
You've Been Quite Busy

Lauren's lips spasmed in a smile as he heard them arguing like children and like always, she had to step in as the peacemaker.

"Mom, is that dad's voice that I'm hearing at the background?"

"Don't mind the old man that is still behaving like a child," Sarah hurriedly threw out.

"Please can I speak with dad?" Lauren requested.

Sarah reluctantly passed the phone to her husband, but not before saying, "next time if you want to speak with him, call his line. I don't want my battery to run down."

"Yes, mom. But for now let's borrow your phone, Ok?" Lauren coaxed.

"Good morning, dad," Lauren said as soon as she heard David's voice.

"Morning my child. How are you?"

"I'm fine and I slept well in case you are worried about me," Lauren infused as much excitement as possible into her voice that should leave no one in doubt of her present state.

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