
Saying Hi

"So what's your complaint, Danny?" Lauren asked after she was seated beside Sarah, who lovingly held one of her hands.

Danny's expression turned serious again as he said, "It's about Uncle Steffan."

"And what has your uncle Steffan done?"

Everyone's head turned towards the foot of the stairs where the voice sounded from and saw Steffan, who has been silently observing the whole drama between his mother, Danny and Lauren the moment he came from his room.

He was holding onto the railing with an indescribable smile on his face.

Stanley and Candace, his wife also appeared at that moment with Sophia, their daughter.

"What's going on?" Stanley asked, seeing that everyone's attention was focused on Steffan.

"Danny, here is about to lay a complaint about his uncle Steffan and we want to hear what it is. So everyone, take your seat," Sarah announced.

Everyone had an "Oh," expression on their faces, but they sat down nonetheless.


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