
Chapter 17: Towards Tanzaku-gai

Arriving in front of the Administrative Part of the Academy Building, Tekku spotted his team waiting for him. "All done?" asked Inoichi as the Genin arrived at their side.

"Yes, Sensei. I am ready for the mission," nodded Tekku, determined to proceed with his first C-Rank Mission, although he had no idea what it could be since this was years before Canon.

"Good. Since all of us are now here, we can begin with discussing our mission. Our destination for this mission is in Tanzaku-gai, about 3 hours from here at our current traveling speed. A concerned housewife wants us to spy on her husband, who has been acting strangely. She is concerned that he is in some kind of trouble with the local loan sharks. Tanzaku-gai is famous for being a gambling paradise in the Land of Fire. She wants us to find out what is wrong with him and only make contact with her once we have completed the objective. Based on these parameters, what do you think we should pack?" asked Inoichi, using this opportunity to teach his Genin about standard mission planning.

Tekku was the first to answer, as the other two members of the team were still in thought. "Standard mission supplies for at least two weeks, including emergency rations. This should be enough time to witness what is going on with the target. Further rations can be bought in Tanzaku-gai. We should also pack civilian attire to avoid being identified as ninjas on a mission. We don't want to attract the target's attention and lose the opportunity to complete the objective," he decided after a moment of thought.

"Correct. Even though there is no combat in the mission parameters, always pack enough weaponry and supplies to be prepared for all eventualities. The standard rule for missions is to always be prepared for the worst-case scenario," explained Inoichi, agreeing with Tekku's decision. "And the civilian clothes are also a good idea. It saves you chakra during the mission, as you won't have to use Henge constantly."

The other two genin nodded. "Yes, Sensei. When are we leaving?"

"We will start early in the morning tomorrow at 6. Use the day to gather your supplies and pack them properly. Do you have enough storage scrolls? If not, I'm sure Tekku can prepare some for you. See you tomorrow. Team dismissed!" said Inoichi before he left with a Shunshin.

After Tekku confirmed they didn't need any more storage scrolls, he also disappeared with a Shunshin towards his apartment to pack his needed supplies.

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Early in the morning, the four of them arrived at the Great Gate of Konoha, ready for departure. After Inoichi sensei confirmed that everyone had the proper supplies packed into their bags, he completed the paperwork with the gate guards, who weren't Izumo and Kotetsu yet.

'My first step outside the village!' realized Tekku as he passed through the Great Gate of the Wall surrounding Konoha, onto the path between the massive forests surrounding the village. According to legend, it was the First Hokage who created these forests, and they even contained remnants of his powerful chakra.

Without needing any command, they formed the standard traveling formation they often practiced—a diamond shape. Haruto was in the front as their main close combatant, Hana and Tekku were on the left and right, respectively, as more ranged fighters, and Inoichi sensei was in the back of the formation, covering them all from behind.

"We will be traveling at high Genin speed the whole journey. Ready, go!" said their sensei as they began their travel towards Tanzaku-gai. Their sensei had made sure to train their endurance during their training so they could travel constantly at a higher speed. Currently, the speed they could maintain was at a high Genin level, but they were approaching the Chunin level.

During the journey, Inoichi let them navigate towards Tanzaku-gai with the help of equipment like a compass and map they had packed. Instead of taking a path for civilians, they took the direct route through the forest, traveling across the treetops.

When the walls of Tanzaku-gai came into view, still probably a mile or so away, Inoichi sensei told them to stop. "Okay, we're almost there. Everyone clear on the mission goal?"

"Yes, Sensei! Locate and follow the husband. Check anything related to him—the different loan sharks, gamble spots, and any other possible clue," all three genin and ninken nodded as Hana summarized their goals, coming to a rest from the journey.

"Correct. So how do you want to do this?" asked Inoichi with a smile, letting his team take the lead.

Haruto scoffed, "What's there to discuss? We go in, find the guy, take some photos that prove his guilt, and we're done."

"It may not be that simple, Haruto," said Tekku. "We may not catch him doing anything for many days, and even if we do, it may not be enough. The best thing to do is to split up. We change into civilian attire first. I would suggest Hana visit his home since we have the address and use the three Haimaru Brothers to track him and follow him for the day. Haruto can inconspicuously observe his home and try to find any rumors in its surroundings. Meanwhile, I will visit the Town Hall to find any information on the different loan sharks, gangs, and similar, especially the more dangerous ones. Sensei can secure inn rooms for us and assist us later. We shouldn't be seen together in public, or it could also give away that we are shinobi. Four-man teams are pretty common knowledge even among civilians. So let's only meet in the privacy of our rooms tonight. How does that sound?"

None of the genin had anything to say against that plan, as everything Tekku said made sense. They waited for the decision of their sensei. Inoichi nodded, "That is a sound strategy. I will allow the three of you to gain experience in this mission. So we will follow that plan. I will only interfere if something goes wrong. Let's spread out. I will secure some inn rooms for us in the southernmost inn. We will meet at its backside tonight."

With that command, the team split up and changed into civilian clothes, taking off their Konoha headbands before heading into the town. Tekku entered Tanzaku-gai from the west gate, walking normally into the town.

It was a lively town with many people, including tourists, walking through the populated streets. On the sides of the streets were many stalls selling different kinds of products, like street food and more. After walking towards the center of the city for a bit, Tekku headed to one of the stalls and got a meat skewer, while asking the owner for directions to the Town Hall.

Enjoying his food, Tekku leisurely wandered towards the Town Hall, following the directions. Meanwhile, he observed the different people. There were not only many gambling halls but also beautiful women manning the different gambling halls. It wasn't unlikely that prostitution was another popular branch of the city's economy.

After walking for a while, he finally arrived at a tall, official-looking building, built in the style of the city. Nearby, he could see the Tanzaku Castle, the castle that was destroyed by Orochimaru in the future when the three Sannin and Naruto fought here.

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