

POV MC (???):

MM.. (where am I). I look around

(mmm, It seems, I'm in some dream-like world)

???: hello there!

MC: General Kenobi??!

???: yes and no. I am R.O.B for you

MC: so I Die?, but I don't recall dying.

R.O.B: you didn't die. I took you from your dream. NOW before you ask, you're going To LOTM with one random cheat.

'Paw' a roulette appeared.

(is he serious? A roulette?)

R.O.B: yes I am. Now let's go.

' the roulette starts to turn fast '




After a few minutes...

R.O.B: hooo you are lucky. So, now you can create your pathway to "Above the Sequence",

And I will create for you a corresponding sefirot.

You can choose three things.

One: the name of the "Above the Sequence".

Two: the sefirot name.

Three: the first name of one of the three "Sequence 0".

The other I am the one who chooses the names.

Sooo, what is your choice?

MC: for the god's name I want "the traveler".

He is the one who can travel to any place and any dimension, without any restriction.

As for the sefirot and the "above the sequence", I will leave you to name it...




'I scratch my head ' (Maybe I was too direct.)

If you do not mind?

R.O.B: not at all.


MC: so I want the "Above the Sequence", to have a connection with "Limitless" "evolution" "traveler\without restriction" and "the all-knowing".

R.O.B: amm... I will see what I can do. As for the "all-knowing" thing, I can't. As the real ALL-KNOWING is special in the multiverse.

But I will see what I can do.

MC: OK, Thanks. But why don't I seem to care about my past life?? And I seem to have forgotten some memoirs and faces of people.

R.O.B: well, I did this so you could think rationally. As for your memoirs, Well you don't need them if you die. But if you are strong enough, then you can retrieve them yourself.

MC: I see. Thank you. Then you can transmigrate me. As for the look, I will take [you [reader] can choose for yourself]...



(I look at myself in the mirror that the r.o.b create before me)


R.O.B:you welcome. Now I will give you your gift.

(two big light ball entire the body of the mc)

R.O.B: Now that you have all, have an enjoyable adventure. Bey till next time.

(mc starts to vanish)








???: yo, what up Morpheus? I have a question.

R.O.B/Morpheus: good and you? And stop calling me Morpheus, it was long ago the last time I was there. As for the question, ask if you want. Anyway, you won't stop asking before you get an answer.

???: why did you give that kid an "origin seed" as a sefirot? did the kid have something special?

R.O.B/Morpheus: The kid was an original soul. So he could become a Singularity, and he has a connection to some powerful root.

So a powerful potential. And a potentially powerful Allie.

But that is, IF!!! he can harvest this root.

we will have to wait and see.

Anyway, you need to go. I need the place to reincarnate some soul to prepare for the war.

???: I see. you're telling me this so I help in canceling him from others' eyes. Well for you my friend, why not...There we go, now my friend I need to go. Have a good eon.





MC pov:

A Man in a broken wood house woke up in a bed slightly unclean.

MC: argh... Were, am I? Has, I remember now.

I was talking with some R.O.B.

The man sits up on his bed. Then look around.

And in the middle of looking around, he finds a desk at the far end of the room. he sees on the right of the desk a card, with the word "The Traveler". On the left of the card, there is an envelope with the word "for Mr.Isaac Strauss". And at the far end of the desk, there are some books and some new notebooks with a new pen. And on the ground at the left of the legs of the desk, there is a black suitcase.

'Isaac? Argh... I think Isaac is the name of the body I am in control of.'

The one that now is known as Isaac walks from his bed to the chair in front of the desk. Sit on it and open the envelope with a knife from a drawer that was on the table.

In the envelope were a letter and a key.

In the letter it was written:

"From Mr. R.O.B. To Mr. Isaac Strauss.

So Isaac how was your sleep?

Oh!! right. Did you like the name? It took me some time to select from all the ideas that I have in store from the past.

Anyway. In your hand you have a kay.

It is for the suitcase on your left.

you have in the suitcase some items for helping you for starting.

On the table, you have books for beginners in mysticism and general knowledge for you.

On your right, you have a card I think I don't have to explain.

But just in case. The card on your right is the same as the Tarot card of Roselle Gustav.

Just without the corruption.

In your pocket, you have the Uniqueness of the pathway of the traveler. because of your connection with it as its owner, it changes to a form that fits you"

I put my hands in my pockets.

And find a compass in my right pocket.

'amm... It looks like the compass in Pirate of the Caribbean.'


I continue to read the letter.

"so, kid you need to know a few things.

1) you are the personification and will of the "above the sequence", So you will not have a war in the "above the sequence" level.

BUT!!! You will need to "acting" because of the madness and the twisted law of the universe of LOTM.

2) my friend blessed you. So no god will know, you have transmigrated in that body.

But remember if you change something in the story, they have a chance (and that is still an IF) to know something has changed (the chance increases with the biggest change in the story), but not the one(you) who changes the story.

3) don't forget, to enjoy your life no matter what is upon you.

Goodbye to you my friend and till next time.

From R.O.B. TO Mr.Isaac"

'foo... So that is, I transmigrated...'



(the letter starts a fire on itself)


In the fire of the letter, an image is taking form.

A LOL emoji, with the word "SORRY I FORGET πŸ™ TO TELL YOU"

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