
Together As One

The air filled with a tumultuous mixture of sparks and steel.

Galahad's eyes were wide with bewilderment as Medrauta continued to press the attack, her advance unfettered and undaunted despite his best attempts to push her back.

Without the defensive support that the Ignis Fatui provided him, he was just another knight. Of course, Galahad was an exceptional swordsman, but to Medrauta he was only one of many.

How!? How is a noble shooting so accurately!? Galahad parried Medrauta's latest attack desperately. He had been forced into fighting defensively, waiting for the Ignis Fatui to regenerate only to have them instantly dispersed by a precise barrage from Viviane.

He grunted as Medrauta got the better of him in the bind, allowing her to leverage the longsword's superior mobility and issue a powerful thrust that pierced his upper arm.

While Gwenhwyfar's Crest was undoubtedly one of the most powerful in the empire, its large assortment of abilities primarily depended on the manipulation of the Ignis Fatui.

Because of their maneuverability and number, even an incredibly quick knight like Medrauta could only disperse at most three while also dealing with Galahad before they began to regenerate, allowing at least one blade to always be present for the princess' use.

But Viviane was unhampered by Galahad, and the speed at which she shot was bewildering. While the blades hovered around the prince, they did not move as fast as him, nor were they protected by heavy suits of armor. They were blades of bright flame, large and captivating.

And that made them perfect targets for someone of Viviane's prodigal skill.

While she still wasn't capable of firing multiple arrows simultaneously like Sakura, Viviane's shooting speed was more than enough to keep up with the regeneration cycle of the Ignis Fatui, and with each arrow that leapt from her bow, the princess grew a little more desperate.

"Galahad!" Gwenhwyfar shouted. "Pull back! We're going to have to use that!"


"There's no choice! Or will you be the first to lose against a knight who bears no Crest!?"

If the shock hadn't been evident in Galahad's voice, it now showed clearly on his face. Even so, he grimaced and retreated, acting on his lady's command.

Sensing the imminent danger, Medrauta gave chase, not willing to permit Galahad the space he needed for the devastating attack that was sure to come. She had no doubts that the princess was attempting to fire that deadly beam once more.

The distance from the center of the arena to the dais that Gwenhwyfar stood upon was vast, yet the two knights crossed it with speed that was nothing short of breathtaking. As Viviane struggled to maintain the optimal proximity to her knight that Sakura had taught her, she quickly realized why the nobles of Higashi had chosen the art of archery.

Had it not been for the ki enhancing her muscles, Viviane never would have managed to close the distance in a timely fashion. Even so, she never let up on her storm of arrows, firing rapidly and accurately with every step she took.

Each arrow that hit its mark caused her confidence to surge as the thrill of battle washed over her. This time, she wasn't just standing behind Medrauta, watching her knight's back while doing nothing but hoping for the best.

With my own hands, I'll bring you back to my side, Medrauta! Viviane smiled despite the gravity of the situation. She was finally fulfilling her dream of fighting by Medrauta's side. This is how it should be! Just like our first match together! A noble's place... is right beside her knight!

And then, Viviane's confidence got the better of her.

She drew two arrows from her quiver and nocked one to her bowstring, firing and immediately nocking the remaining arrow before sending it after the first with practically no delay. It was a complicated technique that Sakura had shown her once, and when mastered, she would be capable of firing two arrows simultaneously.

It was the first time Viviane attempted this technique outside of practice, but also the first time she'd ever succeeded in using it.

Her bow sang twice in one beat, and two arrows sailed through the air. The first pierced through a flaming blade that had just regenerated, dispersing it immediately.

The second barely missed its mark, opening a long gash on Galahad's brow.

The crowd gasped.

Galahad roared in rage.

I was struck!? A mere noble's arrow reached me!? A knight!? Galahad's fury was incomprehensible as blood ran down his face and into his eye, forcing him to accept the reality he never would've even considered possible. Though he knew he was not the most talented of knights, he was still a knight nevertheless, and to be wounded by a mere noble as a knight was absolutely unheard of, especially given the heavy armor that he wore.

Me!? She struck me!? A vein in Galahad's forehead bulged as swung his sword wildly, warding Medrauta off for a moment. He still couldn't fully believe what had just happened despite the proof spilling from his brow.

He had his pride, and a knight could never be bested by a noble. That martial superiority was the indisputable mark of a knight, just as the god-given Crests were the sole right of the nobles. To a knight like Galahad who was not only a member of the imperial family but also the imperial princess' chosen knight, being marked by a noble was the greatest shame.

Rage drove his body, and Galahad allowed the emotion to overtake him. His body twisted as his powerful arms drove his gigantic greatsword into a glittering semicircle of steel, abandoning all defense for the sake of this sole attack.

His maneuver had allowed Medrauta's wicked backhand cut to bite deep into the side of his abdomen, but in exchange, the unexpected blow had forced a clumsy parry from Medrauta, knocking her backwards.

Don't you look down on me! Galahad's eyes were wild with fury. Of course, he had seen the bow that Viviane carried before the match started. Of course, he was impressed by her skill and ability to counteract the Ignis Fatui. That much he could begrudgingly respect.

But for her to walk out of her lane and encroach on the domain of the knights? To dare sully the sanctity of the battlefield as a mere noble instead of standing where she ought to? To dare smile as if she had accomplished something great by drawing his blood?

I won't forgive her. Galatine pointed the tip of his sword at Viviane.

"Sister!" He roared.

"Galatine!" Gwenhwyfar's domineering voice thundered across the arena. "Regurgitate the sun!"

You brought this upon yourself, Lady Viviane. Let me show you what happens when you step upon a battlefield where you don't belong, Galahad thought as a sphere of white-hot flame concentrated rapidly at the tip of his blade.

Suddenly, a brilliant white light had descended upon the battlefield. Like a missive from the heavens, a luminous pillar burst forth from beneath Viviane's feet, and her Crest manifested itself behind her like twin silver wings in all their glory.

In truth, Viviane had already begun feeling that strange connection between herself and Medrauta the moment her arrow struck Galahad's brow. Perhaps even a little before that. She had felt that incredible sensation of elation and synchronicity.

As if both she and Medrauta were one.

But she was afraid. Afraid that it was false, and nothing more than the thrill of combat. It was only in the face of certain defeat that she found the courage to act on it. To see for herself whether it was just another fanciful dream, or a beautiful reality.

"I grant thee my hollow grace!" The joy in Viviane's voice was evident as she issued her edict.

Though she faced the heat of a thousand suns, she felt no fear.

And neither did Medrauta.

The silver-haired knight's lips curled upwards into a grin of indescribable happiness. She drew her sword back as the power of her one and only lady's Crest coursed through her body.

At last, their hearts beat as one and their voices cried out in unison.

"With this sword..."

"With this bow..."

"...We'll eclipse the sun!"

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