt you'd wanna meet the head of the Round Table just to chat and have tea."

Both Riku and Sakura remained quiet. When Medrauta attempted to meet their eyes, they looked away. Medrauta sighed.

"Look here, you two. I don't know how it works in Higashi, but in the empire, trust is a two-way street. So you can either speak up, or I can head back to the ballroom. And because I'm feelin' generous tonight, I'll give you five se—"

"We'll talk."

"Riku!?" Sakura exclaimed.

"We already told her about the oracle, Lady Sakura. It can't get any worse," Riku smiled sadly.

The two shared a pause as if wondering how things had gone so wrong after only a few minutes. Then, Riku turned his attention to Medrauta, his eyes set with resolve.

"Aside from divining a person's past and future, the oracle can also receive prophecies from Aluvsha himself. The prophecies are vague and never in plain speech, but we received a particularly dangerous one this time."

Normally, Medrauta would've taken such words with a grain of salt. Even though something like that was definitely possible due to the existence of certain Crests having similar abilities, they were still highly uncommon and individuals with such Crests were investigated thoroughly by the Imperial Inquisitors before being allowed to venture into society.

However, her relationship with Lady Merlynne was something that only she, Padraig, and the lady herself knew. It had been an arrangement that not even the emperor was privy to, so for Sakura to have known would've been impossible if not for something like the oracle, and if she had heard it from either of the two, there would've been no need for Riku to reveal the oracle's existence in the first place.

"I'm listening," Medrauta said.

"'The moon will blacken, ringed with blood most ancient. Though the rose weeps, it is sunlight that shall spill. Eternally drenched, the emperor's shame. And so too shall be extinguished, the noblest of flames. At last, from the Witch Queen's dead womb shall she birth herself anew.'"

As Riku finished reciting the prophecy, a cold gust of wind washed over the balcony, tousling Medrauta's silver hair. A chill settled in all three of their bodies, and for a second, it felt as if the moon were a giant eye watching their every move.

"...Well, that's creepy." Medrauta remarked.

"I'm inclined to agree," Sakura said, rubbing her arms in an attempt to warm herself up. "Regardless, we have not received a prophecy that included the Witch Queen... ever, now that I think about it."

Riku nodded. "If this prophecy is not made to deviate, we may witness the revival of the Witch Queen, or perhaps even the birth of a new one. To prevent that, we have sent emissaries even to Kaslavna, Artikoi, and Kharadshah."

Medrauta let out a low whistle. While the empire did not approve of its citizens frequently traveling to other countries, she was still aware of the nations that bordered it. Kaslavna to the north, Artikoi to the west, Higashi to the east, and Kharadshah to the south. Aside from Kaslavna, the empire was on fairly amicable terms with the other countries and even conducted business with them from time to time.

However, she just couldn't imagine a single country sending emissaries to all the others. After all, the continent was a large place, and travel was often dangerous thanks to the magical beasts that wandered the areas near the borders and the dangerous Mana Wastes, remnants of the Witch Queen's rule that still remained to this day.

"If Higashi is willing to put so many resources into this, then the prophecy must be due to occur soon," Medrauta mused.

Riku shrugged. "We're not sure, but most prophecies come true within a year. Even so, it is not exactly a desirable timeframe given the scope of the problem."

Medrauta nodded in agreement. "If the prophecy is to be believed, then that is true. Though, why do you not inform the emperor directly? Or at least the princess?"

"Doing so would require us to divulge the existence of the oracle," Sakura said matter-of-factly.

"...But speaking to Lady Merlynne wouldn't?"

The foreigners both shrugged, but only Riku spoke. "The oracle instructed us to speak to her. We are simply following orders. Now, we've really told you everything we know, Dame Medrauta. Will you help us?"

"Lady Sakura helped Viviane in her time of need, so I already owe her a favor for that. It doesn't seem like you're bullshitting me, but if you are..." Medrauta shrugged and trailed off. "Well, I'll let my sword do the talking then."

Sakura and Riku heaved a huge sigh of relief, though as they thanked Medrauta, they both suddenly tensed up.

"...There is one more thing, Dame Medrauta."

"Something the matter, Lady Sakura?"

"...Yes. I do not mean to be rude, but I would appreciate it if you would tell us a precise date of when the empire will come to... collect the oracle."

Medrauta frowned in confusion. "Huh?"

"I imagine the empire will look at the oracle's existence as a violation of the Four Colored Accord. We do not wish for you to betray your country, but please understand that the oracle has done a great deal for our country. When the time comes for the empire to enforce the accord, we wish to at least protect the oracle's life."

"...What makes you think the empire is gonna know anything about your precious oracle?"

Now it was Sakura's turn to be confused. "H-Huh!? Aren't you going to tell the princess at least!? I thought knights were supposed to serve their country!"

Medrauta laughed. "Maybe they are, Lady Sakura. But you're mistaken. The only one I serve is my lady, and don't you forget that."

Sakura shook her head in disbelief. Was this really the same knight who threatened to crush my throat just a few moments ago...?

"Anyway, we're done here, right? I'm gonna go back to Viviane."

As Medrauta opened the doors and stepped back into the light of the ballroom, Riku and Sakura remained behind.

The foreign knight turned to his lady, admiring her beauty in the moonlight. His eyes wandered to her neck. He hadn't really considered it before, but she looked so delicate and fragile up close. Her pale skin was immaculate with not so much as a single blemish.

Riku's eyes widened.

...Was I wrong? No, it can't be. The oracle said...

Riku was struck by a realization. The past that the oracle had divined was not Medrauta's, but Merlynne's. The oracle had seen Merlynne create a monster out of her daughter, but the only daughter they had seen in the lady's past was Medrauta.

Unable to believe his eyes, Riku looked again.

Indeed, Sakura's neck was unblemished and without a trace of bruising.

There was no way a monster would've held back.

Could the oracle have been... wrong?

Next chapter