
235: Spinner's Lair

Val was teleported to what looked like a monstrous cave, but calling it just a 'cave' wouldn't do justice to it.

After all, it had a very unique ecosystem. 

Trees were sprouting out of the rocky floor and walls of the cave as if they'd been there for ages.

Thus, it seemed that a forest got dropped inside a cave, making it a unique world of its own.

Val looked around. This place would have been quite picturesque if not for the minefield of eggs present inside.

Eggs of different size, color and shape were everywhere, like ornaments decorating a Christmas tree, but much creepier.

And the eggs were of two types.

The first ones were big and yellow. They were scattered here and there on the ground. They looked like oversized, rotten mangoes and were just as unsettling.

The second type of eggs were small and white. They were attached to the trees of the cave with webbing so thick and strong it could probably stop a bullet.

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